Chapter 17

Ashnah was back to the training grounds. She would like to check on Melanie, however, the elders' eyes are set on her progress. She cannot afford to give them the disappointment that may pull down those who have supported her. She stretched out her legs and arms as her mind was full of thoughts of Melanie's memories that had seeped in her mind.


Her soul almost separated from her body when Monette shouted from a distance. It was a rare chance for her to be training with the other newbies since she was scheduled to be exclusively trained by Uncle Arnold and the some selected mentors in the organizations. However, two of the mentors are out in a mission and the other was called out in the main base. While she kind of force Uncle Arnold in some deal, making him file an emergency leave. It wasn't easy to do but because of his connections and the circumstances, they were able to make an excuse for his absence.

Another luck on their side is Ashnah's schedule. It is time for her physical training, wherein that would require an opponent for a dummy fight. Being paired with someone from her batch would test out her progress. Her eyes glimmered with anticipation for the coming next hours.

"Heya!" she called out. Familiar faces greeted her and another one that she hadn't expected.

"Hey, Ash," greeted Elix.

"Elix!" she said in shrill. "What are you doing here? I mean I'm happy to see you, it's just surprised to see you here in the org." She felt guilty somehow. After their fight, she panicked when Melanie lost consciousness and was rushed to the hospital. She completely forgot about Elix.

"Yeah, things happened, and someone from your org came to see me. Things are not that much clear yet, but I believed this was the thing that was bothering you before," he said with his sheepish smile.

"Yeah, pretty much," she smiled, empathizing how he must be feeling right now. Most of the trainees already gotten their peers and grouped themselves. Late comers always had difficulties fitting in the circle during those times. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to forget about you. It's just that Melanie collapsed and I completely panicked."

"No, it's okay. Fina explained the situation. And she said you've been busy since then so I understand," understanding shone in his eyes.

"No worries, we got him covered," Monette chirped. "We can never let a friend of yours go off on a lone journey helplessly."

"Yeah, they said they knew you so we somehow vibed as we talked," Elix said.

"Just tell her, Elix. Tell Ashnah how Monette was being an annoying bugger," Norze teased Monette with his irksome smirk.

Monette kicked his knee, but he was prepared and caught her calf with his palm.

"Old attacks don't work on me, midget."

"This vexing oaf, you still have the gall to irritate me!" Her face flushed with annoyance as her hand touched the bermuda grass.

"Accept facts, midget. It will help you calm down in same inane situations."

"You!" Monette groan. She gather her strength and kicked him with her other feet. Norze was not able to comprehend that time and was caught off guard. s

Though he immediately picked himself up as soon as he saw Monette stood. They ran around the ground like some kids throwing their punches and kicks to each other, leaving both Ashnah and Elix laughing out loud.

"They always bicker, do they?" Elix said in amusement.

"The day will cry if they won't," she said in agreement.

"Ash, you're back finally!" It was Cale. "And you've seen our surprise guest" He said as his eyes turned to Elix. There's something in his eyes that she couldn't put her fingers on.

"You two already met?" she said, her eyes going back and forth to both men.

"Yeah. Fina and I were the ones who went after him after Arnold reported how the incident happen. Fina already knew he would come so she sent for me before someone do the deed."

They sat comfortably on the bermuda grass, waiting for everyone to come and start their training session.

'I need to speak to Fina.' Her search for any clue regarding Uncle Arnold's death was fruitless until the Melanie's incident happened. Through her memories, she was able to determine a place that is similar to Fina's description on her vision. She left a Fina a message, stating she needs her time.

"Did you met Jin already?" Cale asked Elix.

"No, not yet. They're not sure yet when he's going to be back."

"I see," Cale nodded.

Others came as well as their trainor for the day. Ashnah was thankful that the instructor has treated her like the others and not with special attention. Their trainor have made a table for their round-robin fight so that he can assess their progress and check part they should developed more.

Everyone was having fun but they got serious when they're in the mock battlefield. Everyone have progressed greatly. Each of them have put up a good fight. Even their trainor for the day was deeply impressed. They were able to take control of their spiritual gifts. Except for Ashnah. She had been fighting her assigned mock battles with her only physical strength. Though she's winning every battle that she's on.

"Ashnah," called the trainor. "Why aren't you using your spiritual gift in your battles?"

"No, coach. I can't," she answered sincerely.

"Do you not deem your opponent worthy?" His brows drawn in irritation.

"No, not that coach, my gifting funcitons differently," she said in her defense.

"Her gift isn't the same as the others," Cale explained to her rescue while evading his match's attack in his own mock battle. He stopped the incoming kick intended to his face; he pulled his enemy's leg in the mid air and kicked him hard enough for him to curl on the ground when he landed.

"I don't see any sense as to how it connects to her reason why she cannot use her spiritual gift during our mock bottle. I need to assess her progress afterall," the trainor's jaw tensed.

"Derrick, her gift does not manifest like ours. Open your spiritual eyes and see how her aura is different. With how wide you can open your spiritual eye, I don't know why you can't see how different she is from us," Jin's voice countered, his pitch a little higher than usual.

"Jin," Ashnah whispered.

Derrick's eyes withdraw from their gazing battle. "Why are you here, Mr. Matsunaga?"

"I'm here for Ashnah," his gaze briefly shifted to her. "She's called in the director's office."

"You go for now, Ms. Hiraya," Derrick dismissed her begrudgingly.

Ashnah looked at her friends for her silent goodbye. Monette and Norze are still engaged in their mocked battle, not aware of the ongoing commotion she's in. There's reluctance on Cale's eyes; however, he knew it would be better for her to be out of the current situation. They are already gaining the attention of the others. Elix, on the other hand, was just done with his fight--which puzzled Ashnah how he could have even countered the strikes his opponent had launched against him. She's not aware that he had done any training before.

"Ash," called Jin to her wandering thoughts. "We should go."

Ashnah took her strides towards his direction.