
Problems with anger management

"What?" Inesa whispered confused as she read the message.

[Do you want to video chat?]  

But they still haven't got to know each other for that long. Would it be alright to do that? Inesa wondered.

Unable to decide what to do, Inesa researched on the internet to get some advice about it. 

While Inesa was reading some of the people's comments, she noticed that most of the answers are supporting the idea saying that person who asks for a video chat wants to make sure that the other party is truly a girl, not someone who's pretending, While a few of the answers don't support it saying that he might a pedophile or even worse, while another answer suggested that the safest choice is a normal voice chat. 

After reading all these answers, Insea decided that the last choice is to go for the voice call and if he didn't like it then he can simply stop texting her. She would rather end this than be fooled by some perverted person.

[Sorry, I can't do that but we can voice chat, if you like to.] She gave him the choice to accept or refuse.

And honestly, She wanted him to accept because she had mastered all the courage she had to send him the first message and she was positive that she won't be able to do it again.

Knock, knock…

Inesa quickly put her phone on silent and hid it under the pillow, she didn't want Metadata to find out what she was doing.

"Come in." Inesa gives permission for Metadata to enter.

Closing the door behind her, Metadata said."I'm sorry to disturb you but Mr. Vincent sent these papers and asked for your signature on them." 

Inesa nodded her head and took the papers and pen from Metadata and started signing the papers, though she didn't understand why they needed her signature when her father put him in charge of everything.

"Is that everything?" Inesa asked as she gave the signed papers back to Metadata.

"Yes." Metadata replied but then she hesitated.

Insea sighed knowing what Metadata is going to say, She hated repeating the same talk every time.

"My answer is still no." Inesa answered Metadata's unspoken question.

"But, this one is different, He's only two years older than you and he's already the heir to his family company. He's quite handsome too." Metadata tried to convince her to change her mind.

"NO. NOW PLEASE GET OUT." Inesa shouted, losing the last bit of patience she had.

Leaving the room, Metadata sighed and went downstairs. What happened just now wasn't known, Insea always had problems with anger management since she was young, she always screamed and shouted at the servants to leave her alone, her father tried to convince her to see a psychiatrist but she refused and locked herself in her room for days without food, when this happened her father give up the idea fearing that she might try to hurt herself if he forced her.


Back in Brazil, Inside Vincent's hotel room.

Unlocking the door to his room, Vincent walked towards the refrigerator taking out a bottle of water to drink. He had just finished his evening jogging. The weather was hot and he was extremely thirsty.

"Ah, that's so refreshing." Vincent said as he threw the empty water bottle in the trash before he headed towards the bathroom to take a shower but he stopped midway and turned walking towards the table and grabbed his phone to check if Pure whiteness had replied or not.

Unlocking his phone, Vincent read and tapped on the new incoming message."Hmm, a voice call." Vincent mumbled as he reread the message. 

"Interesting." Vincent said as he put the phone back on the table and headed towards the bathroom, First, he will take a shower then he will decide if he will call her or not.

If he wanted, Vincent would have asked his assistant to see who this number belonged to and who is this person, but Vincent is a person known for being a man who loves to go through adventures and to him this a good adventure, he knows that there might be a chance that this person might be a man or might be an old woman, or it could be some young girl who's looking for her first love in the wrong place.


 Excerpts from advanced chapters.

Inesa's eyes were focused on the white sheet that was covering her bare body as Vincent kept on playing with the ends of her white hair locks or sometimes he would ring his fingers through her hair.

Inesa was both embarrassed and uncomfortable but not because of him but because she wasn't used to all of this, she isn't used to sharing beds with anyone, especially a man, though she was the one who made the bold move but right now, it was daylight and Vincent had pulled the curtains open deliberately saying that he wanted to see her face properly because she didn't let him last and asked him to keep the room dark.

"Is it ugly?" Inesa asked without looking at him.

Vincent's eyes narrowed at her question, He always noticed that she always hated how she looked, especially the color of her hair.

"Let me show you how to love yourself." Vincent whispered in her ear as he got atop of her, pinning her hands above his head in the process.