we were both on the bed after we were done having sex, I asked her again about what she was to tell me and she hesitated, talking about that It would ruin the mood I told her that I was ready to hear anything she had to say. she broke out in tears saying that she she hadn't come out to her dad because he wouldn't accept us. I tried telling her that if I talked to her dad maybe he would see the love that I have for her and eventually accept us. she kept insisting that we couldn't change his mind, after she said that to me I wondered if she only told me this because she was no longer in love with me. I went to bed wondering whether she regrets being in a relationship with me.

the next morning I woke up early because I had a meeting, I prepared breakfast for my girl and left a cute note for her then left for work. the whole day I was thinking about the whole conversation we had last night. "maybe marriage is not the answer for us" I said to myself while squeezing a stress ball. I kept thinking to myself that we can continue being happy without being married and when she is ready to face her dad about us then we'll get married. I went home and took the rings I bought and went to the hospital waiting for her to clock out, I saw her coming from the hospital and opened the car door for her to get it. the whole ride was silent and I took her to a destination special to me, this is where I had imagined us getting married. when we were there I told her that I didn't want to get married anymore and took out the rings as a promise ring to always stick by her no matter what, I would not want her to slip from me ever. she was happy and that made me happy

I was going to an annual meet up of chef's it was special because we exchange ideas and also our recipes. I kissed babe goodbye and told her that I would call her when I arrive. the meeting went okay and I was so tired, feli didn't answer my text or picking my calls I was. bit worried because she never does this.

" baby am back" I called out and she wasn't at home, it was around 11pm and I was confused. I walked around and saw some of her books were missing and her shelf was empty I saw a sticker note" I love you and am sorry " I just laughed while reading it because I was confused, I tried phoning her time and time again she wasn't picking up I tried calling Stan but it wasn't going through. I broke down in tears wondering what I did wrong she left me and took her this with her. I called and texted her with getting any answers back. I drunk myself to sleep. in the morning I pulled myself together and went looking for her in the hospital, I was told that she hadn't reported to work I asked one of her colleges if she could give her a call she answered the phone but refused to talk to me. I left feeling confused and more broken than before, I went back home and grabbed a whole bottle of alcohol to help me think what I did wrong " I mean I already told her that I don't want to get married " I talked to the bottle taking a sip from it. I would understand if we had a problem then she left but we didn't we were all good. she lefte even after taking her to my special place, she promised that she wouldn't leave me ever and she did. it was almost a month now and my phone wasn't going through anymore and she quit her psychiatric hospital. my heart broke down more when I remember her promise to me. I tried stopping myself from thinking about her but it only got worse because I could see her face while I was drunk

it was almost an year now nothing was the same anymore I felt more empty as the days went on. the only good thing that happened was me being able to open another hotel, I promise my self never to fall again for another woman until Felicia explains to me why she left me the way she did. I would think about her from time to time, I never changed anything in the house because although I hated the way I was feeling the memories of her in our home made me feel a little better. "she living happily without me seeing that she decided to disappear from my world like that " I thought to myself every now and then.

I started getting my life back together after Ariel talked me into reality, I moved out of our house and all my focus was on my business although I was still in love with her maybe the feelings will go way with time

I got busier because of we were putting a recipe book together it was a huge occasion because we tired different cultural food trying to come up with a new recipes, it was a good experience for us as chef's and we had to work hard for things to go right. after eight months the book was already done and a launch date was set.

it was now d day and things were looking good major chef's gave their speech It was now my turn to talk, after everyone was done giving their speech it was time to eat, drink and have fun. while I was greating some of my hotel staff that managed to come the mc called me and I saw someone I never thought I would see again the same way she abruptly dissaperd from me is the same she appeared in my eyes again, it was Felicia my girlfriend that dumped me four years again I was nervous while walking toward them. "hi" she greeted me while holding her hand out to shake my hand