
Throw them out

Inesa once heard her father speaking about how beautiful her mother was and how elegant she was, at that time, she was eleven years old. She felt guilty seeing the sadness in her father's eyes.

As a child, Inesa grew up hearing everyone around her accusing her of her mother's death. They said that her mother couldn't handle the shock of the fact that she gave birth to a monster like her, A girl who has white hair and extremely pale skin. 

People with their ignorance turned a medical condition into the work of the devil, of course, Inesa never believed that she was the reason for her mother's death but what saddens her is the fact that she didn't live to be by her side.

When Inesa was born she was diagnosed with oculocutaneous albinism, a disease that makes a person look different from the rest of the world. People treated her badly, calling the bad things that made her grow up with low self-confidence.  

When Inesa was one year old, Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and it was already in a late stage, leaving her and her father all alone and too early.

Now that she lost her loving father and the only relative that loved her genuinely, Inesa didn't know how her world would change and what to do from her own words.

Laying on the bed, Insesa has been awake for an hour now, She was supposed to get dressed and go downstairs as the lawyer was supposed to read her will today but she didn't want to be in the same room with her father's greedy relatives who only came to take their share of her father money when they have no right to take one single dollar, but they always have been like this.

Sitting up on the bed, Inesa reached to wipe her tears, she was feeling lonely without her father, they used to play cards at this time of the day, and she was always by her side trying as much as he could to not make her feel lonely but now that he's no longer here, everything seemed to have lost its meaning.

Hearing the knock on the door, Inesa reached for the bedside lamp making the room dark with no light in it, turning it off, she hated to be seen or looked at.

Opening the door, Metadata entered the room already expecting it to be dark.

"Miss Inesa, It's time, the lawyer is waiting for you to  read the will." Metadata informed.

"Let my guardian attend on my behalf, I don't want to attend." Inesa replied, her voice weak and exhausted.

She had no energy left in her and honestly, she didn't want to be there and witness what her family will do once they find out what was written in the will.

Understanding why Inesa told her to do that, Metadata nodded her head."As you wish, young miss." 


inside the study room.

"I will start reading the will now." The lawyer announced as he started to open the white envelope.

The family members stared at each other and then turned to look at the man dressed in black. The man had a gentle vibe around him but something was off with him.

Vincent offered them a warm smile when he noticed how hard he was being looked at.

"What is he doing here?" One of the family members whispered.

"I heard that he bought shares in the company two years ago." Another one replied.

Vincent noticed how the family was eager to read the will, they didn't even notice that the rightful heir wasn't even attending, but he wasn't the perfect one to judge, his own family too likes to spend his money but doesn't stand to see his face. How odd, he never understood how families work.

"Will you make it quick, we have things to do." Inesa's aunt said.

Nodding his head, The lawyer started to read the will.

"I am Rorland Cirillo announcing that Vincent Semenov will be the responsible garden for my only daughter and heir, Inessa Cirillo." 

Gasps filled the room, Everyone turned to look at Vincent who was sitting lazily on the chair with crossed legs and one hand supporting his head while he chewed on his gum unfazed by the glares that were receiving from the people in the room.

"But he has no right to be in control of the assets." One of the family members protested.

"Yes, Who is to come and take our money?" Another one protested. 

Vincent, who was playing games on his phone, didn't bother to even look at who was talking, he simply signaled the lawyer to continue as he continued playing.

Clearing his throat, the lawyer continued from where he stopped.

"Thus he will have all the full and legal right to manage and keep all, companies, estates,  lands, and bank accounts as my heir is medically unable to manage all this fortune. This will was written by me in my full mental health. dated December the fifth, two thousand and nineteen." 

"That's everything written in the will. To summarize everything, Mr. Semenov is the legal guardian of Miss Inesa Cirillo and for everything that she inherited." The lawyer explained.

"What? This is nonsense, how can we have not been included in the will?" Inesa's aunt spoke fuming at what she heard.

The lawyer nervously pushed his glasses up as he replied."I'm sorry ma'am, but that is literally what is written in the will, you can read it yourself if you want to." 

"There's no need to read anything." Vincent spoke after the long silence.

Vincent stood up and put the phone in his pocket before he signaled to his bodyguards.

"Throw them out and never allow them to enter this house again." He ordered his man and they immediately carried out the order.