
Oscar gave Raven and his family a short tour inside the house.

And like on the outside, the inside of the house is also designed in a simple manner.

There's a living room and a kitchen on the 1st floor, then on the 2nd floor there are 4 bedrooms.

Though simple, the house is comfortable and it's also fully furnished with expensive items and furnitures.

There's also a balcony on both 1st and 2nd floor facing the backyard of the house!

The floor is also all white tiles while the wall is painted gray, which is to Raven's liking.

After the tour, Raven like the house even more!


"I'm gonna go now as just like you said earlier, I'm busy with guild works."

Oscar said to Raven after giving them a house tour, they're alone as Nisha, Elaine, and Alfred are upstairs while the 2 of them are in the living room.

"Take care. Oh, and send my thanks to Clifford for me."


Raven said and Oscar immediately replied.

It was then Raven accompanied Oscar out the house.

"See you next time!"

As soon as he got out, Oscar yelled as he waved goodbye.

And he disappeared even before Raven can reply to him.

Raven silently stared at where Oscar is formerly with a smile.


Then Raven suddenly felt a tug on his pants. Looking at beside him, Raven saw Nisha holding the side of his pants, she's pouting.

'What a cute kid...'

Raven thought as he patted Nisha's head.

"Where's mom and dad?"

Raven asked Nisha.

"They're upstairs fixing and unloading all the things we brought..."

And Nisha answered while still pouting.


Raven looked at Nisha, squinting his eyes as if trying to remember something.

And seeing that, Nisha looked at Raven with anticipation.

But Raven then let out a small chuckle as he crouched down and faced Nisha.

"Let's play. I promised you didn't I? Did you think I would forget?"

Raven said teasingly.

Nisha's pout disappeared and was changed into a bright smile.

"I knew you wouldn't lie to me!"

Nisha happily exclaimed as she dragged Raven inside.

"Let's go play!"

Nisha was very excited to play with her brother again after a long time.

"Okay, let's play until you fall asleep!"

Raven then replied in a similar energy as he knows why Nisha is so excited.

And Raven did played with Nisha until she was exhausted and she fell asleep.


{Raven's POV}

"Are you sure you wouldn't wake her up?"

My mom, Elaine, asked me with a rather sad voice.

"She's exhausted, she needs to sleep."

I casually replied.

"But she would be very sad when she woke up and discovered you left while she's sleeping."

Mom rebutted.

"Your mother is right."

And my dad, Alfred, backed her words up.

"She would still be sad even if she's awake, she might even stop me from leaving."

I replied then shrugged my shoulders.

'I'm afraid that if Nisha did do that, I would want to stay even longer...'

I'm currently outside our new house and my parents are seeing me off.

It's already <9:48 P.M>, and tomorrow is Monday. So I need to go back to the Lunar.

Nisha isn't with us as she's asleep upstairs in her new room.

Looking at my parents again, they have a rather gloomy expression.

I smiled bitterly, I actually want to stay a bit longer.

We weren't even been together for a day!

But I know I need to go back to the Lunar.

"Just tell Nisha that I will come back as soon as I could, and I'll play with her even longer after that."

I then muttered to them.

"That wouldn't make her happy."

Mom said.

But all I could do is give her a bitter smile again.

'I know... But I have a lot of things to do in Lunar.'

In my short stay with my family, I felt warm inside and I felt loved. It's a new feelings for me that I assumed called family love.

I don't have a family in my past life so I'm not sure.

But all I know is that I actually like what I'm feeling when I'm with them.

I would love to stay longer and be with them but I know that now isn't the right time.

"Fine... Just be careful and come back quick."

It was then dad talked, then after a while...

"Fine, you already helped us even though we're the parents and you're our child and it should have been the other way around, so don't push yourself too much."

Mom said in a worried tone, then she approached and hugged me tightly.

I didn't shy away and I returned the hug back.

"You guys also helped me a lot, you both got me admitted to the best hero course academy even though we don't have much money."

"I'll repay you guys again and again, that's how grateful I am."

I stated.

I already felt attached to my new parents and Nisha even only after meeting them for less than a day, maybe the memories and feelings of the past Raven are included in the reasons for that.

But I also personally like how they trust and love me unconditionally.

After breaking free from mom's embrace, I looked at dad and nodded my head.

He smiled and nodded back as a reply.

"Then, I'll be going."

I muttered.

"Take care."

"Always eat on time, and come back anytime you want, we are always waiting for you and you will always be welcomed by us."

Dad and mom respectively said.

After bidding goodbyes to each others. I left and started to headed to the Lunar.


"Haaa... I need to get ready for tomorrow."

I sighed and mumbled while riding in a rapid train that is headed to the Azeas City.


After a not so long time of commuting, I reached the academy.

There's a lot of students and professors scattered everywhere, though I don't really care and casually entered through the front gate.

As I mentioned in the past, the academy is as big as a small city; therefore there are some transportation vehicles going around the academy.

And most of the vehicles are like a small version of rapid trains; to simplify their looks, they're like futuristic bullet trains but they travel in the air and doesn't use tracks or rail roads.

While the other vehicles are futuristic black cars that still travels in the land, just much faster and comfortable. They're acting as taxis inside the academy.

They travel back and forth throughout the academy, especially in the Teacher's Office, Headmaster's Office, Dormitories, etc.

I didn't ride any of them yet as I always used my feet to run and travel inside the academy. I considered it as training myself.

Though right now, I don't want to run as I'm not in the mood, so I rode one mini rapid train that is headed to the dormitory I'm staying.

There's some students riding the same train too.

But I don't really know any of them so I busied myself on my phone to avoid any interaction with them. Though, all I did was to read novels.

After some minutes of completely peaceful novel reading.

The mini train stopped, indicating we reached our destination.

I immediately left the mini train and went to my room.

"Ahhh... I'm exhausted."

I yawned and mumbled.

Standing in front of my room's door, I took out my academy I.D and swiped it through the lock of the door.



And the door opened, then a feminine rose-sweet fragrance entered my nose.

"Oh, you're back!"

Keara, who is cooking, greeted as soon as she saw me.

She immediately stopped what she's doing and walked to me.

"You look exhausted, are you alright?"

Keara asked with a genuine worried tone and expression.

"Why are you here?"

I asked her in response.

Keara smiled, but it's not a shy smile like she always shows to others, this time, her smile is made with just pure happiness.

"I'm waiting for you."

Keara answered me with that same smile!

"Welcome back..."

She added.

Keara's words and smile made me feel warm inside again, making my mood a bit lighter.

Keara turned her back against me and goes back to cooking.

"You know I have a pretty good intuition, you remember when I suspected you as the novel author [Night], and I was right?"

Keara stated proudly.

"Like last time, my intuition told me that you're coming back today so I'm cooking for 2 person!"

Keara added with a loud and confident voice.

Seeing Keara caring for me made me feel something good inside again, it's similar to what I felt when I was with my family.

I walked quietly behind Keara.

She's still cooking and doesn't know that I'm behind her.

"I may be not as good as you in cooking, but my pride as a wom– Kyak!"

Midway through Keara's speech, I hugged and embraced her from the behind.


Keara called out for me, clearly startled by my sudden action. Her shyness came back and her face was tomato red again.

With a low voice...

"Let's be like this for a while..."

I whispered to Keara's ear.

And she weakly nodded and continued cooking with red face and ears.

So like that, we stayed in that position for some quite amount of time.


Somewhere inside the Lunar Academy, in a comfortable and luxurious room.

3 freshmen male students are holding a meeting of their own.

"What is it that you want to say?"

A handsome looking young man with fierce eyes and well combed brown hair asked.

He was Sean Dixon, the leader of the group, and rank 20 among all of the freshmen.

"Raven returned to the academy earlier Sir..."

And a suspicious looking young man with black eyes and hair replied politely and nervously to Sean's question. His name is Barry Leigh.

"Oh, so he had returned..."

Sean mumbled as a creepy smile emerged from his face.

"He ignored the warning of our group and even knocked out some of our members, including you...!"

Sean who is completely annoyed clenched his hands into a fist.


Then he punched the nearby wall.

Barry flinched in fear but the other person of the group didn't even bat an eye.

The room shook because of Sean's punch but surprisingly, the wall was unscratched.

"What are we gonna do now, Sean?"

Then the last member of the 3 people finally spoke. He was Ervin Donovan, the vice leader of the said group and rank 21 among the freshmen!

Sean looked at Ervin, and with a wolfish smile, he spoke.

"We're gonna go meet him tomorrow, at lunch time..."

Sean said with bloodshot eyes.

The group called themselves [The Followers of the 3 Goddesses] and they have a lot of members, mostly freshmen.

Though Raven is calling their group in a completely different name, he calls them [The Perverted Fans].


[Drei05]: Any thoughts about the chapter?