
"Oh yes, I forgot." Hugo smiled and took his hand.

Cook got up and smiled a little at him.

"Woo it smells so good, what is it? Let me guess, It smells of qwerty vegetables and Italian type species. Wait, is that some new pork recipe?"

Everyone was fond of cooking in the whole town but, till now no one was able to describe the ingredients of his dishes even after eating them let alone that this person didn't even look at it. He gave the exact list of the ingredients in just a few seconds.

"Who are you? What is your profession? Hugo was not a social person, he had no idea about etiquette, he was just curious about what type of person is standing in front of him.

'Wait wait wait wait wait, what?! You are asking these things to a stranger you just met? Did you bump your head somewhere?" The stranger asked while taking a closer look.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean are you hurt somewhere? This is not the right way you thank someone."

"Oh, I was just curious about you because you were able to tell all the ingredients just with a sniff."

"Ok then my name is George, I am a well-known foodie in this town. You haven't heard about me?"

"You just don't look like a foodie from any angle, where is your tummy? It was supposed to be bulging out." About it, Hugo was right though. George had a good build, anyone can tell just by looking at him.

"Haha, I have to agree, you are quite straightforward, now I understand why you still haven't opened your own restaurant."

"You know me?" Hugo was surprised by the fact that someone actually knew who he was.

George was more shocked than surprised by this question.

"Who doesn't know about you? I don't even know anyone in this town who doesn't recognize you."


"Yup! and I have been waiting that when you'll open your restaurant. I will come and join you even if I have to be a waiter."

"Ha what are you talking about, how is that even possible?"

"You mean I can't even be a waiter? That was hurtful bro." George said sarcastically. But Hugo was too naive to understand this sarcasm.

"No no! It wasn't what I meant. I mean that you can get a way better job.

"Oh, you are too dumb!" George meant what he said now.

"Maybe? I think so too."

It was getting dark and all sorts of animal voices can be heard now. Suddenly a bat flew between both of them. They looked at it flying away with a swoosh.

"Where do you live?" Hugo wanted to let George try this dish and discuss opening the restaurant as well.

"I live nearby, do you want to visit?"

"I wanna call you over."

"And... Why is that? We just met each other. Still anyways I trust my idol is not a serial killer, so I'll join you."

"Ha ha come with me, I guess we'll your dream today?"

"What dream?" George looked cautiously.

"I am talking about opening a restaurant and eating a lot of good food. What are you even thinking about?"

"Ok ok"

They kept talking all the way home. After a few months, their restaurant was ready and it was its opening day. It was a great sunny day. They planned a celebration for the day and invited many people. There were many people at this function. It was like the whole town came there.

Today two things took place; 1 good and another bad. The good one was that Hugo met a girl who later turned out to be his love of life, and she belonged to a family that worked under Hugo's father's company. So everything was basically set.

Second, the bad thing was a little expected.

One of Hugo's old acquaintances Justin, and the owner of the old restaurant where he used to work invited Hugo for a private talk. He took them to the office.

"I know Hugo it will be a little disapproving and sad but we are telling you this because we care for you." The owner looked at him with sad eyes.

"Yes Hugo, if you would have told us about your partner earlier we were going to say you the same thing."

"Can you be a bit more clear with what you are trying to say. It is going all over above of my head."

"Listen carefully, I don't know what he told you but that person 'George' is not good. There are rumors that he destroyed a lot of people's businesses in nearby towns."

Hugo realized that everything George told him earlier was true. He told him that people don't want to see him succeed. And these words were already predicted by him.

"He was so right! All you guys do is think about yourself. You don't care about anyone. You are still trying to see me working for you. He is the only one who understood what I wanted to do and now you guys wanna ruin it too?"

"Get yourself together Hugo, this is not what we mean, we will support you with all we have. We do care for you, you've worked for me for so long. You made me go famous. You are the reason for my current success. How can I even imagine repaying you? Please trust us for once. We don't want to see something bad happening to you. Most of the guests here are coming here with the same intention, we all want to warn you."

Hugo was feeling attacked now. "Thanks for your concern and warning. But I'll do what my heart tells me to do." He gestured for them to go out.

Justin was angry and he went out and slammed the door behind him, The owner still looked concerned.

Almost everyone at the party had the same concern but no one dared to say it anymore. Slowly everyone went back and Hugo went to see his parents off. His parents were also listening to all kinds of things today, but they knew that if Hugo had decided to do something no one can turn him back. They just prayed that everything goes well.

Later that year Hugo decided to marry the girl he met that day. They have been dating for a year now and both of them loved each other a lot. She made him feel comfortable after all the bad things happening to him. He liked to share all the good events with her. Now the hate in people's minds for George was fading off and everyone was falling for his good behavior.

It was their marriage day soon. The day which was supposed to be a great day in his life turned out to be the worst one. His Father died of poisoning in the middle of the event.

The evidence all pointed toward Hugo. To add oil to the fire George said that he saw Hugo with the food made for his father. Many people believed him and after the investigation, it was announced that Hugo was guilty and he did it for the property. He was sentenced to prison for about 10 years. At this time everyone was quick to control all the property he had.

The restaurant owner tried his best to do something for Hugo but ended up being thrown out of the town.

George got the shop and his relatives took all his property with illegal means. His mother couldn't do anything because she was already going mentally upset with the sudden death of her husband and her son going to prison. At the same time, Mrs. Hugo was helpless as well because she was not his wife officially yet, so she couldn't do anything yet.

After long years of prison when he came back, he immediately decided to leave the town. He got news of his mother's death and his property was all gone as well.

But to his surprise, Mrs. Hugo was still waiting for him. But she herself was in not so good position as well. After the marriage day, her family persuaded her to start over but she strongly refused. Her parents tried all the methods but all in vain.

In the end she was asked to choose; Hugo or her family. She chose Hugo and had to leave her family. She was the one who took care of his mother the entire time and was with her during her last movements.

Hugo had mixed feelings now, but all he was able to do was hug her and cry his eyes out. This was the first time he cried ever since his father's death.

Later that week they both went to his parents grave, paid them their respects and left the town together. He was unable to cook anymore, no one wanted to let Hugo work with them. They all treated him like a jinx.

The only option they were left with was his wife working. Now people hated him for making his wife work. He lived miserably for many years.

About what happened next; you know it better.