Chapter 268 - Soul recovery potion

" This is called the soul recovery potion. Well you can say I already found out that every time anybody dies inside of the world tower they will naturally get affected and attacked in their soul, so their soul receives that injury and being unable to heal the injuries will lead that person to become part of the world tower. 

But you can say that my luck was what food and I found this thing. It is already very effective against all those people from my planet that got affected by the world tower and because compared to any of those other people we just recently came inside of the world tower my people did not get that much affected. 

But still those mostly affected fighters from our planet only needed 10% of this whole bottle to recover and with that we are already able to recover all of our affected fighters right now. You really help me all this time and I also see if I could help you with this thing so take these and try to use that on your fighters.