Chapter Eleven

Glossy pink eyes settled on Lily like a prey.

Lily's scalp prickled, ' how did this happen? ' she asked herself with no answer to the question.

Lily thought of her chances of escape without being killed and knew that the possibility was very low.

The stinging pain from her knee also spoke of the impossibility of any form of movement anytime soon.

Lily grunted lowly in pain and huddled close to a wall as a graceful figure walked to her.

The woman had bright pink eyes which held elliptical pupils in the middle like a snake and her entire body was covered in snakeskin and scales. She looked at Lily strangely.

She hissed lowly as her eyes trained on Lily, her hips moved sensually as she walked.

The little smile on her lips showed her exposed fangs which were long, thin, and hollow with a beveled tip.

Lily shrank into the wall as the snake woman stood in front of her and squatted to meet her eyes but she looked down and dodged it.

Something was mesmerizing about the snake's eyes and Lily felt it was best she avoided looking at her directly.

She raised her hand and her cold fingertips ran across Lily's face.

Lily shivered at the ice-cold touch as it trailed her face and a harsh grip clamped her jaw and forced her to look up. Lily's eyes dodged.

"Look at me." The snake woman said. Her low and kittenish voice sent shivers through Lily. Her soft voice held a tone that made it impossible for Lily to disobey.

Like in a trance, Lily looked up and her eyes dulled upon meeting the snake woman. The snake woman smiled "You look so young," she said and lowered her head. She placed her forehead on Lily's "and pretty too," she laughed softly with a hiss "I want you" she continued.

Somewhere in her consciousness, a little voice was telling her to snap out of it, that the situation wasn't easy and she was in danger but the soft voice of the snake woman was blocking all reasoning.

She dug her fingers into her hands and her eyes regained clarity but only for a second as her eyes were beginning to turn pinkish, she rested her forehead on the snake's, and a dazed smile rested on her lips.

The snake woman smelled Lily's collarbone and her fangs extended. She opened her mouth to dig her teeth into Lily who was looking ahead dazedly.

Fidal was probably trapped.

That random thought jolted Lily awake and her eyes cleared. She looked at the snake woman and inadvertently caught her exposed fangs before she roughly pushed her away with all the strength she could muster.

She wobbled to her feet and picked up a piece of the broken shelf then limped towards the room she ran from.

She was beginning to form an idea about the snake woman and the fact that she was manipulating her thoughts didn't escape her.

The snake woman sprang to her feet and hissed angrily. She shot two strings of liquid at Lily who ducked for her life.

Lily grunted heavily because her injured knee scrapped the floor.

Her eyes stung as blood slowly oozed out from her wound.

The snake woman hissed as she walked to Lily and jerked her up by wrapping a hand around her neck.

The iron-like grip cramped Lily's airways as struggled to breathe.

She felt dizzy and stars swirled in her vision. In the struggle, her hands found the broken piece of wood that she used to aid herself and with her last strength, she swung it straight at the snake woman's face.

The move caught the woman by surprise and it successfully threw her off Lily.

The snake woman's eyes turned harsh pink and she lunged at Lily.


Fidal rubbed her temple and sighed as the door of the oubliette banged close.

Her ears picked the sound of Lily's steps as she ran away.

She sat on the ground, with her eyes lowered as she tapped her fingers calmly.

She was aware of the fact that Lily has been trying to escape from the very moment she roughly took her from her home but she had miscalculated how far the teacher will go for her freedom.

She wasn't fully guarded against Lily, a misstep on her part that resulted from her thoughts that Lily was only human and couldn't go against her.

She stood up from the floor, her black eyes shined blue as they adjusted to the darkness of the room.

Various human skeletons scattered across the vast room. Some looked to be missing some parts or limbs. The bones of what looked to be rats were seen in cages scattered across the floor. She grimaced. The situation kept getting eerie. A slaughter table in a temple and now, the presence of what looked like a torture house was underneath it.

Fidal looked up at the locked door far above and couldn't stop the sigh that escaped her lips.

She lifted a cage and some bones poured out from inside, the moldy smell in the air thickened and her hands were dusty. The cage was supposed to be too heavy for a human to lift but she carried it effortlessly and placed it in the middle of the room. She gathered the other cages that she placed atop each other in form of stairs.

She climbed the makeshift stairs to the top and smashed the door of the oubliette with a punch and climbed out easily.

As she looked around, she picked up the sound of a snake's hiss and walked towards it.

A woman-like snake had her hands around Lily's throat and was smothering her.

Her fangs were exposed and she tried to attack Lily's neck.

Lily was struggling and failing to push her off as her face was beginning to change color.

The snake woman was suddenly sent flying with a kick.

Lily gasped and her dizzy eyes saw Fidal standing in front of her. She had never felt so glad to see her. She tried to take in huge gasps of air only to cough painfully.

Fidal stood in front of Lily, blocking her from the snake's eyes with her hands in her pocket.

"You must be very impertinent to try to kill someone I still have use for."

The snake hissed "And you must be bold to dare stand in my presence. Do you know who I am?"

Fidal laughed humorlessly, her eyes holding flames and a promise to kill "Look around princess, we're no longer in your era."

The snake screeched and lunged at Fidal who took a step back and avoided her attack.

She wrapped a hand around the top of the snake's head and smashed it into the nearest wall. She slammed her feet into the snake's head digging a huge dent in the wall.

The snake turned around a spat two strings of liquid at Fidal who step sided and it missed.

Knowing she couldn't match Fidal, the snake woman threw her head backward and a black snake crawled out from her throat.

As soon as the snake peeked its head out, it lunged at Fidal with its fangs bared. Fidal's eyes flashed blue and the snake landed on the floor.

In the split second Fidal took her eyes from the woman, she turned into a snake and slithered away out the window.

"She's getting away." Lily wheezed.

Fidal turned to Lily and eyed her sorry state.

"Even if she stayed and I killed her, I need to seal her body again so her snakes won't escape and you happened to have smashed the pot."

Lily knew that Fidal wasn't explaining rather she was blaming her but she refused to let it slide. "Why are you blaming me, it's your fault, you promised to protect me, after all, I'm someone you still have use for." Thick sarcasm coated her tone.

Fidal ignored her words and walked toward her then picked her up from the ground.

Lily was surprised and subconsciously wrapped her hands around Fidal who lowered her eyes and gave her a dark look.

Lily pursed her lips with a stubborn look on her face. Anyways, they were both at fault.