The same fate

Greetings, my dear reader!

I apologize in advance, as I plan to change the narrative a little.

Since I am writing two books at once, there is some confusion in my head, which I do not always notice and have time to correct. Therefore, in order not to force you to read an awkward text, from this chapter the narration will be conducted in the third person. I think the adaptation will not be too noticeable, but still I preferred to warn about it in advance.

Thank you for staying with me and supporting me. I love each of you very much. :*


There was utter silence in Adaman. Those few people who remained alive were afraid to even stick their heads out of the house, so as not to fall under the displeasure of the occupying king. Fear settled so deeply in the souls of these people that it did not matter whether a person was young or old, everyone feared for their lives.