Chapter 6

I wake up, my body feels weird. I don't recognize the room I am in. Am I dead? I take a look around, fuck these white walls, they are so bright, they hurt my eyes. I must be dead, only heaven could be this bright.

"You're awake!" The voice is loud; it makes my ears hurt. I turn my head in the direction of the voice.

"How many?"

"I'm sorry what was that?" the woman comes closer.

"How many survived?"

"Look for yourself. Your squad is in here too." The woman says, then she goes to the window and pulls the blinds shut and dims the lights.

There are only three others with me, the other six beds are empty. Oh god, I want to panic, who, who did we lose. I feel the tears escape, I don't want to know who.

After a few minutes, I sit up and take a better look. Zero, Jo, and Jasper…. Max is the only one, I felt angry internally. He knew he couldn't make it, I did everything I could to make sure he would. I did everything. I start to shake, my body seems uncontrollable. I could feel pain in every inch of this body. It hurt, but losing a family member, losing Max, that hurt worse.

"Congratulations, you survived." Ezekiel interrupts. "Sorry for your losses." He looks at the six empty beds. "I wish we could have told you, we knew they wouldn't…"

"You knew and you still let them die." I yell. I feel the rage consume my body. "You are a monster."

"Sadly, even if I wanted to stop it I couldn't." He shows no real signs of empathy. "Once you start taking the pills, it was too late." I don't care, the anger is in control, I could kill him right here, right now. "If it helps, I will let you put their names on the wall." I want to spit at him, but I don't. I fight myself into submission, I need to remain calm. Even if I tried to do anything there's no saying I would win, I'm not used to this body. "Sam, once your more able to control your body, you owe me your end of our bargain."

I completely forgot that I had made that deal. "I want the details here and now." I got to my feet, I grab the bed till I gain my balance. I feel lighter on my feet, I like it. I step forward towards him. "Now," I demand.

"Impressive. Does anything hurt?"

"What you think?" I hiss. "Tell me what I have to do."

"I want you to kill someone." My eyes go huge. "I want you to kill the person who beat you." So, he wants me to get revenge, something inside me liked the sound of that. I will make it slow, I'll take my time and ensure he feels the pain he made me feel.

"It would be my pleasure," I say, a wicked grin forms on my face.

When Ezekiel leaves, I sit back down. I hold up my hands and clench and unclench them. I think I could get used to this. I can hear the nurse walking back to the room… 3, 2, 1. She walks into the room carrying a plate.

"Take this." She hands me a little blue pill. "It will help with the pain." I swallow it, then get up and look out the window, it's still super bright, but it doesn't hurt my eyes anymore. We are on the third floor.

"I want to start training immediately." I inform the nurse. "I don't care if I'm not supposed to, I want to."

"I will make arrangements," She says shyly.

I couldn't allow myself to mourn the deaths of my teammates. I need to be ready to kick the blood wolves asses so I can be done with this place and these people.

I start walking around the room to get used to my weight. I walk around in circles and then I go to each of my teammate's bedsides. I want them to wake up, it's lonely being the only one awake. After an hour passes, Jo is the first to wake up. I go sit by her.

"Told you we would make it," I tell her when she sees me. I want to keep it a secret that more the half the team didn't make it, I can't do that though, it's selfish of me. "Max didn't make it."

Water begins to collect in Jo's eyes, but it doesn't escape. "You tried your best." She smiles up at me. "Someone once told me… that the people we love never leave us. Well, they do, but they pass their strength to us." Damnit, I knew it was true but still…

"I suppose so." I try to hide the pain. "I want us to start training our new bodies immediately. You don't have to, but I think it will be good for us." I say that to change the subject.

"Okay." She nods her head. "I agree, we are at war after all."

"Am I dead." Zero mumbles. "This place is weird."

"Oh yeah, you're absolutely dead," Jo responds in a teasing manner.

"You mean I have to put up with you in heaven to?!?" Zero complains.

"You're not dead yet idiot," I say while holding in a laugh. I couldn't tell Zero about Max, they were buddies.

The last to wake is Jasper. To my surprise, I find out that I'm the only one that feels pain. I don't tell any of them. I need to be a tough leader. Of course, Zero takes losing max harder than me, he accidentally punches a hole in the wall. We all agree to start training immediately.


"Wake up guys. We got scheduled for another early training." I yell before I turn on the light blinding everyone. It's been almost five weeks since we woke up in recovery. I push them hard, it is good for us. Our squad earned the title of 'fastest recovery' because of how hard I have been pushing them. We train at six am, eat breakfast, shower, do an hour long workout, get two hours to relax, then go for a run around the pond before I let anyone slack off.

The only one who complains is Zero, then Jo cracks a joke that makes us all laugh. I keep myself distanced from them to keep myself from feeling emotions. At night, I make them get 8 hours of sleep per night.

"One more minute," Zero yells, his voice muffled by his pillow.

"I'll get the ice water," I joke.

"Fine, fine," he sits up, rocking his major bed hair.

"Zero I think you need a haircut," Jo yells from her bed.

"Probably," Zero agrees.

This morning Jasper is already up and ready. He's quieter than normal.

"Everything okay Jasper?" I ask, looking his direction.

"Yeah." He hesitates for a second. "She's due to have the child soon."

"Oh." I stop to think for a bit. "Stay here with her then. Just in case."

"No," he rejects. "She will be okay without me, I need to train." I like the spirit, but still, that's his wife. He should be here for the baby; he shouldn't miss something like that, but I didn't stop him.

"Okay. Hurry." I already have my shoes on. "Zero, you have an appointment with the doctor to check on your arm today, so don't forget that." Zero is struggling to control his arm still, and the doctors are trying to help him gain more control.

Once everyone is ready, I march them down to the gym. We do our stretches then the fun begins. Jo and I get the punching bags out to practice out punching. I make Zero do more punches than anyone else, to help him out. Once those are done, we practice dodging punches and kicks on each other.

We have guns, but I want to teach them to fight with fists. A gun won't do any good if they get attacked in close combat.

"Alright good job everyone," I say as training comes to an end. "I'd say you're slowly getting better with your arms Zero. We have an official mission tomorrow guys." I say with excitement. A small crowd is starting to form (the next group coming for training).

We walk out, heads held high. We've all been waiting for this moment.

"I can't wait," Jo says, voice full of excitement.

"Training finally pays off," Jasper yells following up with a whoop.

"I've heard rumors we are going to fight soon," Zero butts in. "They think that the enemy is moving closer."

"Those are just rumors. Hey Zero, I think, until your arm problem is solved, you should sit this mission out. I know you want to, but I can't risk you having an issue, especially if we get attacked. I've been told that our troops have been getting attacked more often." Zero got a sour look on his face.

"Understood," He moans.

I just roll my eyes. I know he will be fine, but I don't want to chance it. What if I can't make it to him and he dies… I shake my head, I can't have those kinds of thoughts. "I know you want to help…" I start. "But…." I can't lose you too. "You need to be able to control your arm."

"Okay." Zero stops walking. "You know what, I can't do this anymore."

"Do what anymore." Shit…. he's onto me.

"You walk around shutting us out. I know you took losing Max as hard as I did, but that's not an excuse to work us to death and be emotionally unattached." Zero folds his arms and stares directly into my eye. "We are family remember."

"Zero, back off," Jo says stepping in between us. "This is probably just her way of protecting us while mourning."

"Of course," Zero laughs. "And you can't deny that you like Sam, I've seen how you stare, yet you don't say anything. You out of any of us should have stopped her and talked to her. Instead, you just let her do whatever, well as for me, I'm done with this. I refuse to train unless she stops acting like a robot." Jo turns bright red to the mention of her liking me.

"I agree with Zero, except, the training isn't that bad." Jasper throws in. "You haven't been you, since that day."

What they were all saying is true. I'm just trying to protect them. "I'm sorry," I let my emotions flood to the surface. "I…. I can't lose you guys…." I can feel the tears starting to run.

"We have each other's backs," Jo says, wiping the tears. "After all, that's what family is for." She smiles at me. The other two nod their heads in agreement.

"Now show us the real Sammy." Jasper encourages.

"Don't call me Sammy," I say with a smile. Saying what I felt somehow helped; it doesn't weigh down on me as much anymore.

We walk back to the room shoulder to shoulder laughing and joking. It feels nice.

"Hey!" Jax says as he and Andromeda enter the room. "You all look cheery. We wanted to inform you that Ezekiel wants us to take a few other people out on the mission with us. We have orders to join you, not that you'd have any problems, but you know the man."

"Sure that's fine." I put on my tough act. "But I don't take orders." I joke. "Just let me know who is joining us."

Jax laughs. "I see why you like this one. Well, Sam, you will be accompanied by myself, Andromeda, and someone you may remember from unit C."


The next morning.

"Rise and shine guys." I throw our mission uniforms at everyone. "Get a shower if you need one then meet down in the mess hall."

I don't have to argue today, everyone jumps up and out of bed. We are ready for this.

"You sure you want me to come?" Zero asks again, checking to see if I'm sure.

"Hell yeah. We are a family, we came all this way together, you deserve to be there." I respond enthusiastically.

We march proudly to the cafeteria to meet up with Andromeda and Jax for breakfast.

"Oh my god, Zed?!" I say surprised to see him there. "Welcome back."

Zed is shaken by me greeting him in such a manner. So is the team, but I don't care.

"Err. Hey." He stands there awkwardly. "You didn't tell me they were coming." He looks at Jax.

"Well, it's their mission. You're the one I wanted to come so you could see how much the group went through to fix the reputation you left them with." Zed just glared us all down. I can only imagine how much he hates me now.

Breakfast was quick, the sooner we get out there the safer it should be. We go out to the side by sides.

"Before we go, I gotta throw some stuff out there," Jax says putting his hands behind his head. "Last time you came out here it was relatively safe. Since then, some new rules have been made because of recent attacks while we've been on patrol." He looks each of us in the eyes before continuing. "If you leave the group, take someone with you. If you gotta pee, take someone with you. Don't ever go off on your own, even if it's not that far. A C\couple of our men have been killed." I can see how serious Jax is being. "If we get attacked, run, do not fight back, just get yourselves out of there. There is not enough of us to fight them off."

He tosses me the keys after he finishes the rules. We get crammed into the side by side and Jax hopes on a four wheeler with Andromeda.

"I don't know where we are supposed to go, so I'll follow you," I shout at Jax, they didn't give me a map.

We take off, I follow close behind Jax. The path is different from the one we were on last time. This one was less kept, the grass is growing in the road and tree branches hang low enough to smack us if we weren't careful.

We pull up to a wooden house. The place is eerie quiet. Something felt off. Jax carefully gets off the four-wheeler and looks around then comes over to me.

"Something feels off. Be on your toes. From here we walk." He takes another look around. He has a scared look in his eyes.

"You heard the man." I get out and grab the weapons in the back and pass them out. "Jo, stick with me, Zero stick with Jasper. Zed, you can stay with Andromeda and Jax." Now I understand the new rules much better. This place is scary.

We take off walking further away from home. No one talks; the tension so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. In the distance I can hear a bird, maybe it wasn't a bird, but that's what I could hear. Jax is at the head of the trail and Andromeda is at the end of the tail.

"Stop." Jax whispers, he beckons me to come closer to him. We kneel down. He points out something, a piece of twine. "They are watching us. The bird sounds, that is them saying we are coming. Do not let anyone touch this. It will set off an alarm." I nod my head. Andromeda comes up to see why we have stopped.

"I don't think we should stay on the path. It's too obvious." She suggests.

"But the trees are dense here," Jax says with concern. "We could walk into an explosive and not know till it's too late."

"Fair point." They turn on me. "What do you think."

"..." I don't know what to do. I ponder for a second. "How about two of us scout ahead while the rest stay here hidden? Go so far then come back to get you guys and keep doing the same thing."

"That may work," Jax says. "So who? How long do the other wait?"

"Obviously someone who knows what they are looking for. I'm willing to go with them," I answer

"I'll take you then," Jax says. "I know about the traps best of anyone here. Andromeda tell the others the plan. Give us ten minutes to come back or leave."


Jax and I carefully cross the twine. While Jax keeps his eyes glued to the ground I search the surroundings for any sign of movement.

"Clear." Jax whispers. We go back and get the team then continue on.

The further we go, the worse it gets. Zed is pissy because we put him in the back of the line. We get to the next clearing. Jax checks for traps, then we sit and take a break. The sun is high over our heads.

"I can't take this," Zed whines. "I have the most boring part." Without thinking he gets up and walks into an area Jax hasn't checked.

"Shit!! Zed stop!" Jax yells, as we get up to go get him.

It is little too late, Zed steps onto another twine. We hear rattling travel throughout the trees.

"You idiot!" Jax yells grabbing Zed and throwing him back. "Now they know where we are!"

We can hear the hooting; it's getting louder and closer. We needed to hide, but it is too late. We are surrounded. I can hear them. Then from the northeast, something comes flying, a bomb. We run as far as we can get. A blast goes off, my ears ringing the sound playing over and over, we are sent flying in every direction. In seconds I get up, I find Jo and Zero, I tell them to run. Jasper had escaped the blast and is fighting off someone. I find Andromeda, she's dead, blood oozing from where a tree branch went through her stomach; it is a horrific sight. Ears still ringing, I find Zed, he can't move, he's screaming in pain, I pick him up and carry him on my back as I run.

The others are waiting just beyond the path from me. The woman Jasper was fighting off is now laying in a puddle of her own blood. I catch up to the others, Jasper takes Zed and we run.

We pass the first twine. Soon after the wood base comes into view. We reach the side by side, all that training paid off. I start it and everyone jumps in and hall ass back to base.


"Sir, we spotted dust flying on the old trail! Do you think it's them?" Grant says as he bursts into Ezekiel's office.

"What?!" Ezekiel's eyes are huge. "They should have been back an hour ago. They should be dead by now." He jumps up, and they run out to the parking lot. They can hear the side by side.

"Holy shit sir, they are flying."

I slam on the breaks as hard as I can when we reach the clearing. We all get jerked forward then come to a halting stop inches from the Commanding Officer and General.

"Get a doctor immediately!" Ezekiel says after taking one glance at us. I could still hear the ringing in my ears. I could feel something oozing down the sides of my cheeks and down onto my jaw. I touch it with my finger and look; it's red. My eardrums must have been blown from the blast.

I feel light headed and sick, but at least we made it back in one piece… mostly. My brain plays over and over in my head the vision of Andromeda's guts spilling onto the ground as she bled to death.

I pass out, there's just too much going on. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in my bed in my room. I can see Jo, Zero, and Jaspers faces all looming over me.

Jo throws her arms around me. "We thought you were going to die. If it wasn't for you, we would all be dead." She whispers to me in my ear.

"They sent a search team to find Andromeda and Jax." Zero states. "It's not your fault, you couldn't save everyone. Andromeda is… dead, no one could find Jax's body. Zed's legs are never going to work again. he's pissed you saved him and says now he owes you."

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Almost three days. You missed the birth of Sammy." Zero answers.

"You were brave back there, how could I not name my son after you."

"You killed one of them. You did better than me."

"Yeah, well you saved over half the team."
