Good Luck

{Ruby's POV}

"That was a good show."

I said to Raven who went beside me after talking to Luke and Kendy.

"Yeah, I think so too."

And Raven replied to me with a smirk.

"Good job."

Keara then who's with us praised Raven as she walked toward him and gave him a towel.

It was for the blood that's all over Raven's body.

"Thanks Keara."

Raven thanked her with a rare genuine smile and took the towel.

He can use magic to clean himself, but because Keara went and gave him a towel, he wouldn't yet.

'He's too easy to read...'

I thought.

-Your mastery in electrical magics is getting better...

Then, the 3 of us heard a weak cute voice coming from the inner pocket of my black coat.

It was Levina.

"Well, that's thanks to you."

Raven then casually replied to Levina.