Chapter 75: We Will Meet Again, Across Dimensions.

Little sister?

Emmy furrowed her brow as she took a moment to contemplate what the bright—and tall ball of light said if it could even be called a ball as it looked like a long oval. She placed her finger under her chin in a thinking pose as she looked at the seven others behind him...

Wait, seven?!

Where was the other one?

At that very moment she felt a hand touch her shoulder, she shivered and Emmy's vision whirled as she turned around so fast that she could swear her neck was close to being ripped off by the force. She, as if on instinct or fear of being attacked, didn't hesitate to move first, her fist already reaching for the other's crotch area.

The smaller oval of light shifted and shined brighter, along with what seemed to be a ball of light's equivalent to a giggle it moved its hand gently in Emmy's direction. To the ball of light, it may be akin to a small action but to Emmy, it felt like she was being pressed down by a large mountain.

Space trembled, Time ceased and the world seemed to pause under that hand.

With a blur, Emmy appeared on the ball of lights' shoulder. Emmy was shocked, she didn't even see anything but she was already on their shoulder, idly wondering why a ball of light even had a shoulder in the first place.

"Aye, are children in this era so fierce? A mere touch and one was about to suffer such dues," the ball of light giggled, a feminine voice coming out from... somewhere.

"I'd rather you not frighten the child that is most definitely our little sister," The large ball(oval) of light placed a hand on its head(?) as if in pain, "We have as little time as it is."

"Who are you? Why are you calling yourselves my siblings, I don't remember mom and dad having any other children. I also didn't know that mother was so capable, able to sire balls of light."

A period of silence.

Emmy pursed her lips as she shifted uncomfortably on the ball of light's shoulder, as if sensing her discomfort the person, or thing put her down. Emmy instantly placed herself away from them and looked at them warily.

After a moment the large one spoke again, "You do not know of our heritage?"

"What heritage?" Emmy was a bit confused, these guys looked to be incredibly powerful, and yet they did not look to harm her, even calling her their little sister. So, what did they want from her?

"We want nothing from you, young one." Emmy shifted her gaze toward a small one a few heads taller than her but shorter than the rest, "Rather, we have something to tell you... That is if you would like to listen?"

The moment its words fell, Emmy just grew more concerned and cautious. She was sure that she didn't say anything aloud but that small ball of light seemed as if it could read her mind.

The others stopped and stared at the young girl in front of them, Emmy felt a bit of pressure from those eyes, or whatever they were using to look at her. She paused for a moment, thinking over the words spoken to her.

Should she agree or not?

Emmy immediately chose to agree, completely skipping over any mental dilemma any other person might have had concerning those words. Anyway if they wanted to kill her they could have done it already, so it would hurt to know, right?

Emmy reasoned with herself, it wasn't because she was curious. There was also the fact that the lights seemed to be trembling as their forms distorted slightly over time and they were beginning to dim like a candle out in the wind.

It was as if they were going to disappear, if she let this chance to know what they were saying slip, she would never know.

"Yes, I would like to know just what you guys are talking about. Also, I forgot to ask, but where are we?" Emmy asked as she looked at the place filled with light. Other than that she couldn't see anything else but a few tree branches.

"The [Sea of Esse] or the [Ardour Corridor]."

"The what?" Emmy scratched her head, was it her, or did she feel a bit dumb talking to these people? She didn't know what they were talking about at all. She didn't know what these words meant but she would make sure to research them later.

"It's not important," Emmy pouted at those words as the large ball of light continued, "Little one, what do you know about souls?"

Emmy thought for a moment before shrugging, "Practically nothing. I do know they exist now, due to you saying that and..."

"The system right?"

Emmy's eyes contracted and she choked on her next words.

'Why was I about to disclose information about the system? What's happening?'

"The system huh? Nice training guide you have their little sister, may you use it to grow well. Naturally, you should beware of its dangers as well, a man with a treasure is a criminal and all that."

"So... Do what I have been doing until now, just don't expose the system to just anyone and everyone? I'm fine with that," Emmy was quite relieved and peered at the balls of light in the back only to see some of them almost fading away.

Frightened, Emmy hurriedly began to speak, "Shouldn't you start speaking, your friends, ugh, Siblings are on the verge of disappearing."

Emmy pointedly ignored that they were supposed to be her siblings as well, but that was only if she even believed what they were telling her. As for right now? She only wanted to know what they were trying to tell her first, not worrying whether it was true or not.

Thoughts like that could wait, right now she needed to know.

"Anyway, what we were trying to tell you is quite simple," The large one cleared his throat as the others turned toward her, "In 7 years on this very day you will die."

Emmy blinked, not believing what she had just heard.

"Uh, say that again please, I didn't hear you properly," Emmy picked up her ears and looked at her finger, seeing that there was no residue. She looked up at the ball of light.

"In 7 years Emmy Edgar is going to kick the bucket."

"Lies," Emmy didn't even entertain the thought as she waved her hand vigorously, "Why should I believe you?"

"Why shouldn't you believe me?" The ball of light smiled, or it seemed to be a smile to Emmy, "We can suppress you and even bring you into this strange place, are these not measures of our power? You couldn't even move under Seventh's gentle movement earlier. Furthermore, why would we lie to a weak person like you!?"

Emmy shrunk her neck, yet she couldn't bring herself to refute the man's words. Oddly, it felt like she was being lectured by her father, he rarely did but when it happened it filled one with such hopelessness at how right they were. It was like talking to a wall of truth, you couldn't get through them at all.

"Brother, I think calling her a weakling is too much. What if you traumatized her?" The one known as Seventh said as she crossed her arms, Emmy faintly noting that like her, all the others became increasingly humanoid in the figure.

"Oh, sorry," The man didn't seem sorry at all, after all, he was lecturing his little sister. He was completely honest in his speech, "Little one, your life is in danger, but fear not we, your big brothers and sisters will help you!"


"Be more enthusiastic."

"What's the catch?"

"None. I wouldn't take anything from my little sister and I have everything I could ever want anyway."

Emmy crinkled her brow and then she felt her heart tremble. She grabbed her chest, looking around warily, her eyes sharpened as the balls of light scanned the area leisurely as if they weren't affected by what was happening.

The area around trembled faintly, just like the tremors in Emmy's heart and the girl grew a bit tense.

Something. Something was coming here and fast.

Seventh nodded as if affirming something in her mind, "So they're here already."

"A bit early, wouldn't you say First?" The short one from before said.

"Old three, I completely agree with you. Tenth! Listen up, we have to go in a few moments, so are you up for the gift or not?"

At this moment Emmy no longer hesitated and just did whatever they asked of her, "Just give me whatever, since you say I'll die in 7 years I might as well take my chances. But will I survive with what you're gonna give me?"

"Not really. It isn't guaranteed but it should increase your chances of surviving the ordeal. Here!"

At his words, the others held up their hands, and almost immediately that strange phenomenon from before occurred in full force.

Space trembled, Time stopped and the world seemed to shake as a golden light emerged from the palm of their hands, the light began to go toward Emmy's chest. It stopped in front of her before consolidating into a small seed of golden light. They pushed and it began going into her chest.

Emmy felt like a worm was wiggling inside her chest and she thought of resisting.

"Don't fight it!" A voice came from among the balls of light and a calm feeling washed Emmy of all thoughts of resisting, it was a bit odd as if she was in a hot spring. Just wanting to sink away.

When the seed finally situated itself in her chest, Emmy noted that the balls(Humanoids) of light dimmed considerably and they looked a bit tired. She stood up and bowed her head, silently giving her thanks for their help.

She didn't know what they did and she didn't know if it would help or harm her but... Emmy still thanked them, the words, "You will die in 7 years" even if it may be a lie were not something to be taken lightly when said by such powerful figures.

"Aye, when Tenth bows to her old brother like this, it leaves a complicated feeling."

Emmy trembled and the pain in her chest grew. A piercing roar echoed in the area as if announcing the presence of some divine being, and the entire realm trembled intensely, then suddenly chains erupted from the ground.

They were black with a blue accent along with a faint but corrupt, bitter aura. The surrounding space warped as they made themselves known and they immediately began moving toward the light humans.

Emmy felt like kneeling when she saw it, the aura released by these chains seemed to be able to suppress the world but the light humans didn't seem shocked or affected. It was as if the world-shaking roar of the chains didn't even register for them.

The light humans were chained one by one. Emmy was shocked and could only look as they begin waving at her with a smile on their face, it was as if they weren't being chained down and dragged away but were going on a road trip.

Emmy waved idly when the last of them began their "march" down into the depths. She felt a hand on her head, and she looked up to see the one known as "First" patting her head with a gentle smile.

"Take care, Tenth."

Emmy unconsciously nodded.

The chains began to cover his body until they completely covered his neck down, but just like the others, he didn't seem burdened at all. With a smile on his face, he looked at the world-shaking chains as if they were merely a hindrance and not binding.

"We will meet again!"

With a cheerful salute, the man known as "First" was taken into the ground, and once more the realm was quiet, as it had always been since its creation.

And with that, he disappeared and Emmy was alone in the strange place they called her to.

* * * * *

A/N: 4-6 more chapters or should I make Fischl's birthday one long mega chapter?

I wonder what the boys are doing at this time or what that note Emmy gave to all of them before at Harlin's birthday when Fischl wasn't looking. Hmm, Questions.