Chapter 2

'Nooo!!!' I groaned as the sun rays hit my face. 'Mrs Smiles can you please close the curtains for five more minutes...' She walked towards me and removed the blanket off my body. 'I am sorry dear but you have to get up. Your family is downstairs and they asked that you join them for breakfast.' 'Tell them to let me skip this one please... I don't want to get out of bed today.'

'Even if it means hanging out with me?' 'Sophie!! When did you get here?' I jumped out of bed and gave her a tight hug. Sophie is my brother's mate. They met two years ago when he turned 18. She then became an elder sister to me and we've been inseparable since. She still lives with her pack since they are yet to mate and mark each other but she visits regularly. 'Just a while ago gorgeous,, there is no way I would miss my little sister's big day.' She cupped my face a placed a peck on my cheeks. 'So, how are you feeling? I mean you are going to shift today and you might also find your mate.' 'I don't know Soph,,,, I am so nervous I don't know why.'

'Don't worry much Savannah. Go and freshen up then we'll go and have breakfast with everyone and make the most out of today.' I went took a shower and changed into a blue jeans and my brother's oversized shirt. 'You must be so daring to put on my mates shirt when I am around.' She said with a fake serious face. 'Sorry not sorry I couldn't find anything else comfortable to wear.' 'Just let it pass for today please... It's my birthday anyway.' I showed her puppy eyes.

'That is cheating.. but when you find your mate am taking all your brother's clothes that you have.' 'Sure... shall we go then? I am starting to starve.' She nodded and we made our way hand in hand downstairs to the dining table. Everyone was seated and Mrs Smiles was serving breakfast. My parents at both ends of the table and my brother Sam next to my mother. Of course he will sit there,, he is my mother's son after all. 'Good morning guys' I said as I sat down.' Good morning honey... are you excited for today?' My dad asked. 'Ken, let her have breakfast first at least. ' My Mum scolded him. 'It's fine mum and dad about the shifting part I am so excited but finding my mate I am so nervous.' 'It is going to be okay Savannah.' 'You see when I met your mum... 'WE KNOW!!!' everyone shouted. He always talks about how he and my mum met and once he starts he goes on and on for hours and it is so embarrassing to hear him talk about his love story. My mum laughed and said 'What he is trying to imply is that don't be too hard on yourself everything will be alright and if anything happens, your family is always by your side.' I smiled and nodded as I dug into my food. Gosh! I was so hungry.

We chatted for a while then I left to find Ara. Her car was in the driveway so I knew she was already waiting for me. I can't wait to get my own car. Since I am 18 I am allowed to drive a car. Ara is a year older than me. Her dad gave her a car as a birthday present last year. We celebrated for a whole week since we no longer had to wake up early to catch the school bus. One day we had overslept and missed it so we decided to walk to school only to arrive there two hours late. Mr Goofy was so angry he gave us a two months detention. As I neared the car I heard giggles. 'No! Don't tell me they are making out in the car.' I saw Ara and her mate all over each other and giggling like little kids. 'Dude... you two were not talking just yesterday. ' 'I know, but we are now. Of course you wouldn't understand it is mates thing.' she smirked. I facepalmed myself in frustration. 'Whatever, I'll just ask Sophie to drive me to school cause I am not third wheeling. ' I said heading back to the house.

I heard her shouting 'Sophie is around and she didn't come to see me? Happy Birthday by the way. Oh and Savior says happy birthday too. See you at school I will tell you everything.' I didn't even want to hear what she had to say. Her mate Savior is such a player. He flirts with every girl he meets. I wonder if he really is her mate or there was some confusion somewhere. He always breaks Ara's heart and in the end she always forgive him. I don't understand them. If my mate is a douche bag like Savior I am dumping him. I don't care about what comes next my peace of mind comes first. Sophia drove me to school and I was just in time before the warning bell rang. Mr Goofy was already in the hall way just waiting for those who will be late so that he can give them detention. Time seemed to be moving annoyingly slow today and when the bell for the start of the last lesson rang, I couldn't help but celebrate loudly. 'Miss Brown I must have really bored you today huh?' The Science teacher asked with a cross look on her face. I just kept quiet not wanting to get into trouble. Sciences were not really my thing. They were unnecessarily hard. I preferred Arts and languages. The last lesson was gym so we all headed to the changing room. 'Miss me yet?' 'I don't want to talk to you Ara. And stop sneaking up on me.' 'I will if you talk to me.' She had this creepy smile and wiggled her eyes. 'Savior came and apologized I couldn't say no. He is my mate you know.' I whined 'The reason he is being an asshole is because you are going soft on him and I am warning you Ara, this might backfire on you one day and leave you heartbroken.' 'But....' I knew what she wanted to say. '.... he is your mate, I know. You should reject him and ask him to accept your rejection ... that will cause no harm to the both of you.' 'And maybe, just maybe the Moon Goddess will be merciful and give you a more deserving mate. ' 'Okay... I hear you Savannah and I'll talk to Savior about it. ' Her voice was so low I thought she was going to cry. 'Thank you. You are my bestfriend and I can't bear to see you sad you know that.' She nodded and I pulled her in for a tight hug then led her towards the gym. 'The party arrangements are done by the way and I have already sent invitations. I am itching to see the color of your wolf. ' And she was back to the Ara I knew. I just smiled at her not wanting to argue about how my wolf will be more prettier than hers. Just five more hours till my wolf form was fully activated. I am super excited for this but still anxious for the mate part.