Chapter 12

A day in the garden during Spring was always the best. Just walking around with my green watering can, watering my plants and walking along the trail with Tulip. To my surprise, today Isaiah is also following me around the garden. It has been 20 minutes since Isaiah started following me while continuously whining like a little kid.

"Ugh, I will join you for swordsmanship training tomorrow!" Isaiah whined.

"How can I trust your words? You didn't show up this morning or the day before." I said while examining my plants.

"I will! So please make me tiramisu for my birthday! You know I love to eat the tiramisu you make and the chocolate crepes!" He begged behind me while I just kept walking. "Why are you still walking around this enormous garden?! And respond back to your lovely little brother! RIGHT. THIS. INSTANT." He complained and when he noticed I was ignoring him, he started yelling.

"Isaiah Celestine! Bring your voice down and behave!" I sternly said with my raging eyes piercing at him as he avoided my eyes.

"…I'm sorry. I lost my temper…once again…" He said while looking down at his feet as he thought to himself, "Ugh sis really called me by my full name." I'm glad he at least knows when to apologize. Sometimes I feel that I have spoiled him way too much but then again I did discipline him a lot. Luckily he only acts like that in front of me.

"But you can't take your time out to bake your charming, sweet, and loving little brother some tiramisu and chocolate crepes???" He looked at me with puppy eyes. Ugh he really pulled his puppy eye card on me when he damn well knows I can't refuse him whenever he does that. Unknown to me, Isaiah was laughing inside and anticipating the long awaited "yes".

"*sigh* Fine! I'll make some a day before your birthday so it can be ready to serve on your birthday." I said to which I received a big hug from Isaiah.

"YESS!! THANK YOU!!!" Isaiah yelled and hugged tightly. I really can't do anything about this boy.

"Ah don't forget we'll be having a picnic at the heavenly land on your birthday since you're turning 15 years old! Father and I have already cleared up our schedules so finish your stuff too and attend the training!" I informed Isaiah as we pulled away from our hug.

"Uhm…about training…I will see tomorrow!" He said while slowly stepping away from me. Ughh he's about to run away again. This kid is really mischievous for a 14 year old.

"I WILL DRAG YOU FROM YOUR ROOM IF YOU DON'T COME!!!" I yelled on top of my lungs as he ran further and further away from me. What can I even do about this kid?? How will he even live or survive without me in this cruel world? Right now, it really seems like we're living in this secure bubble but I know as soon as we take a step out of that bubble, all the cruelty of this world would present itself right in front of us—and I've experienced that firsthand but Isaiah hasn't…which makes me worried. Either way, I'm here to protect him…but what if one day, I'm not…? I need to stop thinking about this! I have so much work pending right now.

It has been 2 years since the debutante ceremony and since then my duties as a princess went up but that is also due to the fact that I started assisting Father with empire matters. Currently, I have a tall pile of documents to review and send over to father. I swiftly but carefully look over the documents when out of nowhere, I hear a knock on my office door. At first, I thought it's Isaiah and quickly put that thought aside because if it was Isaiah, he would've just walked right in without knocking but that's only if he knew I wasn't having any visitors.

"Come in." I say nonchalantly. When I looked up, I saw my personal spy making his way in front of me and respectfully greeting me.

"Good afternoon, My Lady." He said with his unconcerned face.

"Good afternoon, Sir Leo. What news made you show your presence in the broad daylight?" I asked with curiosity as I put my pen down and clasped my hands together on the desk.

"I got the news you were waiting for but there's something more." He informed me.

"Proceed." I tell him as I pick up my pen and start writing on the documents. I already know what he's going to say anyways, it was already expected.

"The Northern Church declined the annulment of the engagement once again due to there not being any confirmation from both sides." I expected that since I heard the same thing from the Southern Church when I wanted to annul the engagement. That day, I had came out of the Church with pure disappointment. I remember the first time I convinced father or more like begged, to annul the engagement. The process was almost done…just almost, even Prince Haven agreed to it but at the last minute Queen Audrey changed her mind for unknown reasons.

"What's the other news?" I said with no emotion.

"The Northern empire will sooner or later be going to war. The East and West coast are preparing to attack the Northern empire." He said with a serious tone. As soon as I heard that news, my pen dropped. Why…Why is there a war happening? This is so unexpected…wait, since the Northern Empire will be going to the war that means we're also targeted too.

"Does…Father already know about it?" I ask while getting my composure together.

"He'll be finding out soon enough."

"Ok. Then you may leave now." I said while picking up my pen again as I watched him bowing down and proceeding to leave. Now all I could see was his broad back going out of my office door. Sir Leo wasn't the type to come out during the daylight and would only show his presence to inform me about any news at night. No wonder why he came when there is still light outside,…this news is so crucial for me and the Southern Empire.

Sir Leo is my right hand and is from the fallen House of Albertine, who is well known for their intelligences, but the irony here is that the late Count Albertine wasn't smart enough and due to his poor decisions, the House of Albertine was lead to bankruptcy and were disgraced in front of the whole empire after the Counts disgusting affairs were exposed. Since then, Leo lived on with his life hiding away. And the way we met…well it was the recruitment day to recruit new knights for the Imperial Palace. I had gone to the recruitment in hiding but this man caught my eyes…mostly because of his handsome face but then the more closely I looked at him, he reminded me of Count Albertine. So when his turn came to spare, I went up to spare against him with no care about my disguise. I could clearly see the shock on everyone's face but I proceeded and so did Sir Leo.

"My Lady, What are you doing here?" I heard Captain Gabriel call out for me.

"Gabriel, I know what I'm doing!" I yelled back while looking straight into Leo's eyes.

"Then shall we begin?" I asked.

"Yes" was the confirmation I got. The determination was apparent in his eyes but his skills were tacky. The fight didn't last long and I ended up winning but I knew I had the upper hand.

"I'll be taking him with me." I had said out loud and proceeded to walk but when I noticed Leo wasn't following me, I stopped and turned around.

"Hurry up! I don't have all the time in the world!" I calmly yelled at him.

We went on a walk and out of curiosity Leo asked, "How do you know me?" I looked up to examine his whole face, he had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes and gave me the same cold expression which I was giving him.

"How could I not? I'm a royal and need to be on top of every noble's secret deeds." I smile at him to which I got no response back from, the silence telling me "Quickly get to the point" so that's exactly what I do. "Well I want you to work for me. From what I can comprehend you are more skillful with your brain than with wielding a sword which is expected since the House of Albertine is known for its intelligence. Rather than working as an Imperial knight, why don't you work for me? I'll provide you with everything—living, food, shelter and even give your title back." I said, trying to convince him as much as I can.

"...I'll think about it and let you know, Princess Irene." He said after a while.

"Ah so you knew!" I said with a smile. "….Yes, it's because I have seen you wandering around trying to find information about one of the nobles and because of your brown wavy curly hair which resembled so much like…." He averted his eyes.

"The late Empress… my mother…." I said slowly. "Yes" was the last thing he said before leaving. "Mhm it seems like he isn't afraid of me like everyone else is." I thought to myself.

I get out of my office and walk towards the opposite side of the building where Father's study room is. After knocking, I make my way inside the office and receive a smile from Father.

"Hey dear!" Father said in a cheerful tone but then that soon changed to a serious expression when he properly looked at me.

"Hi Father…I'm sorry for disturbing you but I have something to talk to you about and I promise I won't take much of your time." I desperately said.

"Irene, you can take as much time as you want! Seems like something serious happened?" Father looked worried and gestured to me to sit down on the couch. Father also came and sat opposite of me on the couch.

"I'll keep it short!" I quickly said. I was starting to get nervous because I was going to say something that would definitely make Father lose his shit…let's not think about that right now. "Calm down" was the only phrase I repeatedly thought to myself.

"I'll start then. …I recently got news that the Northern Empire will be going on war against the Eastern and Western territory which means we'll be the target as well. Since the East and the West have joined together…it is only fair for the North and South to be joining forces." I finished talking and I could see the shook clearly displayed on Fathers face.

"…I just received that news last night from King Mallick. I agree with you on joining forces but it'll be difficult to gather an army in just short notice." Father said with seriousness.

"I can help with all that! For now, we need to figure out when exactly we need to bring our forces in. I know the Northern Empire is strong enough to defeat the Eastern and Western territories but for them to suddenly start a war which means they have some secret weapons in their possession and that'll be detrimental to the Northern army and that's when we need to come into the picture. We need to make the enemies believe we aren't supporting the Northern Empire even though there is an alliance between us, as if we have betrayed them but when the time is right, the Southern army shows up for assistance." I carefully explained my plan.

"That…That sounds good." Father said with a thinking face.

"I'm pretty sure the enemies believe that they have the upper hand." I confidently said.

"You should attend the meetings with me and explain the plan to the Captain and the other nobles." Father said with a determined face.

"I…have something else to say too." I slowly said, averting my eyes.

"Go ahead." I could hear the curiosity in Fathers voice.

"...I want to join the army and assist the Northern Empire on the battlefield…" I said while looking down at my hands. The deafening silence gave me flashbacks of when I had asked to train as a Knight. I start speaking again. "…Father, I know you have told me that I should never think about going to a war but now that a war is really taking place…I want to help and be there to protect our empire at any cost!" With determined eyes, I looked up at father. Only to be met with cold, angered eyes.

"No! And that's my final answer!" Father said strictly and got up from the couch, making his way towards his desk.

"I know why you are saying that but please I want your approval!" I said desperately.

"This is what I was most afraid of! Irene, why do you even want to put yourself in danger?? Just why? Either way, I can't have you going on war sites. And that's final!" Father said with various emotions.

"Father, I have extraordinary swordsmanship skills and I have magic to protect me. I can also use my mana to give me extra strength. If you are worried about others knowing that the Princess is going on the war, then I can have a magic stone to change my appearance so no one will know. I'll take any precautions, so just let me prepare with the other knights that'll go on the battlefield."

"NO! NO MATTER WHAT, YOU CAN'T GO! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!…Please try to understand…I've lost your mother already and I can't afford to lose you too! The war isn't a place for a Princess." Father yelled at me with panic evident in his voice.

The silence, once again, showed up and I was lost for words. I took offense to the last thing Father said but then again, I know Father is just mad and scared. I slowly start speaking. "…You won't lose me! I will make sure to come back in one piece!"

"Irene, how can you be so selfish?! Think about your brother Isaiah and me, FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I could hear Fathers voice echo in the room and in my head. "…Let's have this talk later. I need to think it through. You may leave now." Father turned around with his back facing me. I could see that Father was rubbing his temples with his fingers. I quietly leave without saying goodbye.

It's been a few days and Father hasn't talked to me since that conversation. I have been receiving documents related to the war that has already taken place. In about 2-3 months, our army needs to be ready to go help the Northern Empire and by then, I hope I get the approval from Father…or else I'll go behind his back!

Today, I need to make tiramisu and chocolate crepes for Isaiah. I can't believe tomorrow is going to be his 15th birthday and I want to make it as memorable as I can…since I might not get to see him for a while. I took over the whole kitchen and had the ingredients prepared by Lily. I first prepared the chocolate crepes and put them aside. Right now, I'm finishing assembling the tiramisu when suddenly, I'm informed that Sir Charles has come. I quickly cover up the tiramisu and have it restored in the icy room.

"Good afternoon, Sir Charles!" I joyfully greet my fathers assistant. He's definitely here to inform me that Father wants to talk to me.

"His highness asked for your presence." He said worryingly.

"Ok! Lead the way. And don't worry!" I said with an assuring smile. There is a 50-50 chance that Father will let me go but he also knows that I'll rebel and go behind his back, which only leaves him with one choice—have me assist the army.

I make my way inside Fathers office. "Good afternoon, Father and Captain Gabriel!" I said with a faint smile. I did not expect to see Captain Gabriel here.

"…Sit down, Irene." Father said after a long pause and gestured towards the couch. "I think you already know my decision but still, I'll verbally tell you. I'm letting you go to the war site…but there will be precautions taken! Only Duke Aspen Astley and Captain Gabriel will know your real identity. They will protect me when it's necessary, though I know you can protect yourself but I need this to ease my heart a don't even try to argue with me. Second, the Head Priest will prepare a magic stone that will conceal your identity, obviously changing your appearance. Third, if any moment,…you feel overwhelmed and want to back out, quickly and I mean quickly come back home. Your life is worth more than anything, more than saving the empire. I want you back here alive!" Father said with an uneasy expression and it was apparent that Father was giving approval to me with a heavy heart. I glance at Captain Gabriel and he seems to be shocked.

"I agree with all of your precautions!" I said with determination.

"My lady, have you actually made up your mind on that?" Captain Gabriel worryingly questioned.

"Yes, I have!"

"Then from now on, I want Irene to be an assistant general for Duke Astley and have them be in one group." Father informs Captain Gabriel.

"Yes, My highness! I'll especially assign Irene to Duke Astley!" Captain Gabriel said.

"Then it's set. Captain Gabriel, please protect my girl with all your being. I don't want even one scratch on her!" Father said desperately and then turned towards me.

"Irene, for the sake of your Father and Isaiah, please look after yourself and come in one piece!" Father looked at me with fear in his eyes. I know they all want me to come in one piece but I don't care if I lose my life. That's the truth, I can't bring myself to say in front of Father or Isaiah but at the end of the day, I would try my best to come in one piece, just to be with my family.

"…Yes…I will." I said, trying my best to sound as assuring as I can.

"…I have prepared a meeting for you with the Head Priest so they can test out some of the magic stones. I'll send out the information for that in the upcoming days. From now, you'll be busy preparing for the war and don't worry about talking to Duke Astley, I'll do all the communication for that. I don't want anyone getting any hint that you'll be attending the war and since you go to the Church often, no one will question it. As for your absence after the departure, everyone will be informed that you have gone abroad for further studies." Father informed me with seriousness.

"Yes, I understand. …Ah, tomorrow is Isaiahs birthday so please clear out your schedule!" I informed Father with a smile.

"Ah right! I have some stuff to do and then I'll be free for tomorrow." Father said.

"Ok! Then I'll spend that time with Isaiah and later we can all get together!"

"Sounds good!" Father faintly smiled at me. It was apparent that Father stressed about everything.

"Then I shall take my leave! Thank you for agreeing to my request, Father!" I said while getting up.

"I had to or else you would've left behind my back!" Father said with unease. I immediately bowed down to Father and Captain Gabriel. I proceeded to leave the room and made my way towards my garden to help me loosen up my tensed body.