
Puberty. The age where we humans will go through a metamorphosis and gradually turn into a beastly human nature where our lust, moralities, and physical and mental constitution have profoundly increased.

They were born in Domina Country, where inhumane is the norm. Desmond Coppergown and his twin little sister, Mavis Coppergown's family, The Coppergown family have a tragic history where our grandpa is once a U.S. soldier who invaded Domina in 1950. He was caught by the government, tortured, imprisoned, and later released.

That was the story of my grandpa, who fell in love with a Dominian woman who later gave birth to my dead mother, Cherryl Coppergown. My mother was diagnosed with congenital heart disease and later died after giving birth to my sister and me.

Domina Country is a communist country where many gangs, mafia, yakuza, and runaways rule supreme. A challenging country to live in, perhaps the most difficult.

My father is a dedicated communist who believes in the government as God. Such a depraved way of thinking.

Owning a Holy Grimoire is illegal here in Domina Country. Conversely, my mother inherited one from my grandpa, and later my sister and I inherited it from my mother when she died an unfortunate death.

(AN: I changed Holy Bible to Holy Grimoire to not trigger anyone. Do not be mistaken. Grimore will not have any magical functionality)

My twin sister and I would read it every night. Our fate becomes unwavering, our determination becomes unretained, and our soul becomes pristine and pure. We would pray every day and night for a better future.

When I turned 11, my body was still small and cranky despite all my workout attempts. I have light brown hair with two beautiful blue eyes. My skin is as smooth as a perfect glazed donut waiting to be chewed.

Mavis, aged like wine, has an almost identical face to me, just more feminine. Our hair colors and eyes are the same. If my sister didn't have long hair, people wouldn't be able to tell us apart.

Many have told my sister and me that God has gifted us with abnormal intelligence. That's how we can apply for scholarships to the Horvath junior high using the inheritance money we got from our mother.

We got accepted, and the school cut our yearly school fees 75% off of the actual price, which is a pervasive amount, of course, in the condition that we will work at a particular company that has sponsored the school after we graduate from a university.

We are grateful to be blessed with such god-given intellect and hard-working virtues.

We are genuinely excited about tomorrow's first day at school.

Both of us sit together on my bed in the orphanage.

"Bro, school starts tomorrow. We should sleep!" Mavis exclaims manically.

(AN: Many people don't recognize the difference between manically and maniacally. Manically means in a state of anxiety, while maniacally means doing things in a maniac way.)

It seems that she is looking forward to tomorrow.

"Yes, yes, I know. Geez. You're 11 now, so act like it." I said in my still immature voice. I'm reading an outstanding novel, so I was fuming with annoyance when she interrupted my pace.

My immature voice has perpetually been mistaken for my sister's voice by many workers and children at the orphanage. It angers me, but God said that feeling deep wrath for a person is sinful. I forgave those people and gave them another chance to correct their mistakes.

"Alright... so? When do we pray?" She folded her hands and closed her eyes, waiting for me to take the lead in our prayers.

"Tch! Alright, fine! Let's pray." I fold my hands and close my eyes and pray.


5 AM,

An alarm rang; to be more specific, Mavis's alarm rang, and it woke up Mavis, who was above me, sleeping on this bunk bed. She climbed down and went outside toward the bathroom. She then grabs a glass and fills it up with sink water. She goes back toward our room and splashes my face with the water.

I wake up instantly, "Hey! Why did you do that?" I look at my now wet clothes and bed, "Ms. Yulia will misunderstand if she sees my wet bed."

"Cmon' it's almost time for school," Mavis says with an exhausted voice.

I look into the clock situated above the door.

"It's still 5. School starts at 7.30. Let me sleep 30 more minutes, please..." I beg.

"No can do." Mavis pulls my shaky hand from the bed.

"Mavisssssss. I beg you. please." I look at her using my puppy eyes. "10 more minutes? Please?"

"Nope." She says and continues to pull my hand, and eventually, my body flops down from the bed.

"Ouch! Fine, okay, stop pulling me!" She finally stops and goes to her wardrobe to take out her newly stitched uniform.

"Very well..." She ran outside the door but stopped midway and looked at me, "Bro! Your uniform is in the wardrobe, okay!" I nodded, and she ran back toward the bathroom and showered.

I half-heartedly got up and went to the wardrobe to see my uniform, which was my first ever uniform since I was orphan-schooled from kindergarten to middle school.

The uniform is a full white collared shirt with white buttons interlocking. There are also light blue trousers which look surprisingly comfortable.

I shrugged my shoulder and decided to test my shirt out. I flare my pajamas and try using the uniform.

After wearing it, I look into the tall mirror beside the door.

"Hmm... Not bad..." I jumped and jogged around the room, "Very comforting as expected from the top school in the western district."

I remove my uniform, place it on my bed, and wear my pajamas again.

I sit on my study chair and read this previously interrupted remarkable novel while waiting for Mavis to return.


15 minutes later,

The door opens, and Mavis barge in with full makeup on her face. Her uniform consists of the same white collared shirt, but instead of the trouser, she has a light blue long skirt.

"Why did you use makeup?" I say.

"Because it's our first day."

"But we're not allowed to use makeup to school."

"Ah, cmon' rules are meant to be broken anyways."

"Mavis... It will ruin our image." I look at her thoughtfully. Perhaps I'm being too overprotective toward our reputation, but rules are rules.

"*sighs in exasperation* Fine..." She went back to the bathroom, and I waited once more.


5 minutes later,

The door opens once more.

"I cleaned my makeup... It's your turn to shower." She says low-spiritedly.

"Okay." I used tissue as my bookmark and closed the novel.

I walk toward the bed to pick up my uniform and go past Mavis toward the door. I opened it but stopped mid-way. I look back to Mavis, and Mavis looks back, "See! You're much more beautiful when you're not wearing any makeup." I smiled and closed the door, and headed straight to the bathroom.


I showered for around 10 minutes.

I pick up my uniform and wear it. Then, I go to my room and see Mavis's face sparked up in a gleeful act of happiness.

"We will go at 7. Okay?" I say.

"Okay!" She says.

And now we wait.


Alfa is the capital city of Domina Country. The city has four different districts that differ because of the various school gangs situated in it.

Horvath High was the one that ruled the western district. It has a top educational prowess but also has the entire gang in the district of the west located in it. Unfortunately, it is the only school that offers a decent scholarship. We had no choice.

Mavis and I must be careful not to pry into anyone else's business.

I taught her to be brave and NOT to help anyone in need, even if it breaks the grimoire's rules. I'm sorry, God, but I prioritize my sister's safety more than anything.