Know your place

I woke up to a knock on the door, but unlike last day, no one broke into the room. I stretched out slowly, stretching my body that had been numb since the night, rubbed my sleepy, stuck-together eyes with my fingertips and began to get out of the snow-white marshmallow blanket. As much as I would like to soak up a little more in bed, even if it's not mine, but the owner of the room is to blame for not offering me a place to sleep. By the way, I wonder where he himself slept?

I cautiously opened the door, looked out into the corridor with one eye and saw a tall, dark-haired, statuesque man in a strict suit, and with him was a middle-aged woman, with a thick build and an impenetrable expression on her face. Such a fighting woman.

- May I? - The man asked, taking a step towards the open door. And I stepped back, letting them pass.

I slept today right in my dress, without undressing, because I didn't know if the king would return, so now I was calm because of such an early morning rise, which could undoubtedly take me by surprise.

- Good morning, Miss Burton. My name is Dexter Parmont, I am the senior Royal Advisor to His Majesty Raphael de Mourey. From today you will start working in the castle. You will be provided with a room, a change of clothes and the working and living conditions will be explained. I would like you to take everything very seriously. Amateurs are not welcome here. - The man spoke very matter-of-factly, but there was no pressure in his voice, he was just doing his job. And what surname did he come up with, well, a real conspirator.

- Mrs. Rose,- he said to the woman who accompanied him. - Miss Teanna, got into a difficult life situation and His Majesty kindly provided her with his help and protection. Therefore, you are required to familiarize her with the internal routine of life in the castle, to train and help if necessary. No special disposition, treat her like any of your subordinates. No indulgences. Is everything clear to everyone? – And after a moment of silence, he added, - Well, then, have a good day, ladies. He smiled slyly at either her or me and hurried away, leaving us alone with the housekeeper.

- Your dress... - Margaret Rose, the housekeeper, demanded.

- Ah... it was given to me by the king when he saved me. - I lied, remembering that the king wanted to hush up my origin.

- It's too posh for you, and we don't want to make too much fuss among the servants, right? So here's your replacement uniform. - Strict Mrs. Rose threw my new clothes into my hands.

What does "too posh for you" mean anyway? My pride was hurt and wounded, but gritting my teeth in indignation, I had to retreat and remain silent on this caustic reproach. Thrusting my irritation deeper, I forced out a forced smile and turned around and left without deigning her a bow. Can't wait, old hag. Probably in the shower now raging and wailing at my manners.

When I finished changing, I looked at myself in the mirror and was surprised how at one moment you can turn from an elegant, magnificent aristocrat into the most ordinary, unremarkable commoner.

Only my blond hair, flowing to the waist, gave me away. Such a hair color was rare even among noble families. Of course, there were people with blond hair, but mine were not just light, but shimmered with different facets of shades - from ash and straw, to snow-white.

Everyone has always admired my bright head, because even in my family, I was the only one like that. And in combination with clear light blue eyes - it was a truly fascinating sight. But you won't be satisfied with beauty alone, and you can't hide the lack of magical talent far on the shelf, so you didn't have to wait for excessive admiration from the outside. But I had more than enough sympathy. And thanks for that.

And now, I was standing in front of the mirror, in an ankle-length brown dress that did not emphasize, but only hid my features, long sleeves tightly wrapped my thin wrists with cuffs and only a white cotton apron with ruffles stood out from all this meager image. Well, he certainly looks cute, girly.

- Later, you will gather your hair high so that it does not hang down and put on a cap. And now send, I'll show you your room and introduce you to a neighbor. - Well, what a gloomy woman, can't you be a little more friendly with the new girl?

All the way we walked in silence, she in front and I behind her, quickly moving my feet at the pace of Mrs. Rose. My height was not high, hence the short steps, so I almost had to run. And suddenly, the housekeeper stopped abruptly so that I almost flew into her back. And a haughty look measured me from top to bottom.

- Absolutely no manners? It is not appropriate for a young girl, especially a servant, to run through the corridors. Memorize it once and for all. – I feel that it's time to get used to the coldness of people in this castle.

- But you're going too fast. I didn`t have time... - a ragged sound of a slap, followed by a sharp pain in my cheek. I gave her a furious look that could kill on the spot.

- How dare you, old... - anger boiled and bubbled in me. Putting aside all thoughts of the mystery of my origin, I wanted to grab her black and gray hair and pull it out now. But my impulse was interrupted by her mocking tirade.

- Well, wow, you're wild here! Know your place! And His Majesty took the problem on all our heads. But never mind, we will quickly pacify your bad temper. – She walked even faster, and I was already anticipating what consequences her indignation would turn out to me. I should remind myself more often that now I am not a princess, but a mediocre submissive servant. And yet who is she to raise her hand against me!

Twenty minutes later I was standing in my new modest room. The housekeeper gave me time to settle in, and she left, promising to come for me later. Nothing special – two single beds, two bedside table, a table with two wooden stools and one wardrobe. There was also a free space in the corner of the room, apparently for personal belongings – suitcases, for example.

My neighbor's name was Jenin, she was a good five years older than me, red-red as a sunset and with charming freckles. And, surprisingly, she turned out to be a very good-natured and talkative giggler.

I learned from her that Mrs. Rose's housekeeper is disliked by almost all the maids in the castle, except those who try to curry favor with her, but they probably don't like her either. She was reputed to be a lady with a bad character, who did not like disobedience and tactlessness, strictly monitored the appearance, behavior, and quality of work of her subordinates, and only before the highest aristocracy blurred in praises and respect.

I'll have to learn to get along with her, I don't need any extra problems.

Also, Jen told me that life in these walls flowed rapidly at night, and during the day the castle was shrouded in silence and peace. This was the order of His Majesty and the servants lived according to the established time, with some exceptions – they were called day servants. So now I have to revise my waking schedule? Or is it not? We need to clarify this point. And yet it was not clear to me why such tricks and why it is bad to sleep at night, and in the morning in the light of day to perform their duties? Okay, let's figure it out.

I had no more than half an hour left before the housekeeper arrived, and we managed to talk to a neighbor about the king.

She was so excited when she talked about him that I immediately noticed for myself that she likes him. What a pity that her dreams will remain only dreams, kings and the highest nobility will never condescend to commoners. Although there were cases when the latter became lovers of the rulers, but it still did not end well. That's the reality.

But Jen was not the only one and almost the entire female half of the servants were in love with His Majesty. But here I agree with them, he looks incredibly sexy and hot, an ideal visitor to women's fantasies.

What about me? I'm already eighteen, and although I haven't been in intimate relationships with men yet, but I was well-read, and my imagination was stormy. And what pictures did my imagination draw after he appeared before me half naked… In general, a great stallion.

I had to devote the remaining half of the day to familiarizing myself with the internal order in the castle, getting acquainted with the kitchen and cooks, the gardener, the groom.

My brain was overstressed from so much information that was crammed into it in such a short period of time, but I patiently memorized and studied everything. My duties included cleaning the second floor.

Fortunately, there weren't many rooms there, and it was definitely cleaner than on the first one. Poor maidservants were struggling with the carpet, which was the first to take the blow of dirty feet from the street. So I had nothing to complain about. Wipe the dust, remove the garbage, tighten the curtains/open depending on the time of day, carry out wet cleaning and further into the rooms – return a presentable appearance after the night.

Most of all, I was pleased with the presence of a library on the floor. Of course, the servants can't use it, but under the pretext of cleaning, why not. It's still try to catch a thief by the hand, as they say. But I'll pass the time, you see, I'll learn something about this mysterious kingdom – Abion. Perhaps somewhere there on the shelves lies a lonely old book with secret secrets about overcoming the cursed barrier in the form of a vine.

In general, while I'm here, I can simultaneously look for a way out. It won't be superfluous.