Penetrating cold



- I have a more interesting suggestion. - The duke replied, playing a slight smile on his face. – Follow me.

Did I think that the Duke was doing all this to distract me from what was happening? Yes, I thought. But even in bold thoughts, I could not imagine that this distraction would lead us to this terrible place full of fetid smells, dampness and rot.

We stopped in front of a massive metal door, and I wanted to ask what was behind it, but I didn't dare. Because the very sight of the prisoners in this dungeon, led me to primordial horror, making me think that probably an even more terrible sight awaits me behind this door.

But it is worth noting that the method of distraction is really working, I completely forgot about the fun that is happening upstairs, many meters above the ground.

- Open this door, Princess. It's safe. - the Duke advised me gently.

Seeing the unconditional confidence in his eyes, I decided and pushed the heavy door.