Understanding The Situation

I saw a glass window where there was no shouting and no zombies. I told everyone to pick some weapons so that if in case we have to fight some zombies. Some people picked up metal rods while some people took knives and forks as their weapons. A group of people broke some chairs and tables and made shields and short swords out of them. But still, some people were left empty-handed. Beside the glass window, I saw the wooden sliding window. So I slid the wooden window and came through the window. We were in another hallway. I saw a gate which was connected to that hallway in which zombies were there. I ran so fast to the gate and I almost closed it when suddenly a student in the other hallway begged to open the door. I opened the door and he got in, I could see that he was not bitten. But during this, some zombies were attracted to us and came running. I closed the door but a zombie's head was stuck. I tried to push it off with my bare hands but nothing worked. Just then a person hit the zombie with his short sword.

After this, I saw at the back. Some people were still coming through the window. Just then the canteen's door broke and zombies came running. And just then a rude person pushed all the people who were coming and tried to close the door but I stopped him and opened the door. But still, some people got infected so I had to close the door. Now we were only 17 students left including me. Everybody was furious at the rude person because of him some people couldn't survive. We could hear the bang sound coming from the gate of the hallway.BSA was a big school so we had many places to hide. My friend Jay told us about the store where we could find food. He also told me that there was an archery event planned for today and that some food will be there in the storage. He showed us that in the storage probably there would be nothing because first, the guests would have breakfast in the music room. So he was sure that the main lunch wouldn't be in the storage as it wouldn't have been cocked yet. We took the map and Jay marked all the directions. We saw on the map that just some metres ahead there is a supply room from where we could take some weapons. Time to upgrade ourselves.

Someone opened the door of the supply room and 3 zombies attacked us! I stepped behind just in time, we were all too shocked to see this. All 3 zombies were biting someone, I swung my metal rod on a zombie and it fell away but it didn't stop, it came towards me and I again did the same thing but this time the zombie fell on the rude person and the zombie bit the rude person. Now in this hallway, we had 7 zombies and 4 were our friends except for the rude person. I and my friends killed 5 zombies and some other people killed the other 2 and then we entered the supply room, we saw blood on some of the spots, it was a scary and intense situation.