Merry Christmas!

We stepped into this portal and it literally sucked us into it, we felt dizzy, very dizzy and then we got unconscious. Though there were lots of mysteries to uncover. I woke up then others woke up too. We looked around a bit. We thought there could be danger anywhere. But it was not. We relaxed a little bit. Then we saw a city, we decided to go explore it. Just as we entered we saw missing posters with our pictures.

I excitedly said," If here we are missing then we may would be missing in our real world too right? So maybe this is our real world? Maybe those people were just trying to scare us? What if we actually came into our world?"

We carefully read the poster. There was a phone number on it! We took our phones out and then started calling the number which was on our posters. I called the phone number. I told them that I am Mike and then I was shocked to hear that whoever I was calling was my parents. I told them about my friends. I was shocked to know that my parents knew my friends too. We definitely got into our real world. We went to our home and relaxed a bit, we took each other's phone number too.

After many months, an incident happened. I was in 9th standard. We all friends gathered again and you will be surprised because we all studied in the same school. We were in our school then ur school's garden became strange. When we were going to our bus, a plant turned into a wild-eating plant and tried to eat my friend Zach. I saved him by cutting the plant with a metal knife that was kept in the garden. Soon every plant in the garden started attacking us. We ran to save our lives from the creatures. We all ran to my house. We discussed it must be a stage too. But why after months? Seems like a mystery.

Claire asked,'' What is Zach doing here? He wasn't a survivor"

I replied," A fun fact, he is a survivor but a lone survivor, he is from Australia."

''Cool! We got 1 more survivor! Imagine how many survivors we got to know after the whole zombie thing.!"

Ron came running and said " 144! We got to know 144 survivors after the zombie thing. And now only 11 of them are left, and many survivors are now dead. This is definitely a stage! I found this, a device which shows how many survivors came from the zombie thing and now are surviving. It shows 71,444 came and only 41,432 are left"

"Ugh! Ok I keep getting confused between the people! Ok, so for the survivors who came from the zombie thing their names are LGS and for current survivors it's RNS. So basically there were 71,444 LGS and now there are 41,432 RNS left."

Ron replied," NO! There are 40,000 RNS.OMG! This stage is dangerous"

"Of course, it would be, whoever is behind this we will get revenge on them! Wait, where's Iris?

"I hate to tell you but Iris and Josh are dead"

"N-N-No .it cant be, it cant be. Josh can't leave us he can't leave"