
Thanks to meditative consultations, Amanda was able to position the princess to be more loyal to her mother's death, allowed herself to find the strength to look at the attitude in Princess Thea from a completely different side, because she was not initially her enemy, but circumstances turned out that both girls hardened towards each only because of one harmful the link that was Raphael. 

But would it be possible to make yourself fall in love against your will, or would you have the courage to destroy the nascent feelings between two lovers?

Giselle spent a lot of time in silence and semi-darkness and her thoughts worked like gears, remembering every moment of her free life outside of prison. 

She laughed ironically at herself when she realized that her thirst for love had led her to such a plight. Giselle was even ready to kill Thea just to get her out of her way, but only now did she realize that Raphael would not love her anyway.