Night guest



Unaccustomed to it, all the muscles in the body ached.

I take back my words that the second floor is clean enough. I haven't seen so much dust and cobwebs yet. There was an impression that the past servants did not even look down under the curtains, did not move the furniture and did not wipe under the beds. And how in general did the housekeeper miss this past her careful control? Although… It could have been a test for me.

Well, there will be nothing to reproach me for, in my opinion, I took a responsible approach to cleaning, considering that I have never held a mop and a broom in my hands in my life. The rooms on the floor were empty – this is the eternal problem of all castles, there are too many rooms, but too few people in them. But for me, on the contrary, it's good, no one will bother.

The sun has already set, the sky is covered with a starry blanket, it's time to go to bed. But the thought of the nocturnal lifestyle of the local inhabitants made me stop. I'll go to the library, wipe the dust once again and look through some book. I'll have to sit out the night, and in the morning I'll go to bed, like everyone else.

The library was a two-story spacious room, where rows of shelves stood, carried away in height to the ceiling. To get the right book from above, it was necessary to use a mobile ladder. I wonder how they remember where and which book is lying? Do they keep records? I walked along the shelves, touching the spines of books with my fingers - such a pleasant feeling. And what a smell there is - old paper, typographic printing, a little glue and ink – amazing. I can say that history smells like this. Speaking of history, what's up with Abion? I briefly looked through the shelves and eventually found a couple of books about the history of this kingdom. Not a lot, so to speak.

I climbed to the second floor in the farthest corner, in case someone came in, then I wouldn't be visible, and began flipping through the crisp pages. Nothing entertaining, the usual dry history, some biography of past rulers and absolutely nothing about magic or King Raphael.

But most of all I was interested in the fact that the history of the last ruler was interrupted almost three hundred years ago and there is no further information. For such a long period of time, there must be at least four or five kings. This is strange.

If Raphael is ruling now, then he must surely have parents, siblings, ancestors, as a last resort, but the books are silent about this, too. Deep in thought, I did not hear at all when the door creaked and someone entered the library with a quiet step.

I was sitting on the floor with my legs tucked under me, a pile of books was lying around. The power of the spirit not to sleep was strong in me, but the eyelids were against it, and they tried to cover my eyes. What time was it already? I feel like I've been here at least four hours. I need to hold out until sunrise. And while no one is looking for me, it's good. Maybe I am still considered a day servant? Then it will be bad, because tomorrow morning you will have to work again. And I gave up, leaned back against the shelf, wrapped my arms around my knees and closed my eyes. Just a little rest, no one will notice.


- Leave me alone. – I jerked my hand irritably, and turning sideways to the bookshelf, I planned to sleep more.

But here it is again…

- What is it? – Against my will, I instantly opened my eyes, as if I had been doused with ice water, and jumped to my feet. Was it just my imagination?

But no, I wasn't imagining it. There was a big black raven sitting on the floor, scratching its beak on its own wing, but then it got distracted and stared at me piercingly. Somewhere I heard that when a bird flies to a person, it leads to an early death. It really happened to me, but I hadn't planned to go to the other world yet. Not that I believe in omens... no, but somehow it still became uncomfortable.

- Shoo. – I tried to drive away the bird, but the effect was exactly the opposite, and the raven grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled on itself. The funny bird, of course, turns his head from one side to the other, as if trying to get a better look at me. It's like he even understands something, but it's impossible. I grinned at my thought, there's a strange air in this place – I'm starting to get stupid. And unexpectedly for myself, I stretched out my hand forward and the bird, without hesitating for a second, moved to my palm, firmly clinging to the skin with claws sharp as blades.

- I hope you are not a carrier of any deadly diseases? – Well, it's started, now I'm talking to birds. The first stage of a mental disorder – helloooo!

In response to my tirade, the raven croaked grumpily. Well, wow, are you offended or something? I sat down on the floor again, not letting the uninvited guest out of my hands.He continued to play in peepers, and I smiled at his cute firebrand spinning in all directions. I touched it lightly with my index finger and ran it over the massive black beak, then over the head and down to the wing. The bird patiently allowed itself to be examined. And I never stopped wondering where it was seen that a wild raven gave himself to be petted.

- How did you get here, my friend? You don't look like a domesticated one, but that's exactly your character. Maybe you have a owner? – the questions were purely rhetorical. It's clear that birds can't talk, so I didn't expect answers. The raven was beautiful, majestic, proud, and the black color of its plumage gave off blue in the moonbeams. Such a beautiful creature should not sit in a cage, he would surf the heavenly expanses.

I got up and went to the window, opening it wider. The cool August breeze refreshed me after sleeping. Gently sticking my hand out the window, I shook it in the air, prompting the bird to take off. And the clever raven understood me without words, spread his wide wings and soared skyward.

- Fly, handsome. At least you can find freedom. - A melancholy smile touched my lips. – I wish I could be like you.

I closed the window again, picked up the books scattered on the floor, put them in their places and headed for the exit, but immediately stopped when I noticed that the door was slightly ajar. I looked around in a hurry, but I didn't notice anyone. Lucky? Maybe i closed it badly herself? Doubts tormented. Okay, don't worry, nothing happened, even if someone came in, they didn't find me.

"Calm down, Thea" - next time you need to be more careful and double-check everything more thoroughly.

There was a sense of animation in the corridor, not even familiar after the day's silence. What was I just saying about luck? Forget it!

- Miss Burton, wait. – The housekeeper's raspy voice sharply spoiled the mood. – What were you doing in the library? - She looked at me appraisingly, arching an eyebrow.

- I was dusting the shelves, Mrs. Rose. – I held out a rag, ostensibly showing proof of my words.

- His Grace, the Duke Parmont has instructed me to inform you that your services are not needed at night. You will be the day maid, so you can go back to your room and rest. And in the morning you will go to the groom, since it is already clean enough here, then extra hands will not hurt him.

I could feel the housekeeper overflowing with joy that I would not be able to rest, because the sun had already begun to appear on the horizon. Well, let her have fun, I won't tell her that I wasn't dusting at all, but hopelessly drowned in colorful dreams, though not for long.

- I understand, Mrs. Rose. With your permission... - I bowed low, hiding the grin bursting out of me, and hurried away.

It wasn't a neighbor who was waiting for me in the room, but a major rearrangement.

- Theaaa, my girl! – Jenin stormed into the room like a whirlwind, leaving the door wide open, and attacked me with hugs. – Well? How was your day? – she was full of energy, not like me.

- It's not bad, there wasn't much work and I even managed to sleep. - I laughed shyly, rubbing my cheek with my hand. – And yours? And what's going on here? – pointed her finger in the direction of one missing bed.

- Oh, nothing special, they just moved me away from you. - Jen shrugged her shoulders. – Our harmful woman, said that this was an order from above. So now I'm going to get along with Scarlett and Сlarice, I hope we don't kill each other, you know, they're such bitches. - She burst out laughing openly, forcing me to support her in this endeavor.

- But does this mean that another neighbor will move in with me? I'd like to stay with you. – Now it became sad, I liked Jen, it was easy to find a common language with her.

- No, no, no. They said you'd be living here alone. You know, I was even surprised by this. You be careful there with our top management. – She bulged her eyes, twitched her eyebrows and clearly wanted to convey something to me with this pantomime. And then it hit me.

- Jeeen! – I slapped her on the shoulder, and she burst into a nightingale again, laughing heartily. – I don't have any business with them and I don't want to be in favor, spare me. There must be a more reasonable reason. I've only seen the king a couple of times.

- Mmm, the king, - she blissfully closed her eyes, apparently reproducing his image in her head. – Why is he so unapproachable? I would have him uh... - and imitated with my hands, as if grabbing his ass with gusto

In this early morning, our room was drowned in laughter and fun.