Finishing What I Started[1]

Raven led Blake and the others inside his new dorm, then they all went in the lounge.

"Do you guys want drinks?"

Raven asked as soon as the others sat down.

"What are my options?"

Curtis asked him.

"Yes or no."

And Raven casually replied.

"This motherfucker..."

Of course Curtis got pissed.

Though, Raven already predicted it, so he immediately left and went to the kitchen to make drinks for his friends(?).

Raven tried to make the drinks as fast as possible, because he thought that leaving his guests unattended for long would be rude.

Though, even when Raven is being hasty, he's still making sure that the drinks would turn out good.

And after making the drinks, Raven immediately delivered them to the others.

Fortunately, Curtis was back to his calm self at that time because of Eve.

"Here, iced coffees."