Evolution Of T-Virus

Barry calmed everyone down as Pry will not be able to do anything. Claire could not resist her hungriness so he ran towards Pry and literally ate his other hand. She said," Now I won't eat anything for any other 3-4 days"

After Barry calmed everyone, everybody was in a good mood and then the lights went out. Barry ran towards Pry and started untying his ropes. We asked him why is he doing it and he replied," The current is off if I am not wrong so he can get consciousness and try to kill us but if I throw him down at a good time then whenever he wakes up, he will fall and will be unconscious again." We all agreed and started to cut the ropes. We cut at the perfect money when he woke up and then he fell down. I gave a high five to Barry saying," You got a nice brain".

Just then Claire started to act differently. And then Iris started to say that she will eat us while I, Barry and Yas were defending her. Josh was literally sleeping at that time and Ron said,"Hey cut out this conversation, ask Claire what happened to her?"

Claire replied," I don't feel good, it looks like...like...like the virus is evolving but not in me." Then she runs to the electric net and sees what happening outside without caring that she is suffering some serious shocks. Barry pulled her back and to our surprise, she did even get affected by the shock. I turned off the current and leaned towards the electric net to see what was going on there I nervously called them. We were shocked to see what was happening out there. Some zombies were literally joining with each other. We could hear their bones breaking as they join with each other. The literally made a huge spider out of them. Barry hurriedly asked to Claire," Hey Claire, what were you doing when you got bit?

She replied," I wasn't doing anything but I was very hungry at that time"

Barry said excitedly," Got it! I know how to be a humbie!"

I asked,"Oh yea? Then tell us how to become a humbie"

"Basically Claire was hungry when she got bitten. And if I am not wrong then the virus started to spread just before they lunch right? Pry was there I could see him taking his food and he was also very hungry but then a zombie jumped out of nowhere and stormed at him but he managed to survive. But when he was bitten in the library he was very very hungry. So basically if somebody is very hungry and then is bitten then he becomes a humbie!"

"Oi! This cant happen we have lots of food"

''Who said I am gonna eat? Anyways I don't like canned food. And I am actually very hungry but we cant take risks. And we have to give more shocks to the electrical net. And by the way i got a name for the spider zombie. It is Spibie.Amazing evolution of T-Virus. Isnt it amazing?. I will wait till tomorrow's night and then will go to a horde of zombies and hopefully I become a humbie."

The next morning we all ate our food where as Barry was left hungry. It was his will.

It was night time. And now Barry was crazy about food. He could not resist and jumped in a horde of zombies. We saw him get bit by the zombies. We all cried very much as he was a good friend. And then he got unconscious. And just then he woke up suddenly. We were shocked to see that no zombies were trying to kill Barry. Maybe he actually became a humbie. He was almost going to climbs the roof when we saw him eating Pry's legs. It was awful. VERY AWFULL.