
He understood that laughing at her at that moment was the most terrible thing he could have done. 

A woman's heart reacted too sensitively.

All this hit Queen Catherine's brain hard and he did not bring up this topic again, leaving her only those memories that she herself remembered.

- I'm fine. – the queen replied, smiling carelessly at her daughter, who put her finger in her mouth and smacked it with gusto. – She must be hungry.

Her voice was relaxed and melancholic. 

Horel picked up a tiny lump wrapped in a soft cloth from the cradle and gave his daughter's cheeks kisses with special trepidation. 

Despite his secret affair on the side, which he greatly regretted and kept a secret from his wife, he was immensely happy when Catherine gave birth to his daughter. It was the most beloved and desired child from the woman he loved, and that's why he weighed everything and made this difficult decision for himself.