Chapter 63: I Will Become Unparalleled.

Emmy smirked when she looked at her high score and as if to match her expression, her posture became a bit more flamboyant. With her eyes clasped shut, she crossed her arms and legs before leaning back.

She nodded. "As expected of me and there shall be nothing less," She opened her eyes and pouted, "Though it would have been nice if I had been able to get the last [+] required for the maximum score. But we can't have everything can we?"


"System, I want to know the reason I didn't get it. Was there some mistake in my ability usage or something?"

[No. The Host displayed excellent usage of her abilities and techniques, the reason for failure to attain the last [+] was that it was slightly inefficient. There are more efficient ways to kill such beasts.]

"Oh, I see... I should have probably sent a sharp wind object at its head the first instant but there is nothing to do about it now. Plus my sword technique would be useless without me using it."

[That is true but enough for that matter. Would the Host like to view their status now?]


Name: Emmy Edgar

Race: Human, Unknown.

Age: 7

Gender: Female

[Potential: SS+]


Overall Rating: C-(New!) Up 1!

Strength: D(New!) Up 2!

Constitution: D-(New!) Up 1!

Agility: D+(New!) Up 3!

Intelligence: A-(New!) Up 1!

Energy: C

[Innate Ability]



True Combat

(First Stage - True Learning: Allows aptitude restrictions to be breached, allowing mastery over all arts of combat. The ability to learn and master anything associated with combat at breakneck speeds.) (New!)

(Second Stage - ???)(Sealed) (Unlocks at C+)

(Third Stage - ???)(Sealed)

(Fourth Stage - ???)(Sealed)

[Techniques - Energy]

-Energy Manipulation [Rank - Null] (Master) (New!)

-Elemental Sight [Rank - D] (Expert) (New!)

[Techniques - Physical]

-Hane Kenjutsu [Rank – S] (Master) (New!): This sword art is like a feather in the wind, free-flowing and unrestrained by worldly bounds. Created by an unknown master when he felt that the chains he was bound by were too heavy, he cut them using a feather he had on hand.

[Techniques - Mental](New!)

-Realm of Thought [Rank - A] (Master) (New!): Created by Emmy/Kamiko Edgar/Kujou. The technique uses focus to create a zone-like state to process information and come to conclusions. Using this a slight connection to the subconscious mind is created. At the master level calculations can reach up to 100 centralized thoughts per second.


[New categories and Techniques have been added as the Host can see. The talent section also now has a prediction of when the stage unlocks.]

Emmy had so many questions that needed to be answered, especially about the Energy, Mental and Potential categories. So, driven by curiosity and a desire to learn the girl opened her mouth.

"Okay, so the first thing I want to know is why the energy manipulation field hasn't been updated. It is still [Null] rank, does this mean it doesn't have a rank, or is it not something else that I am unaware of?"

She had always meant to present this question to the system but she didn't have much time for it. As if she wasn't training, she was with Fischl so it slipped her mind but now that she was here she would ask all her questions to her heart's content.

[The energy section is a completely fine host. The rank for the energy manipulation is because it does not need it, as it is out of this world in potential the system has no grade for it. The Host might not know it but few are capable of this skill at all and the reason the Host has it is because of your talent to learn anything.]

"Huh? But it's just energy manipulation, right? How hard can it be, for vision users to use it? The gods can most certainly use it as well right?"

Emmy still didn't understand, but there were faint inklings in the back of her mind. As if it was trying to tell her something about this technique she had been using for a long time and the correct way to use it.

Emmy had yet to know what this inkling was but in the future, she would be grateful that it existed for she could avoid countless mistakes when using or creating techniques.

[The host is still trapped in common thought processes but you can not be blamed for it. After all, in the current state of the world, common sense dictates that the only energy there is that can be manipulated will be elemental.]

[Anemo. Cryo. Pyro. Dendro. Geo. Hydro. Electro. These are the several elements and their combined forces can be seen within the world. But they are not the only ones to run within this world.]

Not the only ones.

Emmy began to think, she had an idea of what the system was trying to say to her but for some reason, it just wouldn't click. Energy, she had always thought that it referred to those of elemental nature but what if it wasn't so true?

There were others surely. She knew some of them, solar energy and kinetic energy to name a few but could she use them? If so what could be their use? How strong would she be if she were to use them?

"Hey, system... So what you are trying to say is that I can manipulate most if not all energies, not just the elements? You said I am only able to do so because of my talent right? [True Learning] has a part to play in this right?"

[Yes. It is a very powerful technique and the system is quite surprised the host has been able to master it in such a short time by using only elemental energy. But the [True Combat] talent does not disappoint.]

Emmy blinked and her mouth opened in shock. If she was to be honest, ever since the system came into her life and she discovered this talent of hers she had always held a bit of doubt at the back of her mind.

After all, who could truly believe that they could learn all combat arts without restriction and aptitude being breached? But even with that doubt, Emmy decided to believe it and trained as hard as she could to be strong.

There was no reason to kick a gift horse in the mouth, so she trained as hard as she could even with that doubt. She placed it aside and faithfully trusted the system as it never lied to her. But now that she knew how amazing of a skill she had she couldn't calm down anymore.

The stoic face she placed so much time into broke down and the girl trembled as her face twisted into a smile. She broke out into a peal of joyous laughter.

"How exciting! Good! Good! Amazing, truly amazing!" Emmy said those words as her eyes shined, she looked at her status screen lovingly. Her sights focused on the talent section. It felt as if she was looking at her blood.

The more she looked the more she felt that the [True Combat] talent was especially charming. She even wanted to kiss it a few times.

"With this ability, I will become unstoppable in this world and all techniques under Celestia will be mine to consume. All will fear me and never dare to think of hurting those I care about. There will be no Labrinth, domain, or realm I cannot explore.

"This is exhilarating."

Emmy continued to celebrate for a while until she finally settled down.


Emmy felt heat creep up her cheeks at the question of the system. She bowed her head in embarrassment.

"I have embarrassed myself."

[No point being shy. It has happened many times before.]

Emmy chuckled awkwardly.

"I'm just so excited to know that I can learn anything, you know. Can I even learn the Musou no Hitotachi? The legendary technique of Inazuma's Archon?"

Being someone who was from one of the three major clans of Inazuma she knew who the Electro Archon was. At least she thought she knew and her technique used during [The Duel Before The Throne] was stated to be an [Absolute Kill Technique].

If she could learn this...

Emmy smiled.

[Yes. Not only that but the Geo Archon, Morax's {Holy Weapon Contruction}, and the Anemo Archon, Barbatos's {Holy Wind Scriptures}. Even the Dendro Archon, Lesser Lord Kusanali's [Dream Walking] technique can be learned.]

Emmy's face felt a bit cramped from smiling so much. But she couldn't stop as her imagination went wild, she almost wanted to go back to the training immediately so she could begin to learn again.

She had never heard of the last three techniques but since the system said them and heard the names. They must be quite good. The name of a technique and who it came from were instrumental in evaluating it after all.

Holy weapon construction sounded especially powerful.

After she settled down Emmy began to seriously look at her status once again but then she saw something weird. She tilted her head and asked.

"Why has my potential increased."


A/N: I feel like the flow of this chapter is quite bad. Thoughts? Tell me if it's comfortable to read or if the paragraphs are too long. I can split them in half to make them flow better.

I'm losing my mind looking at the superpowers wiki. So many op powers. True learning it's Meta Learning but for combat. One of the many reasons the users of the talent were so op.

First 1.5k chapter in awhile. Glad to write so much again.