It's not a good sign.

- And what do you want from me? How can I even be sure that you're not sending me to my death? Aren't you mad at me for tried to marry Rafael to myself?

- I'm angry. Of course. But you see, no matter how much I want to kill you now, this body is still resisting me to give in to my base feelings. Apparently Thea doesn't want me to hurt you. But believe me, if you betray me, no Thea will save you.

- This is all too confusing. - She shook her head, as if shaking the thoughts out of her head. - So what do you want from me?"

- I want you to go to Riliya and bring Raphael here. – concluded Temi.

- Why don't you do it yourself? Or someone else? Why me? - She was perplexed.

- Because to me, you're the most useless creature here. - Artemis shot her a shot. – Because I don't feel sorry for you… If the portal suddenly tears you to pieces…

Giselle's heart stopped in an instant. She didn't know if Artemis was joking or not.