
Doubting her decision

Once the app was installed, Inesa hesitated at first before opening the app. It was something she hadn't done before and she had no experience or expectations but for some reason, she was excited to try it.

Finishing the registration steps, Inesa nervously started to go through the app, to maintain her privacy, she chose her username to be pure whiteness, and to avoid potential abuse she didn't upload her picture to the profile since she wasn't expecting much 0of the experience.

Inesa downloads the app just for fun and to pass some time, staying in the room all day is becoming boring and getting out during the daylight is not possible because of how sensitive her skin is, so the only time she can freely move around is at night and she doesn't like to.

Swiping through the men's profiles, Inesa was surprised to see that there are grown men who are using the app, putting their pictures and information about themselves. 

Inesa noticed that most of the users posted real information about themselves, unlike her.

"No one would want to see an ugly person like me." Insea mumbled to herself as sadness filled her heart.

Putting the phone on the nightstand, Inesa decided to drop the idea before she got disappointed. It's better to save herself from heartache.

Getting up from the bed, She walked towards the bathroom to take her morning shower, it's one of the things that helps her when she's frustrated or sad about something.


On the other side of the world, A man called Vincent Semenov was spending his time enjoying the warm sun on the Brazilian coast leaving behind piles of unsigned peppers, an unfinished workload, and a very stressful assistant who was worried that he might be soon jobless if his boss continued to act careless and contained ignore his job.

 "I brought you with me to enjoy but you look like you're about to have a heart attack. Is something wrong, Wilson?" Vincent said as he lifted his sunglasses and picked up his iced cocktail bringing the rem of the glass to his lips.

Wilson, stared at his boss with confusion, the man is unbelievable, he decided to take a vacation at a very sensitive time.

Did he perhaps forget that he's running towards companies now?

Ah, I'm positive that I'm going to be unemployed soon if this continues. Wilson imagined himself walking on the streets with ripped clothes, starving to death. A very unhappy end for a devoted secretary like him.

Vincent noticed how pale his secretary became and he decided to comfort him but in his way.

"You can go back to handle all the work, I will be back next week." Vincent said as he stood up walking back towards the hotel leaving a speechless Wilson behind him.


Entering the room, the first thing Vincent did was turn the AC on, though Brazil is a very beautiful country it's extremely hot.

Taking out his phone from his pocket, Vincent started to check his email box, messages, and missed calls and as he was doing so a notification popped up on his screen.

Tapping on the notification, Vincent raised an elegant eyebrow as he read what was on the screen, a request for a chat, swiping to the profile of the chat sender, He started to read the female profile information, what got his attention was the ID name of the user, Pure Whiteness.

"Pure Whiteness." Vincent read the name with a curious look on his face to know who this pure whiteness girl was.

Taking a seat on the chair beside the window, Vincent noticed that the user didn't post too much personal information about herself other than her hobbies and her favorite animals.

Like him, this anonymous girl chose to keep her real identity secret, he only hoped that this wasn't some guy who's playing tricks or some old woman.

Tapping on the chat square, Vincent started typing a reply to the anonymous girl.

[Hey!] Vincent decided to keep his reply short and wait to see what she's going to do and where this may lead.

He had been using the app for some time now. At first, he was looking for one nightstand and so was the woman he met but recently he grew tired of this and wants to at least try to have a real relationship.

Vincent Is in his late thirties and he had never been in a serious relationship in all this time, Not because he didn't want to but because he was busy building his business empire. As a foreign man from another country, Vincent wasn't welcomed here, so he had to work hard, day and night to reach where he is today.

After what seemed like ages, Pure Whiteness finally replied and it was a simple and short reply just like his. 

