Selfish creature

She smiled sadly to herself and began to hum a spell, spreading runes in front of her, blinding him with smoke and burning him with sparks. She knew it wouldn't stop him, but at least it would give her time to gather her thoughts and think about her next move.

But what made her tense up even more was the dense clumps of darkness that were streaming out of his body, as if he was evaporating. This darkness was so chaotic, as if it lived its own life, fueled by absorbed charms from runes.

He became more and more enveloped in this strange shadow, until his body disappeared from view behind an impenetrable veil.

Thea's thoughts ran ahead of her understanding, she frantically tried to figure out how to proceed, but all that came to her mind was to entwine this dark substance with tree-like appendages that appeared from the ground and dragged along it at the behest of the witch.