After our conversation with Mr. Edward. I walked up the stairs of my bed and led to where Simmons had been placed. Knocked at his door and he hurriedly opened.
"You like it in here Simmons?" Asked i as he nodded with a smile on his face. "I will ask Diana to go buy you some clothes to wear. You better rest for now. Later, join me down in the study."
"Okay Miss. Thank you." He responded.
I locked his door and out I led to my own room straight to my closet as I realized everyone minding there business.
I picked the envelope that possessed the piece of candle and key that I had kept safely in the box. Looked around for a match that in no time i caught an eye on from under the bed.
Knelt down to pick it up when accidentally I pulled out a small carpet piece that was laid down. Underneath was a different piece of black and white tile that with circular designs collected at one point.
It's creativity could make anyone's eye blurry with the sight if focusing at the middle.
I looked hard at it realizing a hole that I imagined a lock with a key. Hurriedly, I went closing the door on the inside then back taking the key out of the envelope.
Placed it in fitting right inside the lock and as soon as I twisted, the sound of everything moving out of place. The bed moved backward touching the door while the drawers widened.
I had not picked an eye for the surprise that caught my attention.
Just right under the tile was a couple of multiple stairs that headed done into a basement.
Slowly with care, I sloped down the golden light the came from under the hole and to my fascination, it was pure heaven within the villa dungeons.
The place was grazing in shimmering gold. All around it were mirrors placed all over the wall. They were seventeen to my count and each one had a table in front of it.
Except the beauty the room possessed, there was nothing to pick my attention for. At least at that moment.
Walked up back the stairs and out of the room I came. As soon as i was out. The key popped out by its self placing everything back in order.
I placed back the key in the envelope. And picked the matches that were what I was looking for in the first place.
Fixing the candle on the candle stick. I lit a match. I gazed at nothing happening when suddenly, an image of my father through it flamed.
"Hello child?" He said with a large voice that stuttered me to my attention.
"Father?" Asked I not believing.
"We don't have so much time Tara. Someone is coming. You can only be able to keep that candle flames from the maze chambers." He mentioned.
"Is it that basement under the bed?" I inquired.
"Yes. Blow out the flame child." Said quickly when suddenly Diana slammed my door open."
"Don't you know how to knock?" Gazed I at her after I had kept the candle under the bed.
"Sorry miss. Mister Edward asked me to get you as soon as possible. Sorry again ma'am." Said she frowning to her actions.
"What would be the problem?" Asked I.
" there is a gentleman downstairs wanting a word with you miss." Explained Diana.
"This late? Who could that be?" Inquired I when she threw her shoulder forward expressing her unawareness. " let me get there in a minute then. Thank you." Gestured I asking her to live me alone.
As soon as she left. I rushed to place the candle back in the envelope. Then walked briskly down the stairs.
The gentleman who was asking for my word stood facing the door as if he was gazing at the nob.
Quiet short for a grown man. His clothes were very dirty and possibly torn if only I got to see him closer. His face was rather that of a grown man with a bush of beards that I got to see when he turned to his front.
As soon as he turned, he rushed in front of me having me noticing his barefoot.
"Greetings mistress Lyle." He started.
"Good evening Mr? Who are you sir?"
"My name is Nodrig Berylbane miss. May I have a word with you? in private?" He requested.
"It's not a good idea child. You can't be left alone with a strange man." Argued Mr. Edward.
"I'm a harmless man Sir Edward. I just need a word with the lady of the house." Responded Nodrig smirking.
"Let me Mr. Edward. I can take care of myself. He doesn't look like he can do any harm to me. Look at him." I mentioned. "Let's go to the study Mr. Nodrig.
"No miss." He snapped. "I would rather the outside."
"No!" Loudly said Edward grabbing my hand.
"It's alright Mr. Edward. It won't be long. Right Nodrig.?" I exclaimed.
"It won't be of course."
He led the way twisting the nob on the inside as he waited for me to pass through then locked on the outside.
"It's dark out here." Said I.
"Yes it is Young mistress." He answered.
"What's the matter Mr. Berylbane?" I asked.
"I came from frosthaven Miss Lyle. Who I need to talk to is the Master Flynn Lyle miss. "
"My father passed Mr. Nodrig. Six months ago."
"No. No! That can't be. How are we still alive?" Questioned he having my thoughts back to what Mr. Duksta had also mention earlier on the same day.
"Are you my father's creation too?" Asked I in expectation for the same answer.
"Yes. Except me of course. I'm a Dwarf from the city of Eklane. It's were we used to keep our stay with six of my brothers until one day, we were ambushed and the five were killed. I was the only one who survived that evening. I hid for days till I found Master Lyle looking around for the duchess of Eklane. I knelt on my knees in front of him asking if he could take me in as his slave and in return, I shall help him find the duchess."
"How long has it been since you've been working for my father?"
" three years mistress. He appointed me the caretaker of the frosthaven mine after I managed to find the lost duchess."
"And where is the duchess? To my notice, the king has never been told that his child was found." Said I in clarity.
"Of course Duskwick III doesn't know that his only child lives in the Lyle villa." He deemed.