New purpose

Rick slowly pulled his body up to the head of the bed and took a deep breath. His whole body was numb and numb after being in an uncomfortable position for so long.

- I didn't expect to see you here.  - He replied dryly, looking at Raphael.

- You don't have to thank me.  - he waved it away.

- I wasn't going to. - Rick said.

- Is that so? You know, maybe I should have left you tied up and silent after all. - Raf pursed his lips, his eyes flashing coldly.

Derrick swallowed convulsively, licking his dry lips. His head was buzzing and splitting apart from dehydration. 

- I need blood. – he said faintly. - And then we can talk.

- Well, there's only one employee left on the estate. I heard his on the first floor. Will you go yourself or should I bring him here? - Raphael asked.

- I'll do it myself.