Ring of Gluttony

The red wolves I killed previously were weak, they're just rank beasts.

I'm a rank higher than them, and they also don't have skills.

Let's just say red wolves are wolves, but stronger... And red.

So I'm not strong, they're just weak.


I've been travelling for 2 days now, the wound on my leg already healed thanks to the mana here in the mountain that helped me recover faster.

I encounter red wolves from time to time, but If possible, I run away from them...


Because what does an unnecessary fight result in?

Body fatigues and injuries...

I have a different objective, fighting every enemy I encounter on the way is just plain stupid when you're on a long journey, also bullets are expensive so I need to use them carefully...

Well, if I can't run, then I'll fight them.

I do sneak attacks to prevent injuries and save bullets, I used the pieces of information that I gathered from my previous fights, so dealing with red wolves is getting easier and easier.

"Hey system, how long till I get there?"

I asked the system as I got bored walking for days.

[If you continue your pace, you will arrive there tomorrow afternoon.]

I don't exactly know where the place that I want to go is, but I do know that it's at the top right of this mountain.

And the system said that I'll be there tomorrow afternoon...

"Then that will be a total of 4 days of travelling... So I have roughly 3 days to get back and attend the academy."

I tried thinking of methods of how to go back faster.

"Maybe once I finish my objective at the top of the mountain, I'll just roll my way down."

"I'm up the mountain anyway, gravity will do the deed for me."

I jokingly said.

[Based on the terrain and trees in the mountain, your plan may lead to you having broken legs and arms, a broken neck, internal injuries, a broken spine, or even a coma. Anyway, you won't die because you're sturdy enough, so have your way.]

Then the system responded.


I don't know if the system is worried for me or just being a jerk... But I'm pretty sure it's the latter.


Anyway, the next day, I arrived at my destination.

Fighting some red wolves on the way made the system's prediction off because it was already dark.

I'm now in front of a wall-like, stone structure, it looks like a naturally nature-formed rock wall, but I'm certain, it's not...

I started searching through the wall to find a switch that would open a secret entrance...

But it was harder to find than I thought.

"Why can't I have my lucky encounter too? My luck is high, you know."

I grumbled while searching.

I searched for half an hour and then...


With the sound of something being clicked, the wall trembled.

And soon...

A passage appeared!

"Good, let's go."

And without hesitation, I entered it.


Not long after entering, I arrived in a room.

In the room, there's a desk and a chair, and a lot of books scattered everywhere.

"So messy."

I mumbled.

Anyway, sitting on the chair is a skeleton with a ring on its index finger...

But I ignored it for now.

I then searched through the scattered books until I found the books that I wanted.


I put the two books in my bag.

And that's just when I approached the skeleton on the chair.

I stood beside it with a complicated face...

It's the skeleton of a dead mage who has been researching like crazy about mana and magic, having lost the sense of time and not feeling hungry because of being too committed to its research, the mage died without realizing it...


I called the system, and it didn't take long for it to answer.


"Can you appraise things?"

[That's easy for me.]

It boastfully said, well I'm used to it so I just ignored it.

"Appraise the ring on the skeleton's finger."


Immediately after that...

The ring's description was displayed in front of me.


[Ring of Gluttony]

-Have a unique skill .

-Absorb mana from anything.

-50% of the mana absorbed will be transferred to the ring wearer.

-When the absorbed mana surpasses your capacity, pain will be felt all over your body.

-The skill has 60 seconds cooldown.


This ring is an artifact from the leader of a demonic cult that serves the Demon of Glutton.

This skeleton here killed that leader and took this ring as a reward for granted.

And this ring was just acquired by a mid-villain in my novel that solely exists to annoy the protagonist.

"This is the best item for me considering my low mana, the future owner is just a mid-tier villain anyway, I need it for my survival."

In the story, 10 years from now, demons and monsters will be stronger, and their population will increase too.

So I need to be strong enough for that time.

I looked at the skeleton...

"Can you appraise the skeleton?"

Then I asked the system.

[I can't appraise it, maybe because it has no data in your novel. The Higher Being didn't put any information about it either.]

"I see."

I feel a bit guilty, to be honest, I'm just a human after all, I'm kinda responsible for it.

Those characters in the novels that act emotionless for survival are pretty much impossible for me to imitate.

I'm just a bored author, not an emotionless jerk.

Looking at the skeleton again, I opened my mouth...

"I don't know what and who you are, but I'm gonna take some of your things and put them to better use."

And said that...

Then I took the ring from the skeleton.

But right after I wore the ring, the room began to shake violently!

"What the hell?!"

I have no recollection of this happening in my novel!

"Hey system, what's happening?!"

I asked the system. I feel that it knows something.

And I was goddamn right...

[The Higher Being said that some changes in the story will happen, right? This is one of them, they said that the item is too good and easy to acquire, so they decided to add a monster to guard it.]

I frowned.


[Yes, some of the Transcend Beings showed interest in you, so the Higher Being who created this universe gave you a challenge to boost their interest.]

Because of how complicated it is, my trait activated on its own.

"So basically that higher shit wants to attract more audiences, so he decided to make me suffer?"

[Right :)]

"Then fuck the two of you!"

I felt anger rise from my body because of the development. Then I started running toward the exit of the room.

[Why me too? it's not my fault.]

"You didn't tell me earlier you shit!"

I cursed at the system while speeding up.

[You can't escape from the guard, it's faster than you.]

"I know! But it's better to fight in a wide area than in this cramped room!"

Upon the activation of , I also understood the situation I'm in...

Not long I was out of the room...


Then something burst out of the entrance as soon as I exited.

And that something landed on its four paws softly...

What came out of the entrance looked like a red wolf, just way bigger and scarier than any red wolf that I encountered...

It also feels a lot more dangerous than the others.

It's about 2 meters tall...

And I was just a couple of steps away from it.

"System! Appraise it!"

I exclaimed while distancing myself from it. It's still dark but wolves have good senses so hiding is pretty much useless.


[King Wolf]








I don't even have to read what's the effects and functions of its skill, the name gave them all. And what's with the naming sense again?

"Fuck that's 2 times higher than my rank! It even has skills!"

I complained after reading the stat of the beast. I'm on the verge of ranking up but even If I did rank up.

It's still a rank higher than me!

"System! Focus my trait on that beast's anatomy, can you do that?."

[Yes I can.]

"Great, then do it fast!"

After that, information about the King Wolf's body entered my brain.

A quarter of my mana got drained...

I hid behind a tree about 20 meters away from the wolf.

And using the information I got about its anatomy, I discovered its obvious weak spots...


As I chanted those words in my mind.

My thoughts calmed down, I'm still scared, but at least I'm now thinking calmly.


I let out a sigh and aimed my gun at the wolf's head.

'There's no way out, so I should at least take the first hit to increase my chance of winning.'

I concluded in my head... Then I pulled the trigger.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I shot 5 times consecutively, 3 hit the side of its head, 1 hit the right side of its body, and the other 1 missed.

'Now there's no backing out.'

I still have 6 magazines left including the one loaded in my handgun right now.

Each magazine has 10 bullets, so I still have 55 bullets...

The side of the beast's head bled out, but it was not a serious injury...

The bullets didn't even penetrate its skin properly!


I cursed in my mind as the King Wolf faced my direction...

It then grinned and ran toward me!

I held my handgun up with both of my hands, aimed at the King Wolf...

And pulled the trigger again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But it dodged all the 3 bullets.


The King Wolf was now in front of me.

I rolled sideways to dodge its tackle.



And with a loud crashing sound, the tree that I was hiding on earlier got smashed after being tackled by the King Wolf!

looking at the King Wolf. I glared at it...


And activated my skill.

It will make my presence stronger, but my location is already known so it's no big deal.

As I activated , the King Wolf was surprised by the sudden pressure coming from me and it stopped moving for a second.

Not wasting that moment, I shot the rest of the bullets in my magazine, while dashing backward, away from it.

Bang! Bang!

1 bullet hit the left eye, the other 1 hit the right ear.

Its eyes and ears were the weakest part of its body, so it took a plenty amount of damage!

Damaging its vision and hearing will make things easier for me...

Though, after being hurt by my bullets, the King Wolf got angry at me, it just got surprised by the sudden increase of pressure coming from me, but it basically does not affect it.

The King Wolf opened its mouth wide...

Then a fireball in size of a basketball flew toward me!


I predicted the fireball's trajectory.

Then raising my right hand with the [Ring of Gluttony] in it, I aimed at the fireball...


And activated the ring's skill!

A vortex-like shadow came out from the ring and swallowed the fireball whole. Then my mana was replenished.

The King Wolf was surprised, and so was I, but because of , I'm not like the King Wolf who just stood still.

I loaded a new magazine in my gun, aimed at the King Wolf, and then pulled the trigger!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I shot 5 bullets again. 4 hit the beast's head, and 1 missed.

The bleeding on its head got worse but it was still not serious.

The King Wolf is dumb, but it's sturdy as hell.

It then leaped towards me again in anger, attempting to tackle me again!


I pretty much tried all of my tricks. I racked my brain for a plan, and luckily, I thought of a long-term plan that would let me survive as long as my stamina and mana prevailed.

I climbed on a nearby tree and then coated my feet and legs with mana.

With and activated, I jumped from a different tree as the King Wolf destroyed the tree that I was on!



I almost slipped and fell from jumping, the King Wolf then charged again at the tree I was on...



And just before the King Wolf came in contact with the tree, I already jumped to a different tree!

I didn't slip this time and landed properly on a thick branch, so I aimed my gun at the King Wolf...

Bang! Bang!

And shot 2 bullets which hit its head again!

The King Wolf then glared at me, it looks pissed as hell.


It then growled loudly as it charged at the tree I was on again. So I jumped to a different tree.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

And shot toward the King Wolf again.

Facing that beast head-on is stupid, so I decided to hit and run.

Every tree I landed on got smashed afterward by King Wolf...

Its fireball is not that fast and I have , so avoiding it was easy.

I absorb the fireballs from time to time to replenish mana using the [Ring of Gluttony]'s .


And just like that...

That cycle repeated for about 20 minutes...

"Haa... Haa..."

Rough breaths came out of my mouth.

I have my last magazine on with 3 bullets remaining in it.

My mana is almost empty, the same with my stamina, so I'm pretty much at my limit...

It seemed like the King Wolf was so mad at me that it wanted to kill me personally, it intimidated every red wolf trying to interfere with us.

Which is good for me. The less enemy, the higher chance of my survival...

"Normally, when someone with a higher status gets annoyed, they will make their subordinates handle it, you're a good leader... We can be friends if you just calm down."

I said while looking at the King Wolf below and catching my breath.

The King Wolf is covered with small wounds, and I can tell that it's starting to feel exhausted.

Looks like the beast didn't understand my words, or it just doesn't want to listen to me as it rushes at the tree I'm on again...

"For fuck's sake!"

As I was about to leap to another tree...


The King Wolf let out a roar!

My body stiffened for a second...

And all my movements stopped!

And during that, the tree that I was on was already falling!

'I think this is the effect of its other skill, the !'

"Fucking hell!"

I can't jump to another tree as I lost my footing.



So I fell to the ground with the tree!

Maybe because of its pent-up anger or experience from fighting me, the King Wolf immediately jumped at me and bit my side!


I groaned.

With I didn't panic, but it still hurt like hell as the corner of my eyes started to water.

And it didn't take long before tears fell from it, I was just a normal author before, I'm not used to pain!

"You fucking wolf!"

I yelled as I grabbed its head with my right hand.


This time, the shadow didn't form a vortex. It just covered the King Wolf's head and started absorbing mana from its body.

I took out my extra dagger from my pocket with my left hand and stabbed the wolf's neck, this way, it couldn't escape from me either, unfortunately, I couldn't cover the dagger with mana to do more damage because I still hadn't learned how, worst case scenario, my dagger will break in attempting to do it without practice... Coating body parts with mana is my limit...

So I just covered my left hand with mana to hold the dagger tightly.

"Argh! Let go!"

The King Wolf is still biting me, no... It's munching so it started to hurt more!

My tears started to fall more, I also didn't want to cry, but it hurt so much and there was no one around so I just let it be.

I stopped the skill after refilling my mana capacity...

I coated the side of my body, where I'm being bitten, with mana to minimize the damage I'm receiving.

Then I aimed my gun at King Wolf's left eye and shot my remaining bullets!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Now the damage is serious, its left eye was destroyed, revealing some of its skulls...

But the King Wolf isn't even loosening its fangs!

So I dropped my gun, coated my right hand with mana, and formed a fist...


I shouted to ignore the pain I was in...


And punched the side of the King Wolf's head!

Having lost a lot of its mana, it took some damage.

Also, it can't use skills anymore...

So I raised my fist again...


And punched it again


And again.


And again.


I punched it in the same place with my right hand.



This wolf tackled a lot of trees on the way, so its body was weakened.

Now... I just need to endure till the end.





After punching the King Wolf continuously with a mana-coated fist, and holding it in its position with the dagger for a minute...

I stopped.

"Fuck, I'm gonna die."

I mumbled, looking at the sky.

The King Wolf's fangs that are tightly dug on my side...

Finally loosened.

Completely breaking free from its fangs...

My body fell to the ground.


The King Wolf fell on the ground too, beside me.

It's dead.


I punched it again with mana coated fist to make sure it was really dead, or maybe just out of annoyance.

"You leech-like bastard."

I won against a beast 2 ranks higher than me.

But I can't celebrate because I'm also about to die.