The impulse to disobedience



Until now, I didn't realize that I was holding my breath. All thoughts were put aside for a moment when he picked me up in his arms. I felt a suffocating evil aura around the king, but his tight embrace around my waist and the hot breath that touched my neck made me feel another tremor in my body. Different from fear.

He carefully lowered me onto his bed. And here I am again, for the second time. One would think that for people who are not in a relationship, I have come here too often. But the next moment, Raphael began to resent the fact that I was in trouble again. There was something so caring about it, or so it seemed to me.

The pain made itself felt again, and I clenched my teeth to stifle a groan.

That morning, I and two other maids were preparing for the arrival of an important guest. Mrs. Rose gave the clearest instructions to bring the patio in perfect condition, worthy of an honored guest. And everything was almost ready, it only remained to arrange the flowers.

I moved away from the girls to another corner of the yard, when all the breath seemed to be knocked out of me and I felt like I was knocked to the ground and my flesh was cut with knives. I tried to dodge and at the moment when I managed to change my position, a huge furry paw ran its claws over my face, cutting the skin on my cheek.

I screamed with all my might, called for help, but no one responded. And the huge gray beast continued its attacks, clinging to my hands with its teeth while I pushed its mouth away from my face.

When I wanted to commit suicide, I didn't feel the same fear that I felt now when I was torn apart by those powerful jaws. I do not know how long it took until help came, but by that time I had practically no strength left to resist.

Now that this hell is over, I sighed heavily and indulged in emotional overload – I cried so hard. The whole body ached, I assume that now there are a good dozen bruises, in addition to open wounds.

Raphael subdued his growing anger, and sat down next to me. His eyes are level with mine. Beautiful scarlet eyes framed by thick eyelashes and eyebrows that were brought together to form a forehead crease. If the situation were different, I would be happy to admire his beautiful face.

A doctor came and sewed up the lacerations. Thanks to Raphael, he used magic to anesthetize the necessary areas of the skin, otherwise I would have definitely lost consciousness, in addition to unnecessarily spilled blood.

Now I felt more or less better, but the thought of scars was like a bolt from the blue. And it would be fine with the hands, but the face… What should I do with a disfigured face? I swallowed hard, resigned to the idea of being a lonely virgin.

But Raphael surprised me again by handing me a strange medicine that would supposedly help me heal without the scars that disfigure me. A dubious statement, and the medicine looks too much like blood.

Jokes were jokes, but his gaze was adamant,I'll have to drink it anyway.

And I showed all the humility available to me and did not argue, drinking this strange substance. The taste was just a little salty and the smell of blood, the real thing.

- Good girl. - his voice was so deep and embarrassing.

The color immediately flooded my cheeks and it was good that they were in wounds, otherwise he would have noticed it for sure.

- I think I should reconsider your stay here. - I looked up at him, startled. Does he want to get rid of me? No, definitely not, otherwise why would he treat me.

- I'm really sorry. – I tried to apologize for the inconvenience caused again.

In response, only a short laugh. He came closer, almost close to me and stared at me from the height of his height, intently examining me. I boldly met his gaze. His fingers gently touched his cheek, which was free of wounds, and I noticed that I forgot how to breathe from this slight movement.

What's happening to me? Why do I react to him like this? I reach out to him like a moth to a flame, even though all my fibers are screaming to stay away from him. But when would I listen to my inner voice.

His hand descended lower, clasping the back of my head, slightly squeezing the hair on the back of my neck and then just as smoothly lowered, touching my neck. The skin burned with fire, his touch caused pleasant tingling and warm sensations in the lower abdomen. As if mesmerized, I looked into his fiery eyes and breathed faintly every other time, trying to control my heart, which was trying to jump out of my chest.

- You never cease to amaze me, Princess. What am I going to do with you? - He seemed to be waiting for some kind of answer from me, but all the words stuck in my throat and refused to leave him.

Raphael understood my throwing and retreated, creating a sufficient distance between us.

- Our trip to Riliya will have to be postponed until you recover. - he abruptly changed the subject.

- But it's so important to you, I'm sure I can handle some discomfort. We can leave soon. – it was inconvenient to delay the agreement, although the reason was good.

- This is already a settled issue. – the "boss" calls the shots, I did not argue. – Temporarily stay in my bedroom. There are suspicions... ah, it doesn't matter... It's better if you stay under supervision for now.

- But I can't, it will give rise to rumors. – what was he even thinking about when he said that.

- No, you can. And you will do as I order you. – there was a categorical answer, with a glimmer of irritation.


After Raphael left, I didn't know what to do with myself at all. Tana, the maid who took care of me on my first day here, brought me food and left immediately. I tried to stop her to keep me company, but she said a weighty "not allowed" and left with a bow.

I noticed that she treats me with excessive respect, as if she does not know that we are here on equal terms with her.

And yet it's terribly boring. Absolutely wasted time doing nothing. If this was my room in Riliya, I would be able to go out on the balcony, get some fresh air. But this cannot be done here, especially to go out on the balcony of the royal bedroom, the eyed servants will immediately notice.

More than once I caught myself thinking that I was being too complaisant, before I would definitely have done something reprehensible and reckless. Going beyond the limits established by order and etiquette was my favorite activity.

And what about now? I've completely lost my individuality, I'm sitting here like a gray mouse, not sticking my head out, afraid to know the wrath of the king.

In general, what am I waiting for? That we'll find this mysterious thing of his and he'll let me go? And if he doesn't let go? I vividly imagined this outcome and rebelled internally.

He needs me, not I need him, so then let everything be on my terms. There's still too little chance that he'll let me go. There's nothing to lose.

And I, satisfied with my decision, left the royal chambers and went to my room. Even if circumstances force me to be in another place, I could at least take some things. For example, a book to pass the time or an embroidery started.

The sight that appeared before me when I found myself in my room made me freeze in place. In the place where the ceiling should be, the bright sun shone and small birds of paradise fluttered. I was so stunned and fascinated by this performance that I continued to stand in the doorway. What kind of magic is this? I remember for sure that when I left there was nothing like this here.

Could someone have come in here without my knowledge, because I locked the door with a key. This place never ceases to amaze me. I have to find Mrs. Rose, it's not good at all that someone can visit others without permission and in their absence.

But the sky under the ceiling was undeniably wonderful and admirable. I admired it a little more, imprinting this beauty in my memory, and went in search of the housekeeper, limping slightly from pain. At the same time, I mentally prepared myself for bullying.