Chapter 92: Battle of Mondstadt - Part 1.

Emmy had always been a girl of action, and when she saw the dark red flare that signaled an attack on Mondstadt, she knew that she had to do something.

She looked at the shocked knights and adventurers and turned her gaze toward the one person she knew well from that group, her mind making calculations.

It was time to set her plans into motion.

Emmy ran towards Jean, the temporary captain of the knights, who was talking with the other captain Diluc about something and she didn't waste time at all dragging her away from the conversation.

"Wah! Emmy," Jean, surprised yelled out as the girl grabbed her hand and pulled her toward a small area in the forest, Diluc, and the other knights were stunned.

Diluc watched as Jean was pulled away from the group and disappeared, still not coming to terms with what just happened. Was it that Jena was suddenly pulled away or what it the fact that a 7-year-old girl could pull a teenager twice her height like a doll?

Andre looked at the scene strangely and just as he was about to go with Emmy he caught something at the corner of his vision, a red light that quickly vanished but the boy instantly knew what it was.

'Abyss mage,' He grinned, he grabbed his sword and activated his electro then in a burst of speed he was gone, 'Free kill.'

Meanwhile, Emmy stopped dragging Jean with her into the forest, just as she heard the system say.

[Quite rude wouldn't you say? To handle the knight leader like a child?]

'It's an urgent situation!'

[Want me to run a survey of the land, I can use the mapping function to estimate the enemy numbers and key positions.]

'You can do that?' Emmy clapped her hands joyfully, 'I'll just need to talk to jean now about the mobilization of her forces. By the way, would rafts made by cutting trees with elemental blades and using Aries dendro vision work to all the knights arrive in time?'

[Indeed, in addition, tying them together can also be an option, as long as there is efficient power to get them to the Mondstadt shore. Please keep in mind that the horses would be left behind and may be lost.]


Emmy turned to Jean who looked at her in confusion, she didn't look mad but was currently rubbing her wrist and surveying the area around them for threats.

"So... Why did you drag me away?" Jean asked, her blue eyes reflecting Emmy's image.

Emmy shook her head. "I need to talk to you about something important."

She walked over to Emmy, her expression serious. "What's the matter?"

Emmy took a deep breath. "I know I'm just a kid, but I want to help fight against the Abyss forces in Mondstadt. I want to fly back there and man the walls with the captains."

Jean's eyes widened in surprise. "Emmy, you can't do that. Even if I know you are strong, I am afraid that the situation this time is a bit perilous, and taking into consideration that you were just fighting such a huge battle, it would put you and your friends in danger. Just sit down and rest."

Emmy's face fell, but she wasn't deterred. "I know it's dangerous, but I want to help. I don't want to just sit back and do nothing. After all, I am a resident here as well."

Jean placed a hand on Emmy's shoulder, trying to reassure her. "Emmy, I understand how you feel, but we can't risk your safety. You need to stay here and help with the defense efforts in Springvale, who knows what the abyss might be planning to do there."

Emmy's eyes narrowed slightly. "I understand, but I was just asking out of politeness. I'm going to go help anyway, with or without your permission."

Jean sighed, knowing she couldn't stop Emmy's determination. "Alright, if that's what you want. But promise me you'll stay safe."

Emmy grinned, her face lighting up. "I promise!"

The girl grimaced then looked around, "Can you look after my group for me?"

Jean felt a bit dizzy being asked to take care of some children all of a sudden but she nodded.

"Ehem!" The two girls turned to look in the direction of the sound only to find Diluc standing there with an unimpressed expression on his face.

"And what are you two whispering about?"

"We were," Jean started but was interpreted by Emmy who saw a perfect opportunity to say her plans.

"We were talking about how rafts would allow the knight to arrive at the city faster to aid in what we assume to be siege warfare," Emmy smiled at the boy and Diluc stroked his chin, he looked over at Jean.

The girl glanced at Emmy who discreetly winked at her and she coughed, "Yes, that is so."

Diluc looked at the two of them strangely, "Then continue what you were talking about."

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged, with Emmy stepping up to present the plan she had in mind along with Jean interjecting at some points to offer inputs concerning troop morale, the number of supplies they had to secure for this plan, and their overall time limit.

"So we would split into two teams, with the strongest members of each team forming a small group that would go on the rafts and the larger group using the horses to go toward the gate. Am I right?"

Emmy nodded and Diluc sighed as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"This plan is quite frankly not the best, it would take hours to get from Wolvendom to Mondstadt if the need for reinforcement arises and if in the unlikely event that the Monsters who lured us out of our own city haven't dedicated forces to delay those reinforcements, there is still the fact those reinforcements would charge into a large and armed force that would expect them to come!"

It didn't take a genius to say Diluc was pissed and for good reason, but Emmy was somewhat prepared for this response. It would be a halfhearted and ridiculous solution but she would deliver it like she believed it could be done.

She had to.

"That won't happen!"

"Hmm? Elaborate, would you? Oh, mighty 7-year-old commander of other 7-year-olds," Diluc leaned down to Emmy's height, which in comparison to his, was quite a distance.

"Well... I will make sure that will not have enough forces to spare to intercept you all and I think that you captain Diluc, and the other knights, Jean included, have been missing someone for a while now."

"Missing someone? Who?"

Emmy smiled her eyes revealed nothing and everything as if she knew something they didn't. Seeing their confused looks the girl chuckled, her shoulders shaking intensely until she burst out into complete laughter.

It took a while for Emmy to calm down and realised that she shouldn't be laughing in such a dire situation, she coughed, a warm glow on her cheeks.

[You may have embarrassed yourself, Host.]

'Shut up!' Emmy grumbled.

"So are you done?" Diluc said, his brow twitching ever so slightly but it was enough to display his agitation. Emmy couldn't blame him, it was him home after all.

Emmy's cheeks burned and she quickly said, "Well as you all have said, Varka departed with you all yes?"

"Yes, now what are you trying to..."

Emmy had to restrain another chuckle at how Diluc's brows rose and Jean's expression didn't help her but she kept it contained.

Emmy placed a hand on her waist lifted her chin proudly and pointed at him saying, "It's exactly as you are thinking, Varka is currently on his way to intercept that interception force if it even exists that is."

Diluc pondered and raised his head, as if he was going to ask something but suddenly...


A sound rocketed out from the direction of Mondstadt and a large amount of wind kicked up in their direction.

Emmy didn't even look before she dashed through the treeline with inhumane speed, it only took her a few moments to end up at the shore just to see a large amount of smoke coming from Mondstadts bridge, gate, and the church area.

Emmy's heart sank.

Did she spend too much time talking?

[No, look closer.]

The words of the system snapped her out of her revere and the girl squinted her eyes, faintly she heard the frantic voices of knights and adventurers behind her, or maybe it was just the to teens she was talking to earlier.

'But that wasn't important.'

Emmy focused her vision on the bridge of Mondstadt and what she saw sent chills down her spine.

'Explosive barrels?' Emmy blanked at the numerous explosive barrels currently making or trying to make their way across the bridge of Mondstadt.

'What are they doing? trying to blow up the bridge? But why, what purpose would this serve?'

Emmy directed her gaze toward the church area of Mondstadt but she couldn't see anything of note then her vision turned purple and she could now see through the surface of the cliff, at the number of Abyss mages that were currently making their way to the city from the church area.

Emmy stumbled, feeling a bit dizzy but then she mobilized her energy reserves which caused it to explode out and took in a deep breath while ignoring the shouting that Jean directed her way.

Her eyes glowed a bright blue and she started running up toward the edge of the shore just before touching the water, she jumped an explosion reverberated throughout the area and she never touched the ground again.

The girl flew her voice grew faint as she grew further and further away, but Jean was still able to hear what she had to say.

"I'll be going first but don't expect me to hold on for too long," Emmy said as she flew, "The Abyss is attacking the church and the bridge will be blown up by explosive barrels, hurry!"

She became a ball of flames after that, one that crashed directly into the cliffside of Mondstadt, those watching could see the girl climb up the cliff face, then elements began to fly into the air.

A battle had started.

Jean who looked at what the girl had just done, had to forcefully close her mouth afterward.

'It was only a few months but she already grew this strong,' Jean thought but then she slapped her cheeks, and looked at her respected senior Diluc who nodded at her, then began to spit out orders.

She had something to do after all.

'For Mondstadt as always.'


Meanwhile with Andre.

"You!" The Abyss mage spat disdainfully as an electro-infused sword impacted its already damaged shield, another Abyss mage lay dead on the ground, its hateful gaze bearing on the two boys in front of it.

"Hush, this will all end in but a moment," Andre said hair began to rise as electro ran through it, her vanished, popping up in multiple places as he continued to slash at the Abyss mage shield and eventually it broke.

"Puny, human..." The Abyss mage gasped, as the boy smiled at it, the blood on his sword and the electro illuminating his face in the setting sun made his look all the more terrifying.

"Indeed," the boy said as he cut off the Abyss mage's head, "I am a bit short."

"Grrr," The other boy growled still a bit wary of the one in front o him.

"Now what do I do with you oh, boy my age who was raised by wolves?"


A/N: Damn two weeks. Didn't even realize. But here's a chapter. I was just agonizing over the state of this fanfic, maybe it was writer's block idk. Anyway, I found something interesting I want to do in this so I guess I'm back to writing again. Was gonna write a react fic for genshin but chat gpt doesn't have access to audio and video so I scrapped it.

Tell me if ya'll have problems with this chapter and any criticism(constructive) so I can give ya'll a better time reading, peace.

Also, I got Yelan, yay! She's so fun. Might get Nilou next, I wasn't playing the game during her banner and missed her and all of her apparent drama. Wish I could say the same for Dehya but alas.

Arc 2 ending in like less than 7 chapters, next Emmy is going to Inazuma. Arc 1 was too long a pain. Gonna read up on political and military stuff so I can not embarrass myself(probably already have, cough.) by writing things concerning that field.

Meiji(Inazuma) Restoration time!