Chapter 86: Adventurers Test - Part 2 + AFAASYL

It didn't take long for Emmy and the others to arrive at the gate of the city. The visage of gate guards just came into their view just as they saw the man, Marcus approaches them from the left. He had a large bag ad a sword strapped at his side, there were also a few bottles at his side.

'Likely alchemy products. Enhancement potions maybe?'

[Correct and a few healing potions. Quite surprising for an adventurer to have such rare objects.]

'Are they rare?'

[In the past? No. In this day and age? Yes. Except for elemental enhancement potions, healing potions are quite a commodity. Most people just rely on the healing abilities of herb medicine and vision users.]

Emmy was about to continue her conversation with the system when Marcus greeted them and as the leader, it was her responsibility to give a response.

Troublesome, the girl grumbled secretly.

"Are you all ready?" Marcus said, once again to make sure they were all ready.

"Yes, if I may ask... Where are we going first?" Emmy leaned forward as she adjusted the straps on her backpack, a sword was on her left, and a book was strapped on her right. She and the others wore little to no armor, though the clothes they wore were slightly reinforced.

"Ah, You see over there," Marcus pointed toward an area beyond the small hill on the left of the bridge just up a hill, "That's where we are going today, there should be a small Hilichurl camp there. If there are any Mitachurls, I could handle them if there are no volunteers."

"Hmm, Andre," Emmy said, tilting her head toward the boy in question as he lifted his head, a stick in his mouth left from the dango stick he had gotten from...somewhere, "You think you can handle a Mitachurl?"

"It shouldn't be too hard," Andre waved his hand nonchalantly as if bored at what Emmy told him.

"Okay," Emmy said and turned toward Marcus whose expression looked a bit complicated, "See? He said it shouldn't be too hard and I'm more than capable of killing a few of them myself."

Marcus sighed, "Very well, let us be on our way."

Marcus began to walk and the kids followed behind him like little ducklings. It was a mismatch of short and tall, which would give anyone with OCD a migraine.

The children followed the man closely as they crossed the bridge and began to go up the small hill on the left of the road before they stopped, Marcus crouched behind a large rock and beckoned for them to come close to him.

He pressed a hand to his lips and then pointed toward the front, where a group of grey-black child-like humanoids could be seen. They wore masks and had fur on their necks that could be called a main along with two ears that pointed upward.

Within the camp were a few fences, a tower, and two Mitachurls who seemed to be sleeping while the smaller but more agile, Hilichurls either danced, slept, or ate.

There were a little over 7 Hilichurls from what Emmy could see from her position and she didn't feel much threat from non of them other than the archer.

'Even if I am capable of evading the arrows, doesn't mean my team can. So...'

"Fischl..." Emmy whispered as they all turned to her, Fischl more so, "You see that guy on the tower right there? I want you to shoot him in the head."

Fischl gulped and her hands trembled slightly as she went to grab her bow that was on her back. It was a Rank 3 weapon called [Sharpshooter's Oath]. It was a weapon that increase damage to weak spots like the head, from what Emmy could see.


[Sharpshooter's Oath]

[Rank 3]

[Main Stat: 401 ATK - Second Stat: 46.9% Critical Damage.]

[Ascension Rank 6 - MAX]

[Refinement Rank 5 - Effect: Precise - Increases DMG against weak spots by 48%.]

[Description - This superior bow once belonged to a master archer. However, it gives off a strong scent, thus making it unsuitable for hunting.]


There was a time when Emmy was confused about the terms that she saw on the weapons category of the system screen. At that time the system had given her an explanation to clear her doubts away.

[Mora has hidden powers that allowed things like Critical damage and Critical rate to have a more...robust effect on reality. Say an arrow or a sword strikes the arm or shoulder, even if those areas are not as critical, with the power of the catalyst, Mora. They can transfer, "Physical Force" to the recipient that would cause critical damage.

[Attacking a critical area would also increase the Critical rate by a large percentage. As for "Attack", "Defence" and any other stat you see are those physical forces that add to your combat power. However, be wary of using a low-rank weapon when you have great strength, it will shatter it.]

That was what it had told her.

Emmy wondered how Fischl was able to get a bow to its highest ascension level. After all, it cost a lot of Mora and materials to get it that far, even if the weapon itself was a low rank.

Then she remembered that Fischl's parents were also adventurers and they probably left that weapon at such a level for when their daughter wanted to go along with them.

'How nice,' Emmy thought, a wistful smile on her face, and Fischl finally stopped trembling, she looked at her weapon with a particularly firm expression.

"Can you do it?" Emmy asked softly.

"Hmph! Is there a beast that I the Prinzessin cannot command the laws of death upon?" Fischl said, but the hardened effect she was looking for was lost in how she whispered her words.

After saying those words the girl pulled out an arrow from her quiver and placed it on the bow, then she took a few steps away from the bulk of the group, then she began to draw her bowstring.

Fischl breathed and then held her breath, her arms trembled from how much she pulled back the string and then she began to apply Electro to her arrowhead.

Just as Emmy taught them, she slowly began to pull energy from her "heart" and guided it through her arms into her palms then toward the head of the arrow. The head released a low crackle as it pulsed with Electro, the purple glow clouded the girl's face as she purposes her lips.

She ignored all the noises around her and focused her eagle-like eyes on her prey, her excellent eye-sight made it appear as if the beast was in front of her face. With a low growl, the girl released the arrow on the beast.

It disappeared in a flash and so to did the head of the beast along with the peace that was in the area. The arrow left the area as soon as it came and even Emmy no longer knew where it went.

A battle now abounded on the hill as humanoids began to notice one another, Hilichurls stopped eating and singing.

The Mitachurls along with their smaller counterparts woke up with a low huff, displeased at having their comrade killed and their rest disturbed.

The children revealed themselves and Fischl lowered her bow as Emmy patted her on the back, Andre and the others getting into position to defend themselves. Emmy frowned as she looked at them and the shield Mitachurl in the distance.

'The position that they have here wouldn't hold, that Mitachurl will just charge at us and disrupt it. We aren't supposed to be the defenders anyway,' Emmy smirked at the Mitachurl and released a mighty roar.


It charged blindly, its shield providing it all the protection it needed as it rapidly approached them. Marcus stepped in front of the kids as he drew his blade but stopped when a girl with black hair began to walk calmly into the path of the rampaging Mitachurl.

"What are you..." Marcus said, his confusion apparent.

"I'm just," Emmy started as the Mitachurl arrived in front of her and went to swing its shield in her face, the force alone would be enough to blow her head away.

But Emmy didn't care.

It wasn't like it could hit her.

"Just..." The blow came and went like the evening wind but it didn't connect with anything as the girl was already behind the Mitachurl and with a swing that couldn't be seen by either friend or foe, the girl's sword bit into the legs of the Mitachurl causing the beast to collapse.

"Killing it."

The battlefield fell into silence as the girl sheathed her sword and came toward the now whimpering beast, the hot plasma that was attached to her blade eating through the muscle and tendons along with its joints. The creature lifted its head and the girl tilted hers.

"Come to think of it, Vision users have a name for their Elemental Skill and Burst, right? That's a bit tedious... So I'll just do this instead," Emmy lifted her hand and a ball the size of an apple spun around in her palm.

If Inu was here he would notice it was the same technique Emmy had presented him with but this time its intensity was that of 3 times more and the power continued to increase as the ball got smaller and smaller, changing its color from orange to dark red and then to a light but intense blue.

The heat was equivalent to someone being near a volcano and it swept across the battlefield, the heat burning the grass near the girl and biting the skin of all those in close proximity to her. The beast got up, resting its body on the huge tower shield it had.

It used that to hide from the girl's incoming attack.

"Hmm, I'll call this technique [A Futile Attempt At Saving Your Life] or [AFAASYL] for short."

With that said, the girl released the flaming ball of heat and it crashed into the shield soon after.


Saying it crashed into the shield would be misinformation, it bypassed the shield and the Mitachurl itself and went off into the distance, which just so happened to be the camp of Hilichurls.

Then as if by some supernatural force it began to descend and then when it touched the ground, Emmy whispered with a smile:



A rigorous explosion shook the area and released a shock wave that engulfed the entire surrounding field and beyond. It could even be heard in the Favonius Headquarters and some areas close to Liyue.

A large cloud of dust rose in the air as Emmy's figure was obscured.

Eventually, the cloud of dust dispersed, and what was left was a large hole filled with what was basically plasma in front of it was a girl who was covered in dust and soot. The girl coughed as the shield she placed around herself broke apart.

"H-hey..." Fischl said, pointing in front of them, and only now did the others see that large dome they were in. Although they were dirty, it didn't affect them more than that.

"Hehe..." Emmy scratched her head as her group and Marcus watched her slack jawed, she stuck out her tongue as if she were a child that did something bad, which she admitted, was true, "My bad~."


Varka ate his pastry calmly as the captains and their assistants argued with each other on what to do about their resident troublemaker and the one who seemed to be in what was probably every major incident in their nation so far.

Kidnapping, which she was involved in and helped the kids escape. Though she said she only did it for her friend, Jean would say she was just being shy but only Varka knew the girl was saying the truth.

That large explosion a while ago, was most likely caused by her, according to their own people who were in the area.

Not to mention the fireworks, which he was sure only he was capable of seeing on that night.

"Alright," Varka said and they all settled down, "I assure you that nothing is wrong and you can go back to the work you are supposed to be doing."


"No buts. The girl means no harm and you should let them continue their test without interruption, do not hold them up any further."

They all looked at each other and then stood up, saluted, and walked out of his office. They didn't even try to argue, once Varka made up his mind, there was no persuading him.

"Finally peace," The man said as he looked out of his window.


Meanwhile, Emmy and the others were released and were now going to their second location, which wouldn't have been necessary if she didn't blow up the first one. The place they were going to was...


Which is one of the most dangerous places in Mondstadt.

But nothing would happen, right?


A/N: Gotta finish my quests and get 100% in every region now. Gotta get my Yelan too.