The King's doubts


- Are you sure this is going to work?

In a small wooden house in a village near the castle of Marro, Rick stood with his palms on the table, looking at the ring lying in front of him.

- My friend knows what she's doing, there's no doubt about it. -  Hara replied.

She returned to Riliya as soon as Eugene finished her ritual of creating a phantom and imprinting it in Queen Katherine's ring.

- We won't have another chance if it doesn't work. – he warned, putting the ring in a small velvet bag, tightening it with a ribbon. - The King said he would only listen to me if I could prove my words.

Derrick took advantage of Lillian's absence from Marro Castle when he asked for an audience with the king. He was a long-time good friend, so the king was surprised that Rick appeared after such a long period of time that he did not appear in the palace.