Chapter 97: Revolutionary!

The sky's in the southern areas of Teyvat were not known to be the brightest nor devoid of dark clouds and disastrous thunderstorms. But even as the clouds gathered above the sky, human activity never ceased in Inazuma.

Narukami Island, Inazuma City, Market, 9:30 am.

"Hey, Charles! You heard?"

A bearded man sat down at one of the various food shops in the heart of the market, and his boisterous tone annoyed various customers. But he didn't seem to mind them. His focus was on the person he called previously.

"Hah? What are you on about all of a sudden? Pipe down Hiroshi, you're disturbing my customers," Charles, a man of considerable height spoke sharply. He didn't look up, and as he cleaned the tableware the ring on his finger glistened.

Hiroshi coughed and whispered, "Hey, didn't you know that Sunsettia Inc. is releasing some new projects today? I heard some of them were stuff you'd like, kitchenware and stuff like that."

Charles huffed, "Kitchenware, what do a bunch of businessmen know about the tools of the common people? I bet it's some scheme right? Like all the companies before?"

Hiroshi blinked at Charles's reaction to his information, and then he started to chuckle. But it was not only him; however, the rest of the customers who happened to hear what he said joined in as well.

Charles blushed and he threw down the towel in his hand as he barked, "What are you all laughing at, huh?"

In spite of his words, it took a while for the attendees to stop laughing, and then Hiroshi started to talk once more. Only now he had the full attention of the people in the shop.

"Man, Charles I sometimes forget that you just arrived at Inazuma recently huh? But even still, how come you still don't know about the people who run the place?"

"Run... the place?" Charles slowly sat down as Hiroshi began to explain the recent happenings in Inazuma for the last 6 years. Sometimes one of the customers would interject to either say something helpful or diss Charles for not knowing such common things.

"So... What you mean to say is that a young girl is now going to become one of the major government officials who run this country and that she is also the pioneer to all of this change?"

"Pretty much," Hiroshi snapped his fingers and grinned as he rested his head in his arms.

"I knew Inazuma looked a bit too... What's the word?"

"New? Yeah, we get that a lot. Kamiko-sama, did all of this you know? When she made that speech all those years ago..."

"Kamiko-sama?" Charles asked as he looked up and Hiroshi smirked with pride.

"Our very own young miss! Kujou Kamiko-sama but she told us all to call her by her first name, with honorifics of course! Except for the children, she likes children."


Charles looked at Hiroshi's clothes and at those in the shape only now realizing that they wore the insignia for a clan. The Kujou clan is Inazuma's most powerful clan.

"Hah~ I see, then let's go."


"Let's go to where you wanted us to go. I gotta see them now," Charles grinned in excitement as he clenched his fist, "Those kitchen tools."

Hiroshi slammed his hand down and got up as well, "Nice!"


6 years ago a disturbance formed when the young miss of the Kujou Clan returned to Inazuma. Upon arriving at her home the little girl said these exact words:

"I'm not satisfied with what I have seen, let's change it all!"

At her words many were shocked and they vehemently sought to resist the change, saying that it went against the shogun's ideal of eternity. The Kamisato was especially against the disrespect of the shogun's ideal.

But the little girl did not care. Were the opinions of those who have remained stagnant and not known the beauty of change swy her will to see her country shine bright at last? She did not give up her efforts but changed her ways from not words to actions instead.

She would show them what they were missing and what they could be. For that was the role of a supreme leader.

It took her but a few months to improve the opinions the people had of her. Her small stature and soft voice made her appeasing to the eyes, but the strength in her voice could not be ignored.

Slowly but surely her voice reached and captivated the masses, thus with that Inazuma's Restoration began little ways after.

"Good story old man but is it true?" A young man who sat at the table said, his friends at his side jeered.

They clearly didn't believe it.

"When have I, Iron Tongue Tian ever told a fake story? This recent tale is taken from a bard's writings on the state of Inazuma in recent years."

"Hmm," A man who was sitting at a table further away hummed. He had gold eyes and brown hair with gold highlights at certain ends.

"Oh! Mr. Zhongli, where you also listening to my story? Do you also think it's fake?"

"I happened to hear a tidbit. As for the likelihood of it being fake, I would say that is low."

"I see... You see brats, Mr. ZhongIi said the story was true!"

"Cheh! He only said it was a low possibility, old geezer."

While the group was giving each other a tongue lashing Zhongli sipped on his tea. He looked down at it and swirled the teacup as he contemplated.

"That lass, I wonder if her day is going well?"


The instant Zhongly heard who had called him a tired breath left his throat and he looked at the sky. His gaze landed on the floating island in the sky, and just once he almost contemplated asking the gods for help.

The irony of these thoughts failed to pass under his radar.

A pity.

Zhongli sighed once more when the body of a young girl hit him from the side; which, nearly sent them both down onto the floor. His tea and the cup it was in didn't survive the charade though. More expenses.

A third sigh.


"Has the boss arrived yet? It's almost time for us to start."

"I believe she's doing something right now. Her ascension or something."

The silence that followed was deafening.


Thunder rained down from the heavens as on the peak of a mountain top stood one lone human being. Her short hair whipped around in the wind as she stood straight, her eyes unwavering from the vortex of power forming above her head.

Her blue eyes glistened with dark and gold highlights, both moving in the opposite direction of the vortex. They churned and mixed together before separating countless times as if they were engaged in battle.

She grinned even as blue-black chains appeared all over her body. Then the heavens seemed to have enough and a thunderous boom echoed through the entire Inazuman archipelago.

It shocked everyone.

Then a bolt of lightning so large it would have been mistaken for a large hill descended from the sky like divine punishment engulfing the young girl.

It didn't last for long though as the moment it arrived at the soles of her feet the large bolt of lighting split in half along with the clouds it came with; however, it did not stop there.

A massive line dissected the clouds all across Inazuma and the previously gloomy sky disappeared.

While many were shocked the young girl who attained such a feat merely breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey system, did I make it?"

[You should feel it. So why do you ask?]

"Haha, I'm just a little too happy and in shock right now so..." Emmy pouted, "Can't you humor me a bit more?"


Emmy stomped in the air.

[Shall you check your status?]

"Yes sir~"


Name: Emmy Edgar

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Titles: Kuudere of Inazuma Big Three, Master of All, Legendary Combatant, The One Who Sees, The Invincible Genius, Child Prodigy, Inazuma's Light, Child of Thunder, General, Heir of Combat, Kujou Heir, Human Tengu, Battlemaster, One-Girl Army, Master Teacher.

[Potential: - ]


Overall Rating: SS+(New!) Up 1!

Strength: SS(New!) Up 1!

Constitution: SS-(New!) Up 1!

Agility: SS+(New!) Up 1!

Intelligence: S+(New!) Up 1!

Energy: SSS(New) Up 2!

[Innate Ability]

Meta Targeting - All enemies that are targeted shall be hit. No matter their location. It matters not the weapon used.


True Combat

(First Stage - True Learning: Allows aptitude restrictions to be breached, allowing mastery over all arts of combat. The ability to learn and master anything associated with combat at breakneck speeds.)

(Second Stage - True Potential: Allows all aptitude restrictions to be breached freely, allowing mastery over all arts of combat. The ability to master any and all techniques, regardless of requirements that would normally be unreachable i.e, race, special talent, physique.)

(Third Stage - True Adaptation: Adapt to any and all things. The speed at which this happens shall vary on what is being adapted.)

(Fourth Stage - ???)(Sealed)

[Techniques - Energy]

-Energy Manipulation [Rank - Null] (Profound)

-Elemental Sight [Rank - D] (Expert) (New!)

-Subspace Creation [Rank - SSS] (Master)

[Techniques - Physical]

-Hane Kenjutsu [Rank – S] (Profound) (New!): This sword art is like a feather in the wind, free-flowing and unrestrained by worldly bounds. Created by an unknown master when he felt that the chains he was bound by were too heavy, he cut them using a feather he had on hand.

-Weapon Mastery [Rank - S] (Grand- Master) (New!): Mastery of all weapons has averaged at the Grand-master level. Users are able to achieve Saint and Profound levels in many arts of combat.

-Celestial Adepti Martial Art [Rank - SS] (Saint) (New!): The art used by the illustrious combat adepti who reside in Liyue. Their fist could cover the clouds and sink mountains. Many demons have fallen to this powerful art.

[Techniques - Mental](New!)

-Realm of Thought [Rank - SS] (Saint) (New!): Created by Emmy/Kamiko Edgar/Kujou. The technique uses focus to create a zone-like state to process information and come to conclusions. Using this a slight connection to the subconscious mind is created. Comparable processing capability to a low-level system.

-Mind Blocking [Rank - B] (Master) (New!): Block all attempts to read the user's mind and can be used to block the thought process of others.

-Mind Walking [Rank - S] (Expert) (New!): Walk in the mind of others, seeing their thoughts and dreams.


Emmy whistled, "I'm kinda strong."

[You are very strong. Host it's time.]

"Hmm, let's go," Emmy nodded her head before she jumped off the edge of the mountain feeling the wind hitting her hair, a truly wonderful feeling.

A pity she had to go.

With a swift turn, the girl began to take off in the direction of Inazuma City, the surrounding scenery whizzed by as she flew through the clouds. She whistled a tune as she went down the path she split in the sky and rapidly she began to close in on the venue of her "presentation".

Immediately upon seeing the girl in the sky the crowd around the [Statue of The Omnipresent God] began to quiet down. Emmy began her slow descent as she surveyed the people, their expressions bubbled with excitement and expectation.

There were also lots of fever and worship within the crowd. Emmy was puzzled but she didn't let that tiny bit of information hold her back for too long. It would fade away soon enough, she thought.

She wasn't a god, the people would go back to worshipping their Raiden Shogun in but a few days. With her thoughts like this, Emmy breathed a sigh of relief. It was nothing to worry about.

With one last glance at the crowd that was steadily growing impatient, she said:

"Greetings people of Inazuma and those from abroad! I take you have been having a splendid morning today?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"It could be better, to be honest."

"It's been a lot better with the rain gone."

The people began to speak again and Emmy patiently listened to their words for a while, her acute hearing let her know who was talking, what they were saying, and where it was coming from.

After she had enough of the noise she raised her hand.

They quieted down.


"Dear citizens of Inazuma,

"Before I begin, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering belief in our new method of Eternity.

"As the embodiment of Inazuma's god and her ideals, we have now set our sights on embracing the present and forging ahead toward a brighter future.

"A future where our motherland shines like the lightning she breeds, and where her people bask in the radiance of prosperity and progress!"

Emmy spoke passionately and the crowd cheered, the applause loud and lively.

"It fills me with immense pride to stand before you today, as we celebrate the fruits of our labor in rebuilding our nation anew.

"The journey has been long and arduous, but together, native and foreign alike, we have surmounted every obstacle and surpassed every expectation.

"Let us take a moment to applaud not only ourselves but the children as well, for their unwavering spirit and relentless determination in shaping the future of Inazuma!"

With a flourish of her arms, Emmy stood tall and proud, her voice resonating with the crowd yet retaining a softness that belied its power. She spoke with such conviction that her words seemed to cast a spell over the people, entrancing them with every syllable.

"However, today, I stand before you not as a government official, but as a businesswoman, seeking to cater to the ever-growing needs of our beloved citizens. It is with immense pleasure that I unveil to you Sunsettia Incorporations' newest technological marvel, the [Life Series]!"

Someone whistled loudly and like thunder, catastrophic applause erupted from the growing crowd of both citizens and soldiers in the area.

"Alright, everyone settles down. Before I show you what we have today, allow me to offer an explanation of what the [Life Series] is."

Emmy took a deep breath and started.

"The [Life Series] is a groundbreaking innovation that combines the best of technology and nature to create a product that not only enhances your quality of life but also brings you closer to the essence of our motherland.

"We at Sunsettia understand the importance of preserving our environment and the delicate balance between technology and nature.

"Therefore, we have painstakingly crafted the [Life Series] to embody the principles of sustainability, efficiency, and excellence."

Emmy didn't even pause for much longer, the cheers of the crowd and their excitement were infectious and she found herself caught up in it.

"The [Life Series] boasts of an array of features that cater to the diverse needs of our customers.

"From cutting-edge home appliances that save time, and energy and reduce carbon footprint to health and wellness products that promote holistic living, the [Life Series] is your one-stop solution to a sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.

"Our products are designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine and enhance your overall well-being, thereby empowering you to live your best life."

'Okay I'm on the last part of the speech I practiced a thousand times last night, so I should be okay. Now let's finish this.'

"In conclusion, it is with great pleasure that I present to you the [Life Series]. As we continue to rebuild our nation, let us remember that progress and sustainability go hand in hand, and that our future lies in our ability to strike a balance between the two.

"Let us embrace the present and forge ahead towards a brighter and bountiful future, where the lightning of Inazuma illuminates our path and where the [Life Series] is the cornerstone of our sustainable lifestyle.

"Thank you."

As she finished her speech, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause, their cheers reverberating through the air like an echo.

Emmy's heart swelled with pride and gratitude for the people she had the privilege of addressing.

With a deep sense of reverence, she lowered her head and chest in a respectful bow, humbly acknowledging the applause and the trust that the people of Inazuma had placed in her.

As she straightened back up, her smile widened, and she looked out at the sea of faces before her, her eyes glistening with emotion.

At that moment, she knew that the people of Inazuma were united in their vision for a brighter future and that they would work together to make it a reality.

As the products were brought up to the impromptu stage, Emmy flew up to the statue and sat down beside it as she listened to her employees give the rundown of what the products did and how to use them.

Emmy expected that their sales were about to go up by hundreds and that the GDP of Inazuma was going to rise once again. Once the country had enough money and a much more stable infrastructure, Emmy would start one thing that she wanted from the start.

A stronger standing military force to block the Fatui's influence.

'I already have an irreplaceable ally on my side. Well two of them but details.'


Sneak Peak:

"You wish for tactical and strategic rank artifacts? Ningguang, these don't cost mora."

"There are other currencies besides mora girl."



A/N: Damn 3 weeks gone in the blink of an eye. Lowkey didn't know how or what to start with in this tbh. But I'm here, again. How did you all like this chapter? Was it too much information at once? Was the speech cringe(I can't do speeches so tell me so I can get better.)

Also, chat gpt helped me a lot with this chapter for editing and dramatizing the action a lot more than before. Everyone knows I can't edit for my life.

Also about the carbon footprint part, remember Fontaine? There are some bits in the lore that "Suggests" that the air there isn't exactly desirable.