
Hi, everybody =^_^=

I'm already feeling much better, although I'm not completely healthy yet and I had to go to the hospital. Thank you so much for continuing to support my work during this short break. As promised, I am filling the gap with a mass release.

And I also want to thank everyone who loves, for their golden tickets and sends their gifts - you are incredible, the best!!! I love you very much❤❤❤


The great kingdom of the elves – Eriad, full of history and powerful magic, mysterious and charming, appeared in its full glory before the newly-appeared guests. It was too sunny here, too bright not to squint. But it was extremely fascinating, as if freshness fluttered with butterfly wings next to the skin of the face.

Everything here seemed extraordinary, from the beauty of green forests covered with fluffy moss of bright green facets, to huge citadels built high in the mountains, as if laid in layers on the slopes.