Eyes that see all part 1

Let's just get straight into this, as this is written it will not be by my hand but the hand of someone I dearly trust.

Grodak and I walked through the desert for three days, words were rarely exchanged, I had no desire to chat nor did he. We only spoke when deemed necessary and even then, it was rare.

As night began to set on the third day, we noticed a light in the distance. Warily, Grodak began to approach, ready for friend and foe, I stayed behind him, as I knew what we were coming up on. As we grew closer, we could make out the silhouette of makeshift tents and the forms of orcs, to Grodak's surprise and he seemed to have relaxed a bit, but my apprehension only increased.

Grodak noticed this and began to try and relieve some of my apprehension by telling me that he had summoned some warriors from our clan and this must be them. To me, it did not matter as to which clan they came from, all orcs, especially those from my clan, saw me as an enemy. Even if one did not outright call me their enemy, they would not hesitate to attack me.

Grodak, convinced he could just walk up and speak to the orcs, began to approach, as I stuck to the shadows to avoid any unnecessary confrontation. Grodak, as proud as an idiotic father moving in on their victims to brag about their children, walked into the light and called for their leader. 

The group of orcs, at first, began to scramble around, grabbing weapons where they could, before realizing just who stood in front of them. The group, with a bit of hesitation, dropped their weapons and went down on one knee. A mutter of admiration and pride filled the air as the orcs began to whisper among themselves about my brother. I couldn't help but feel shocked, in all my years as one of their own, I had rarely seen any of my clan bow to another, not to mention their own clan leader. What had Grodak done in the time of my absence for him to have gained their respect to such an extent?

Seconds ticked by as the orc soldiers clamored before a voice rang out over the group. "What are you dumb shits gossiping about as if you were human?" My eyes shot up from the orcs who kneeled before Grodak and met the eyes of an orc commander I knew well. Trand, an orc who served faithfully by my side for many years, stared back, hatred burned in his eyes.

Grodak, noticing this, quickly spoke up. "I need an update to our situation and be quick about it." He commanded, he used the same tone he once used while teaching me. 

"Of course, tribal leader Grodak." Trand said, his eyes darting between me and Grodak as he spoke. "Horton, cuff the traitor that is hiding in the shadows, do not let him get away." 

Upon hearing this, I quickly unsheathed my sword, ready to kill or be sent to the Shadow World, at this moment, either would be fine by me. Grodak had other intentions, however, and pulled me from the shadows, holding tight onto my arm before issuing his command. "If any of you touch my brother, he will not get the chance to kill you, for I will be the one to bath in your blood."

If looks could kill, I would have died a thousand or more deaths that night as the orcs glared daggers at me. I knew it was foolish to follow my brother and return to the scar, yet the idea of seeing my home one last time…. I won't lie, it intrigued me.

However, I could not allow Grodak or the other orcs to know as much, they would just see it as a weakness, so I just sighed and pushed Grodak's hand away. I could not go against him at this moment, even if I wanted to, not only would the orcs tear me limb from limb, but the elders would harass me to no end. I would have to stay with the group until we complete whatever it is Grodak needs to do.

That night, I stayed at the edge of the camp, watching and waiting for the sun to rise. It would be seen as unnatural if the other orcs realized I do not sleep, eat, or drink water. If they were to find out, they would accuse me of using magic and they would not hesitate to try and kill me then and there. As the sun peeked out over the horizon, I could hear the bustle of the orc warriors readying themselves for the trek back to the scar.

I quickly moved through the tents and made my way to Grodak just as his soldiers were taking down the tent and informed him that I will be leaving first and acting as an advanced scout. If I am to be honest, I just didn't want to be around so many skilled warriors that wanted me dead, and Grodak understood, or at least I think he understood. 

He nodded his head and looked deep in thought for a moment. "I want to send a scout with you, Grall, but I-"

"That would be a bad idea, brother." I said cutting him off before he could explain. "Chances are, the scout would not return as he may try to attack me and we both know I would not hesitate to cut them down."

I may be able to win without much effort and without the use of the shadow world, but the rest would hound me for going against their honor. To kill a scout of a war party is the same as painting their homes in pigs blood. They may show no emotions on the outside, but inside they hold disdain for you and will kill you the first chance they get.

Needless to say, I do not wish to be the cause for my tribe's extinction. This said, even if they showed me the kind of gratitude and respect they used to, I would still rather move on my own.

After receiving Grodak's "blessing" to scout ahead, an excuse to stay away from the large party of orcs, I quickly moved through the tents and made my way out of the camp. It was a three day journey to the scar from where we stood, three days of traveling with this group who would rather kill me than help me. This part of what I now suspect to be a fruitless journey, would test me more than I ever dreamed.

For two days, I traveled away from the group, only pausing long enough for them to catch up and report my findings. Several men, orcs, and monsters try to block my path, only to be swiftly torn to pieces.

On the third and final day of our travels, I ran into four odd creatures that sat upon their horses. None of them spoke, but they all attacked. One spewed forth venom that corroded everything it touched, another threw volatile acids, a third swung around a large sword, and the fourth only stood still as it watched the other three.

It wasn't hard to take out the first three, I jumped between them just as the venom breather spewed it's venom and tricked it into hitting and killing the sword wielder. Then, I jumped onto the back of the acid throwers horse and forced his hands against his head. Once those two were down, I weaved and dodged the venom breaths attacks and slammed the tip of my sword into it's throat, causing its venom to leak out and corrode its own skin.

The fourth was tricky, it hadn't moved once as I took out its brethren, and only laughed when I finished the job. "Impressive." It said over enunciating its words and dragging its words out. "Not many can kill one of us, let alone three. Yet, I am sad to say, there will not be a fourth, for I am the strongest of the four of us, the pale rider known as death."

I let out a sigh, this wasn't the first, and I suspect it won't be the last time I was told as much by an enemy. "If you are death itself, then I am your God, for today, I am the God of death."

I lunged at the creature, my sword colliding with the steel of a mace. He had swung it just as Oathkeeper came down and the two weapons collided. I heard a crack and my right arm went limp. 

I paid my arm no mind, the burning pain shoved to the back of my mind, as I quickly followed up with an attack directed to its head, my arm may be broken, but my shadows were fine. It connected, sending the creature's head flying and black blood spewed forth from its neck, bathing me in what I could only assume was acid.

My body began to melt, and I could feel the Shadow World pulling me in, but the body had yet to stop moving. I swung my sword with my left arm wildly and somehow stabbed its heart before falling to the ground and allowing the Shadow World to take me.

As the light faded and I could see the green glow of the Shadow World closing in, I heard Grodaks voice call out. I couldn't reply, not that I would want to, as the light disappeared and I found myself once more standing on the land of my ancestors.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I could feel the Shadow World's tendrils slowly mending my broken body. Though, that was the only relief I felt that day as an orc, one who I had yet to meet, and one I doubt I would ever meet again.