Chapter 48: Thoughts and Revelation.

Emmy flipped a page in her diary and began to write something down on the pages. Her day had been quite hectic in comparison to recent times.

Inu had long since gone to report back to her family in Inazuma. She could vaguely sense another one of the shadows in the corner but she didn't call for them.

Although she acknowledged Inu, that didn't mean the others would suddenly get a free pass, Emmy resolved to be less harsh on the others than she was with Inu.

Externally at least.

'It seems that they won't come out that easily. Though I do wonder if they heard anything that was said today.'

It was highly likely but it didn't matter to Emmy.

She had long since made her decision to go to Inazuma but there were still some inconveniences that would come along with that decision. One of these inconveniences was her friends and her dream of being an adventurer with them.

Her friends were still here and she didn't want to leave them without something meaningful. They were her "subordinates" and she as a leader haven't taught them anything yet. It was an oversight on her part.

She would rectify that lack of action in the next few months.

She especially didn't want to leave Fischl alone, since her parents were away on another long adventure, and during the absence of both of their parental figures, Emmy was registered as her legal guardian by default because she was older.

"Crazy stuff," She was a child, how could she be a legal guardian? But Emmy was a person who accepted and worked with what life threw at her so, she didn't mind at all.

She continued to write stuff down in her diary. Things about how her day went, what she was grateful for, how delicious the sunsettia she ate today etc.

|This sunsettia I ate today was very scrumptious with the skin being thin and the meat plump. The juices were extremely satisfying on the tongue and...|

Something like that.

If she was feeling impatient enough she could have left for Inazuma long ago, and Emmy didn't doubt for a second that her former self would. But Emmy was not her former self, the one who was a loner with no friends.

She had subordinates as well which was weird but it wouldn't stop her from making them strong. One person couldn't carry the fort unless they had overwhelming strength.

Something Emmy lacked in her current situation.

So, she had to build her team up on a strong foundation of powerful individuals. Which in this case would be her friends. She would pass on techniques and such to them, making them get that required strength faster.

'Though the phrase would more or less be along the lines of me correcting them by using the system and my learning capabilities. They are all outstanding talents,' Emmy thought as she tapped her chin.

She might be gone for a long time after all but they had to grow in strength and patiently wait for her return.

In the meantime, they could master the things Emmy was going to impart to them.

"Heh! Impart? I sound like some hermit master who lives in the mountains waiting to teach some random person. Though I guess my friends aren't random people."

One such thing is energy control and the energy heart. Another thing would be increasing their combat experience and instinct by fighting a stronger opponent, her.

[The Host thinks like a teacher. How reassuring.]

"I do what I can for my people."

Because if not her, who will?

Emmy didn't particularly hold any other combat tutor in high regard anymore, and this might make her seem arrogant to many others but...

In terms of pure skill, Emmy could beat about 99% of all humans on Teyvat. Her energy control had hit the [Expert] rank and her sword technique hit [Advanced] a long time ago.

She would reach [Master] for both of them in a week.


Because she said so and Emmy wasn't one to waste time. She had the perfect avenues to pursue strength and she would rather waste as little time as possible.

Not to mention her ability to learn and improve during battle. The system simulation arena was the best place to make use of such an attribute of Emmy's talent.

The more Emmy thought about it the more excited she became, her life was finally beginning to turn into something glorious.

'I'm one of the only people in the world with this much pure talent and I'm grateful. With this, it will be much easier to learn the skills necessary to protect my family and be a strong adventurer.'

But this amount of strength wasn't enough for Emmy, as until she could kill a [God] ranked opponent in one blow...

She would never be strong enough.

[The system is thankful for the Hosts determination to improve herself. Many others would start to laze around, expecting success to come to them because they had such a talent. This makes training the Host much easier.]

'It's not that big a deal, hard work is the judge of a person's fate. Those who work for nothing receive nothing unless they are blessed by Celestia.'

Just as the farmer who plants no seeds, will get no crops. If he does not do the work, how can he expect anything but dirt and air?

Emmy didn't want that outcome for herself.

Emmy stopped for a moment before looking at a corner discreetly, earlier she said there were some guards in her room and then a thought occurred to her.

Did they know about the system?

She spun the feather in her hand absent-mindedly, as she once again conjured up various scenarios, the outcomes, consequences, and how to fix the mess that might ensue.

These thoughts eventually caused her to go on a tangent as she visited all that happened to her recently and the lack of action the guards showed.

'Although they saw what I do they don't question me? What about the kidnapping incident? How do they take to me manipulating the elements and such things?'

Not to mention that watching a little girl talk to herself in the room must look incredibly suspicious.

With each thought, Emmy got increasingly more unsure and confused about the cause of the guard's seemingly illogical ignorance.

[The short answer is no.]

'Huh? What do you mean by a short answer? Why is the answer no? Shouldn't they be capable of forming a single coherent thought and question... Hmm? Question? No way...'

Emmy held her head as she felt it buzz, a mixture of what seemed to be annoyance and disgust assaulted her heart as she reached a devasting conclusion.

[It seems that the host has figured out why they seem to not take note of such things.]

Emmy nodded, her mind still in disarray with the answer she came up with and the system's response. It was the correct one.

After many thoughts, Emmy came to the conclusion that... The shadow guards didn't question her because they couldn't care or rather...

They were not allowed to.


A/N: Just read my earlier chapters and realized I lost my way a little bit. Sometimes imagination is a detriment to forming a stable plot as many ideas cross your mind at increasingly tedious intervals.

Also, my brain became a fried chicken.

Just realized that Morax makes people bankrupt and sends families into poverty every year when he makes new laws. So theoretically, while Liyue is the city of commerce it also has one of the largest slum areas in the world(Can't understand why nobody noticed this but okay.). City of commerce, psh! More like a City of poverty.