Chapter 21: Fischl the Fashionista.

Emmy walked home with Fischl in tow. She half carried her friend toward the direction of the house as they enjoyed the peaceful silence.

"So, how was your first day of training?" Emmy asked Fischl and looked at the people moving around her.

"It was a dreadful endeavor however the heavenly dew never is bestowed upon the slothful," Fischl said slowly as she started to gain more strength in her legs.

"Hmm... It'll get better with time, I promise you that. Well, it did for me at least."

"When will one be able to pierce through the folds of heaven and shatter the deceitful firmament?"

[. . .]

Emmy paused as she heard some static from the system as Fischl had said those words. She didn't know why but she stored them in her memory for later and continued walking, answering Fischl's question.

"Weapons training will begin in a month and two weeks I believe, so we have to raise your strength first."


Fischl remained silent and the conversation ended right there. Emmy began thinking about what type of weapon she would use as her main form of physical combat. She didn't have a preference but she might stick to Mondstadt's customs, choosing to use either a great sword or a long sword.

She would explore her choices when the time came but that time had yet to come.

Emmy took Fischl to her house, pausing to open the door once she arrived and entered. She let go of Fischl and let her work on her own now, unsupported. The girl stretched before looking at Emmy silently asking her what to do.

"You can stay here at my house for today, I'll cook dinner while you can go clean up yeah?" Emmy said as she went towards her kitchen.

Fischl nodded, walking toward the bathroom that was upstairs and Emmy went to cook something to eat. She lit the stove, grabbed the ingredients, and began cooking her version of sticky honey roast.

"Hah~ I hope this lasts forever," Emmy said muttering as she placed the pot on the stove.


A few days had passed since then and Emmy was currently going to the adventures guild with Fischl. They had to meet up with Andre and the others since they knew where Harlin lived, Harlin said that he would wait for them at his house.

As the days passed, Emmy and Fischl kept sleeping at each other's houses, moving from place to place. They went to train every day with the boys and the gang had grown closer together. Learning more about each other and what they dealt with in the day-to-day.

Emmy, for one, learned that most if not all of their parents were either adventurers or people with significant influence, like merchants and knights. Due to this, they bonded rather quickly.

Emmy stopped as she looked at the group in front of her, they were leaning against the wall or squatting on the ground. Katherine had a forced smile on her face that said she wanted to get rid of them immediately.

"Hey, Boss! Boss is here," Andre shouted as he started waving happily.

"Finally," Arie bounced off the wall he was leaning on and muttered quietly.

"Boss Em, hope you're having a great day," Sebastian said.

"Good morning," Ansgar who was squatting on the ground saluted.

"Let's go over to my place, for now, it's still a little early for the celebration to start," Emmy said, drawing nods from the others.

Fischl walked up to Ansgar and she stared at him for a few moments and him at her. She extended her hand and she took it, she pulled him up and he muttered a "thank you" with Fischl nodding her head.

Emmy and the others looked at the scene in confusion for a few moments before they began to move toward Emmy's house. Emmy stayed back for a few steps before going up to Katherine.

"Sorry for the trouble," She apologized, as she saw how annoyed Katherine was a while ago.

"Oh! No need it was just a little uncomfortable getting strange looks from the passerby," Katherine said with the same small smile on her face.

Emmy thought she was wrong but did she always have that same smile all the time?

"Boss!" Ansgar shouted bringing the rest of the group to attention.

"Go on now, don't keep your friends waiting," Katherine said and her smile deepened.

"Uh... Bye then."

Emmy started walking toward her friends. Subordinates? Comrades? She didn't know why but calling kids her age her minions sounded a tiny bit much.

"I was a bit busy with Katherine, let's go now yeah."


"Hmph! Let us march to the lost land of the crimson eagle, I Fischl shall guide you."

Emmy listened as the others agreed with her and she walked on the side of Fischl, letting her lead the others. She was also now painfully aware of the looks that others were giving them.

Who wouldn't be seeing a group of kids walking side by side, it would be hard not noticing how they nearly took up the whole road. There were of course complaints.

"Hah~ Kids these days, so easily forming gangs and such."

"Oi! Watch where ya going ya buggers!"

"Aye, who you kids like a taste of this new candy, I brought from the Land of Inazuma. Its name is Dango, the roundness of the balls offers and succulent and smooth texture, allowing it to go down with little difficulty. It is also chewy and has a good lasting taste, allowing you to relish its sweetness for days! It also..."

Emmy and her friends all walked forward more quickly as they were suddenly bombarded with complaints, criticism, and even purchasing suggestions.

"I would have thought that this merchant would be from Liyue, he was too talented," Andre said as he munched on some Dango.


When did he buy that?

Looking at them now she saw all of them had various things in their hands and even the most serious one Arie, had some Dango in his mouth. Emmy began looking for Fischl and saw her being led away by some merchant to look at his wears, it looked suspiciously like sculpting tools.

"Fischl! Let's go!" Emmy shouted out as she rushed toward Fischl.

'This girl didn't she learn her lesson,' Emmy thought as she pulled Fischl away and thanked the merchant before going back to the group.

'What is happening in Mondstadt today?'


"Hah~ what is happening today of all days, is it some special occasion?" Emmy asked as the gang sat inside her house, all of them were either on the couch or were sitting on the carpet in the middle.

Well... Only Andre sat on the carpet but still.

"I think it has something to do with the current economic boom in Liyue, the current Tiangquan is said to be a genius in that regard," Sebastian said as he clasped his hands, looking at the floor in contemplation.

"Economic boom? It must be quite large to be considered a "boom" in the city of commerce," Arie said indifferently, resting his head on his palm.

"At least the Dango is tasty," Andre said, not really caring. "The merchant didn't lie to me after all."

"I don't understand but does this affect any of us? I mean we're just kids," Ansgar said, as he looked at all of the others.

"The land of a mountains blood and endless gold dictate the fate of us not. Only through seeking the promised land shall one be saved and redeemed," Fischl said arms crossed and she tapped her arms with her fingers.

"Yeah, Ansgar and Fischl are right. This doesn't concern us right now we should be focusing on getting dressed and moving over to Harlin's house. Did you all bring your clothes?"


"I did!"

Emmy nodded and gestured toward the stairs, "You all can change in the bathroom or my room if you wish," Emmy didn't mind them going into her room, it didn't have much to see in there.

"Alright guys, let's get moving so we can get to Harlin's house by noon," Sebastian was the first to stand and the others followed after him.

Emmy and Fischl stood behind them and began to glance at all the gifts that were around the area. Emmy's eye was particularly attracted to the bag by Fischl's feet, she didn't know what her gift was despite living together for such a time.

"Hey Fischl, what's your gift?" Emmy asked as she soon noticed that they were alone.

"It's... a robe fashioned of a star-lions mane and phoenix feathers, forever shall it bade the eternal frost. Imbued with the might of eternal night, it is as soft as divine silk and-" Fischl began speaking heatedly but was interrupted.

"Fischl..." Emmy began "You can make clothes!"

Emmy was shocked and a little jealous that Harlin would be the first to get it. She almost wanted to take it but was aware of how immature it was and restrained herself. It didn't stop her from casting a glance at the bag though, longingly so.

"Can..." Emmy started, "Can you make one for me?" She had to ask if she were to miss the chance to get hand-made clothes from Fischl she might regret it.

"Hmph! So even the mighty have fallen for the creation of my hand. Very well, you shall be granted the honor of displaying the garb of the Immernachtriech upon your mortal form," Fischl boasted looking at Emmy through her fingers.

"Hmm... Thanks a lot. I can't wait to wear the clothes Amy made for me. So nice," Emmy had a small smile on her face, unlike her usual impassive face.

Fischl held her arms and lowered her eyes shyly, in truth she felt a little happy as well. She would do her best so that her friend would acknowledge her skills.

Meanwhile, the boys upstairs were checking themselves out in the mirror.