Chapter 37: Hane Kenjutsu.

Emmy and Instructor Mist went toward a door located at the back where he was seated. They went through, just to find an empty room and a system terminal. It was floating in the air idly and was currently a blank screen.

Instructor Mist walked up to the screen and placed his palm on it. The screen lit up at his touch and now seemed to be scanning his hand.

[Physical Technique panel activated, choose desired sword art.]

"Alright kid, I'll be choosing a sword art that's pretty easy to learn for beginners like you," Instructor Mist said as he looked at Emmy and then said, "Ah, let's see here, the Hane Kenjutsu. It should be sufficient if, a bit difficult due to your height but you should be fine."

Emmy nodded as the instructor tapped a few buttons down on the panel and Emmy groaned. She suddenly had access to new amounts of information, and it was too sudden for her brain to adapt. She held her head as a series of images and texts flew past her mind.

After Emmy finally got accustomed to the information in her mind, she checked it and realized what it was.

It was the Hane Kenjutsu.

"I will give you an hour to get used to the movements before sending you to the battlegrounds!" Mist said as he waved his hand, sending Emmy into a small room.

The room was similar to the room she was just in, with tatami mats and Inazuma styles doors. Emmy didn't take note of this though as she was preoccupied.

She was confused for a moment before realizing that she had to get used to an unknown Kenjutsu style without teaching in one hour! She would have freaked out externally if she were an ordinary person. Internally though her expression was ugly and her mood less than pleased.

It wasn't like she doubted herself but having to somewhat master something in one hour and use it effectively in combat right after is a tall order. Even her fire element, her most powerful ability to date, needed to be trained for days, and she collapsed in exhaustion after.

It had to be known that although smart, Emmy was still vastly ignorant of how much of a monster she was. Was there anyone in Teyvat that could confidently say they were proficient in wielding the elements after a mere few days of training?

At least enough to nearly turn an entire house into ashes at the age of seven.

Other than the gods there were no such people, who could accomplish such a feat without months or years of training beforehand.

Just then a screen appeared in front of her.

[Time Left – 58:09]

Emmy sighed but came to terms with what she had to do. She didn't have time to waste thinking about the inevitable, all will reveal itself in time.

She looked at the sword at her hip. It was a classic [Dull Blade] but it looked like it was sharpened. It appeared rather suddenly but she didn't have enough time to mind that now.

She had to begin practicing if she didn't want to die to some Hilichurls, which would be extremely shameful for a person like her.

"Let's begin!" She hyped herself up and began to swing her sword in accordance with what the information in her head dictated, there were even pictures.

The Hane Kenjutsu style was very simple and only had 4 slashes and a piercing motion, which theoretically could count as a part of it but wasn't a slash. Ultimately it had five movements.

It was… somehow very easy to use for Emmy. The instructor didn't lie when he said that it was perfect to introduce her to the sword.

The Kenjutsu style was swift and light. It didn't require much strength either and was very easy for Emmy to get a hold of its, might she say "essence" in a short amount of time.

Her blade slightly blurred as she swung it, a left diagonal slash; moving into a straight slash and a right diagonal; going into a downward slash before executing a piercing motion.

Emmy practiced the movements with a somewhat religious frenzy, using her unmatched concentration to quickly go through the movements. She was in a strange state of mind as she practiced and the time passed rapidly.

[Time Left – 00:00]

"Okay stop, the time is up now. I believe it is time to begin the real test, don't you agree?" Instructor Mist said as he smiled at Emmy, who was now back in the same room as him.

Emmy nodded.

"Are you ready? did not take you long to achieve relative mastery over the art. Not bad!" Instructor Mist complimented as he looked at Emmy.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Emmy said as she closed her eyes before they shot open and she asked quickly, "Hey, am I able to use my fire element in this simulation."

"No," Instructor Mist said, "Not for this simulation."

'Well, things just got a lot harder,' Emmy touched the sword on her hip, ready for her to perform a quick draw at any moment.

"Well I guess it's time," Instructor Mist said as he looked at something Emmy couldn't see, "But I'll give you a basic rundown of what you are going to be doing first."

"Thank you," Emmy said and watched as a large purple screen came behind the instructor, where he moved to the side to allow her to see.

Using a pointer he got from seemingly nowhere the instructor started to show her the map, "This is the Forest map, and here," he said pointing toward a small circle on the map, "This is the Hilichurl camp that you will be destroying."

"You will be starting over at the east side of the camp and will be required to kill the five Hilichurls there," Instructor Mist said, "The use of your fire elemental abilities is not allowed however the use of energy is not prohibited. Are we alright so far?"

"Yes sir!" Emmy said as she looked at the map seriously, memorizing where she had to be dropped. The darker shades indicated the elevation of the area, so it was likely a small hill.

A perfect vantage point… If she had been a bow user that is. Although she could say she wished she could use a bow instead, she didn't believe the Instructor wouldn't change the test.

She would just have to tough it out, it was just five Hilichurls.

"The system will constantly remind you of your mission objectives in the mission section of the system interface," Instructor Mist said and the screen disappeared, "It is also recommended that you check your status, the techniques section specifically."

"Is that all?" Emmy asked as she got ready to check her interface.

"Oh yes! I forgot to tell you, make sure not to die. I know it is a fake reality but the pain is very much real and death wouldn't be a pleasant experience," Instructor Mist said with a grin on his lips, "Although I don't believe that a person with the [True Combat] talent, even in their weakest state would lose to five Hilichurls. Quite humiliating, I would say if it was to happen."

Emmy gulped and steeled her resolve, she wasn't afraid of the Hilichurls. She just didn't want to shame the gifts she was bestowed and wouldn't lose to such things. She watched the Instructor gradually disappear but not before saying…

"Do your best!" He saluted her and then… he was gone.

"Alright, that was something," Emmy said and opened her palms, "I guess I should check my interface right now."



Name: Emmy Edgar

Age: 7

Gender: Female

[Potential: S+]


Overall Rating: D(New!) Up 1!

Strength: E+(New!) Up 1!

Constitution: E+(New!) Up 1!

Agility: E+(New!) Up 1!

Intelligence: B+(New!) Up 1!

Energy: D+

[Innate Ability]



True Combat

(First Stage - True Learning: Allows aptitude restrictions to be breached, allowing mastery over all arts of combat. The ability to learn and master anything associated with combat at breakneck speeds.) (New!)

(Second Stage - ???)(Sealed)

(Third Stage - ???)(Sealed)

(Fourth Stage - ???)(Sealed)

[Techniques - Energy](New!)

-Energy Manipulation [Rank - Null] (Advanced) (New!)

[Techniques - Physical](New!)

-Hane Kenjutsu [Rank – S] (Semi-Advanced) (New!): This sword art is like a feather in the wind, free-flowing and unrestrained by worldly bounds. Created by an unknown master when he felt that the chains he was bound by were too heavy and using a feather he had on hand, he cut them.



[The Techniques section has been split into two groups, each for different types of techniques. The ranks of Techniques can now be seen and so are their difficulty.]

[Each Technique is categorized from the Lowest [F] rank to the highest [SSS] rank, which determines their difficulty and potential for damage. Description of Techniques are now added for better interpretation by the Host.]

[This concludes the system report!]

Emmy looked at each of the new changes seriously, taking in all the information she had stored previously and replacing them with what was on the purple board.

"I improved so much again!" Emmy said as she looked at her improved stats, she was a bit more powerful than a grown man now. It wasn't really impressive considering who she was but it was what she represented that made her powerful.

To the outside world, except for a few people nobody knew of her prowess and it served as a hidden weapon in itself, it was nice.

'True learning huh,' Emmy looked at the talent and techniques sections, a strange feeling in her heart, 'This... isn't it too overpowered? Including what the system said about no records being found earlier and those locked stages...'

She didn't have a good feeling at all.

'This "Talent" seems more like an ability than a talent if I were to go by definitions.'

She had a lot of other questions, more about the [Null] rank for the energy manipulation but now wasn't the time for that.

Emmy closed the system interface after she looked at everything.

She had reached [Semi-Advanced] rank in the sword art which was good. She nearly achieved advanced rank in under an hour which she somewhat felt was cheating but it was a good thing. If she was cheating then that meant she would be strong quicker.

Cheating girls got punished though and Emmy would learn that lesson harshly in the future.


Emmy looked up and saw that a purple portal appeared before her eyes, most likely how she would get to her destination. It swirled and made a weird sound, with purple particles coming out of it. She checked her gear for the third time and saw nothing had changed. She stepped forward and walked through the portal.


Emmy immediately felt an itch in the back of her neck and looked around to find herself on the forest floor. The grass prickled against her skin and she got up quickly, dusting herself off.

The sunlight prickled through the enormous trees and Emmy could hear some birds chirping in the distance. She listened for a while, hearing a water source in the distance.

"It feels so..." She breathed taking in the sight, there was a waterfall on the left some miles away, "So real."

Many other mountains towered through the sky, their peaks soaring in the clouds. She was on a hill which allowed her to view all these sights with amazing clarity.

Emmy appreciated the sights for a while before she came back to her senses and began to make her way through the shrubs. An interface appeared on her side and showed her a map of the area, it was helpful.

On it was the marked location of the Hilichurl camp. It was in a slightly enclosed area, going off of the darkened spots on the map which indicated small hills.

She silently walked through the forest, careful not to attract any attention to herself and soon she came across the camp. It was just five Hilichurls in her line of sight and some were resting dancing and sleeping. Although they looked relaxed, she couldn't just charge in.

The instant she even reached inside the walls they would all be alerted and come charging at her. Even if she was "strong" she wasn't stupid.

She had the strength of an athletic grown man but that alone wasn't enough to defeat Hilichurls, looking at the death rate in the adventurers guild and other military organizations.

Granted if she had her fire element unlocked right now she would just set the forest on fire and lure all of the Hilichurls in for a swift kill, but that wasn't possible now.

All she had was a slightly heavy long sword that was refitted for a person of her size, a Kenjutsu style she was just an [Semi-Advanced] in, and her wits.

She had to have a plan.

So Emmy waited, looking around the camp. She circled it for about 20 minutes before she carefully came up with a plan, and she grinned.

"This is gonna be easy!" The rock in her hand flew straight into the sky at an angle and slowly began to fall on one unsuspecting Hilichurl.



Don't ask me anything(/j), I don't know what you want to know. *Scratches head*

Why is the [Talent] op and why does it have stages, I don't know. It's not like I'm the author or anything. It just became like this yeah. Let's leave it at that, cool.

I was drunk on music and it became like this.

For those wondering the system is similar to the one in [It isn't easy being a man in the future.]

I feel like I missed some details in this chapter. Hmmm. 2.1k words a bit longer than usual.