she spread my pussy lips and lick the inside with her tongue, she sucked me out and I was left breathing heavily to. she lifted me and took me to our bed. I held her and kissed she took off her shirt and shorts and she came on top of me, we continued to makeout and I got ontop of her I started kissing her neck while squeezing her boobs, I licked my fingers and ran it through her vagina I could fell that she was already wet from eating me out I rubbed my ringers in circular motion while using my thumb to play with her clit. I kissed her and went down on her. she got up and pulled me close to her, she spread my legs and sat between my legs close enough to let our pussycat touch, she held one of my legs that was up and moves back and forth while our clits were playing with each other, she rode me until climax and left my legs shaking she then went down and licked it I was all out moaning her name, she went and took out her dildo and put it on, she looked so sexy with it. she pulled me to the edge of the bed, she held the penis of the dildo and playfully started hitting my pussylips with it she lubricated it and started pushing it up and down my vagina before putting it in. "uuughhh" I moaned as she pushed the dildo in me, she pushed it in and out ,she held my legs in position while she was pounding in me, she removed it and hit my pussylips with it again she turned me around and I was in the doggy position, she put the dildo back in and she now pounding on my ass as she spanks my ass " uugghhh moon " I moaned out her name "faster baby faster " I continued, she lifted me up while still fucking me and I turned my head for a kiss, she placed her hands on my boob's while still thrusting me. she laid back flat on my stomach as she removed her dildo and came on me we both scissored until climax.

I kissed her while we were both laying on the bed. " I loved you" I said to her while holding her face "I love you too" she said to me. we slid inside the duvet and covered to cover ourselves. " baby you were to tell me something " she said while peacking my cheek, "I don't think I can tell you right now, it will ruin the mood" I looked and answered her.

"no it's fine whatever it is I will take it" she reassured me, "are you sure" I asked again ,she nodded smiled then kissed my lips.

" what if I can't marry you " I asked while reaching for her hand, " what do you mean we are going to get married, there is no what if" she answered angrily and let go and my arm " baby you see this is why I said that it will ruin the mood" I said while trying to reach her again. she got up and put on her clothes, I sat up and looked for something to wear, " baby you said you'll take what ever I had to say" I said to her, " yes but where does us getting married come in" she angrily walked out. I took a robe and followed her. " baby listen I really have to talk to you about this, it's serious " I said trying to grab her hand. " baby listen I really need to tell you something " I stood in front on her. I tried calming her down and got her to listen to me.

" what's wrong " she anxiously asked me " it's about us" I answered , " mmh what about us" she answered I could feel that she didn't like where the conversation was heading. " I know how much you want us to get married and built a family with me but" I said while holding her hand ,"but what" she interrupted me ,"but my dad doesn't know that I like girls" I finished my sentence " okay so what's the problem you can just go and tell him or we'll go together " she answered while holding both my hands "baby that's the problem, I can't " I answered holding her arms tightly " what do you mean you can't " she let go of my hands ," I mean I cannot come out to my dad, he's a traditional and over religious person, he doesn't believe that two women can be in love and build a family. " baby that's how parents are but we will prove to him that we can and I will make you happy okay" she held my shoulders

"baby that impossible, this, what we have here is demonic to them, you can't change the mind of a traditional man baby" I said holding her face. " well you won't know if you don't try, trust me baby we will " she kissed me as a sign of reassurance. I pulled away and walked across the room because things are getting complicated, "baby you don't know him like I do, nothing can change his mind, if he hears that am bringing a woman to him he will disown me and I can't live with that " after I told her this, she sat down and she was holding her head. " so you would rather losse instead, why didn't you tell me this earlier" she took one of the decorating glasses and threw it against the wall and broke it. this is what I feared, she hardly listens to me when she's angry and now I don't think I can get her to calm down,her hands were shaking from anger. I walked towards her and stood in front of her I didn't know what to do because if I said anything more about that I will be unable to calm her.

"you don't love me " she asked looking up to me "I do love you, I love you so much but I can't come out to my dad, I don't have the courage to do that" I said while squatting to her. " look a me baby" I said holding her face, "we can still get married without them, my brothers can come and walk me down the aisle okay" I assured her, I didn't want to be selfish because I couldn't imagine getting married to somebody other than her." then that would make me a selfish asshole" she brushed my hands off and stood up and went to the room. I wondered if what I was doing was good for us, if I was being fair to us. I followed you her to the bed and reminded her of our promise to never go to bed angry at each other "am not mad am just tired" she turned to me " baby your mad at me " her facial expression said it all, " no am not " she said and grabbed my chin and pressed a kiss on my lips and told me goodnight. I spent the whole night thinking about what to do.

the next morning I woke up and found moon had already left, thought she left me a cute note beside my breakfast I really wanted to see her face, it looks like she didn't leave too long ago because the coffee was warm. the day at work I was debating to myself if I should just come clean to my dad about it but I don't have the courage to. I would give everything up for my woman but I don't have enough courage to face my dad and I feel like a selfish shitty girlfriend for that.

my brother told me to stop ignoring my dads phone call and that things had gotten bad for me I didn't know what and honestly I don't care at the moment I was worried about hurting moon's feelings. she surprisingly came to pick me up from work. "baby hey" I was happy to see her, she opened my door from the inside and I got in. we drove for sometime, I didn't want to ask her where we are going because she looked like she had alot in her mind and plus she has full possession over me. I was just staring at her through the whole ride we listened to some music through out. we reached an unknown place to me am she told me to get out we got out and stood in front of the car. " am don't want to get married " she said to me " huh what do you mean" I was surprised by her statement , I told her yesterday that am willing to do it with just my brothers there " I am not going to be selfish with this we'll just keep dating until we're old and have children without the marriage okay" she said it bodly, I can't believe what this woman is saying, "baby are you serious " I asked again " yes " she took a small ring box and opened it, it had two rings " but you have to die with me if we are not going to get married " she said as she took my hand and placed the ring on my finger

" you are crazy" I looked at her and jumped in to kissing her "I love you" hugged her tightly and gave her nose kisses. we went home and I was so happy, my we were enjoying our time I got a phone call from my dad and excused myself to go answer the call. "hi dad" I greeted him but all he was talking about was marriage and that he had found a suitor for me and the had already started paying Dawory. I told him that I was not going to get the person they choose for me. the call ended with me getting real mad at my Dad about the Situation.

I went back to moon and I seriously couldn't hear anything she was saying because I was stressed and angry at myself and my dad. I was a conflicted if I should tell moon about the alleged arranged marriage, I hoped that it is all a lie. " baby what the matter" moon asked me while rubbing my back, " huh" I replied, " you're not paying attention to me" she continued, " it's nothing baby I just love you so much" I said hugging her.

the next morning one of my brothers requested to see me and we met up. I went back home dissapointed and sad I cried because of the news he gave me. he told me that the marriage was already finalized and they tried to talk my dad out of it but it didn't work. I called Stan and gave him the news he hugged me while I was there there in his arms. " what am I supposed to do how do I tell moon" I said while crying, " you have to figure it out either tell moon or your dad" he said releasing me. I didn't know what to do at this moment because I knew I could never face my dad with this topic. after sometime all my brothers arranged to meet with me, I didn't know that my dad and the suitor he arranged for me to marry was going to be there because if I knew I would not have showed up. I didn't realise all this was real until I met them. I did not have any apitite because all they talked about was the marriage, my brothers held my hand under the table and I really felt like crying .after we were done eating they me and my soon to be husband to know each other, I was just there not paying attention to him, my mind was on moon because I know that what am doing is going to hurt her the most she even gave up on us getting married as long as we stayed together

everything was eating me up because I couldn't fight for my love for her, it killed me to know that I was never going to tell moon about this and it's so selfish of me but I can't leave her, the thought of her being in another woman's arms shredded me inside.

it was now three weeks to the wedding date I did not take part in anything. As much as Stan was against everything, I begged him not to tell moon and he was the only one who knew about the marriage out of all my friends. I planned on the day the leave, thank God moon had a business trip and would not be coming back until the next day. that night I packed my stuff and office documents I cried the whole night because I knew that was was doing was not okay. the next morning I went to my brothers place with Stan, he promised that he was going to stay with me through all this. he was there for the final fitting of the dress . thinking back how I left moon killed me so much I left a note" I love you and am sorry" this is what I wrote on the note. I changed my phone contacts so that she could not reach me. I had taken a leave of absence from work for the marriage.

my dad walked me down the aisle and I was going to marry this stranger I had no interest in knowing. " Felicia do you take Brandon to be your husband in sickness and in health " the priest address me while reading the vows, I looked at where Stan was sitting and his face was filled with sadness, then looked at my father's emotionless face then to my brothers, they genuinely looked like they were worried about me, then I looked back to my to be husband "I do" as I answered a tear rolled down my cheek. during the whole wedding ceremony I was thinking about moonbyul ,I wondered how she was doing.

we moved in together and I was honestly not pleased with him touching my body I felt disgusted. I changed hospitals to avoid bumping into moon while off work. one day Brandon came off work and found me fresh out the shower, he pulled me close to him by the waist and started kissing me I pulled away from him but he firm held me, he lifted me up and placed me on the bed he started caressing my breasts while kissing my body I felt like crying and when I closed my eyes I could only imagine that it was moons hand touching me and kissing me. I laid there looking at the ceiling while my husband had his way with me he did his thing and after he was done I went back to the shower and cried myself out I tried scrubbing off his touch from my body and his kisses from my lips. after I was done I went down stairs for coffee and went to bed. since we both worked at the hospital we saw each other less and this was a good thing for me this continued for the entire two years of our marriage .Stan and my job as a psychologist was the only thing keeping me going everyday I tried to think about moonbyul less because maybe she moved on from me and I don't think I ever will.

I was too unhappy to even concentrate with my work and I sat my husband down and told him that I wanted to get a divorce, to say the truth he was not a bad husband to me but I just couldn't continue tochering myself, came to an understanding and I was divorced. atleast I had given my dad what he wanted .i moved out of our marital home and got a new house near Stan it took me quite sometime to settle because I was in a different state from my workplace this continued for sometime while I was looking for a new hospital to work in. I was thinking about moon from time to time trying to ease my unhappy life. it sucks how life isn't fair to me. my dad was not happy about my decision to get a divorce and my brothers support to me was enough to give me strength

I finally found a job in a hospital that was known as the best I couldn't believe that I was accepted. Stan invited me to a launch about a cook book " why don't you ask you girlfriend" I asked him, " well I did and she's gonna be busy on that day, you think I want to do with you tf" he said pushing my forehead. " this bastard" I said while walking to his fridge to get food. the launch was in the evening so I hurried of work because he kept blowing my phone telling me that we can't be late. we both got dressed and drove to the venue, he was such a gentleman to me while we were walking in. the event stared and that is when I say my baby again. I didn't think that I would see moonbyul again.