Fried Man

Thea woke up with the first rays of the sun, which kindly looked through the open window. And although there was snow outside the window and frosty winds were blowing, it was warm and cozy inside the room. Coals were smoldering in the fireplace and it looked like someone had just recently thrown fresh logs into the fire.

She looked around and noticed that the other half of the bed was empty and the sheets were cool. Frowning, she got out of bed and immediately dressed hastily, pulling on a cozy knitted sweater, trousers and knitted socks.

For a couple of minutes she was spinning in front of the mirror to tidy up her hair, which was tangled and looked like a bird's nest, but in the end she gave up this thankless task and tied a careless bun, noting in her head that she needed to look for a hair comb.

Going down to the living room, even on the stairs, she felt a pleasant, fascinating olfactory receptors, a fragrance and her tummy purred plaintively.