Chapter- 21

It's been a few days since that meeting, Allison's training has continued and become more difficult as the days go by, as we do physical and sparring training every morning.

Sometimes we go to the firing range to train her accuracy and her experience with weapons, and today is her first time using this as a real fighter.

I have been simulating a hunt with her, but simulating is different from hunting, and since it is her first hunt, I took an easy mission, a Werewolf omega.

They are weak, still stronger than humans, but not having a pack and being alone makes them weak, and can't protect himself, and his having blue eyes puts him on the list to be eliminated.

If I am not mistaken tonight is the day that Allison's aunt arrives, is it going to be a shock for her to find out that her niece is in training to become a hunter? One thing I know is I won't let her teach Allison anything, a lunatic has nothing to teach.

And now it is night, after school, I went over all her knowledge about the Werewolf and the best way to catch him, we will use her bow and arrow.

We get to the last place he was spotted and I go to the back of the car, I open the trunk and when Allison sees all the weapons and objects I use for hunting, she says, "gee, if the police see this, they will surely arrest you thinking you are a terrorist." She finishes with a gentle smile.

I give a smile, reach out my hand and take a ring that is on the side and put it on her finger and says, "this ring is made by witches, it stores some weapons, in this ring, there is a shock baton that is very lethal, it is one of the main weaknesses of the Werewolf, in case you need to use it."

And I teach her how to summon the item that is in the ring, this is just a temporary one, I have a ring that will be her permanent one, a family ring.

It's easy to use the ring, it's like an extra finger and you just have to send the command through your brain and the item will appear on your hand.

I take a pot containing Wolfsbane and hand it to Allison: "Silver is not the Werewolf's weakness, but an arrow soaked with this will do a lot of good, so put it on the tip of your arrows and shoot, I won't help you since you need to learn by doing, but I will stay close by and if you have problems.



I start walking in the forest, I'm glad that Dean trusts me and allows me to do everything myself, it makes me more confident since I know he believes in me.

My father would definitely not like this and would say that I am not ready and it would take ages before he would let me go on a hunt.

But as I have read some of the Winchester Family books, I have learned that this is not how they teach hunting, they teach hunting through hunting itself.

They like to use the Spartans as an example, each soldier is an elite who grew up in the battle between life and death, I read how Dean's grandfather was trained...and it was scary.

Dean's grandfather's father, put a 10-year-old boy to hunt a supernatural species that can turn into an almost 6-foot tall home bear, yes I found it scary and if you didn' are crazy.

And then I find the footprints on the ground and see claw marks on a tree, it's not marking territory, but because it has no control it attacks trees to control itself through pain.

I start to look at the footprints and find a more recent one and find one going to my right.

I don't walk in the footprints, if we walk in the places where he passes, we can erase the target's footprints and even attract his attention.

I have to find paths where I don't make noise and can camouflage myself from his super hearing and the supernatural nose. I am wearing a perfume used by hunters that take away my scent.

And through my breathing, I control my heartbeat so that I am not heard by him, it is low enough that the unsuspecting wolf does not hear.

After 30 minutes of tracking the target, I find him near a large pool of water, he is drinking it like a dog.

I take an arrow and put Wolfsbane in liquid in it, and then I put it in my bow and controlling my breath again, I lock it and release the arrow.


He lets out a cry of pain, he pulls the arrow that hit his left shoulder and turns to me, his eyes glowing a cold blue.

He starts running at me, and I take another normal arrow and shoot him again, this time in his right thigh, and he stops in pain for a second and runs back to me, his face totally animalistic.

But when I go to put in another arrow, I underestimate him thinking that he no longer has normal thoughts and is overcome with madness, and he picks up a rock and throws it at my hand that I am holding the bow.

"aaahhhh" I let out a small cry of pain.

I am thrown to the ground by him, who increased his speed and threw himself at me, I remember the ring containing the electric baton, and when he mounts on top of me and was going to throw his claws at my face the baton appears in my hand and I place it on his chest.


He falls to his left side in pain, I don't let go of the stick and keep pressing down on him.

I kick him hard: "you filthy bastard!" I am very angry, not for him, but for underestimating my target and almost losing against him, an omega.

He goes back to his human face, I throw the baton aside and start and I was about to start punching his face when I feel big soft hands hold my waist and then I hear, "it's okay Allison, don't give in to anger over something small, control your breathing, you made a mistake, but it's by making mistakes that you learn."

I stand up and look at my boyfriend, who is holding his pistol in his right hand while pulling me to him with his left.

I hug him and soon he lets go of me, I speak, "I was an idiot, I thought that because he was an omega and so he was weak and crazy and his wolf instincts were controlling him, I thought it would be very easy to take care of him, I could be faster with the arrows and it wouldn't happen"

Dean: "it's okay, it was your first hunt and you will learn more from these little mistakes"

He kisses me on the forehead and looks at our target, and says: "now is the time for you to decide, he killed innocent people, do you want to kill him? Since it's your first time..." she interrupts me.

Allison: "I won't kill him, I'm not ready yet? sorry I'm weak and afraid to take another life" and I feel him hugging me close to him again.

And then he says: "close your eyes, love" and I follow his commands.




Allison slept in the passenger seat on the way, she is still a little shaken from witnessing a death, I'm glad I didn't let her see me burn his body.

For her first time, I think she did well... can you say: well? She did badly and was still attacked by him!

And I tell you, she was attacked but she thought fast and used the electric stick, if she was a normal hunter she would have hit the arrow in the target's head, but she is still a little afraid of taking another life.

And I have plans for that too, hunting a vampire... or hunting a supernatural being that just killed or fed, seeing innocent people dying will surely change her mind at that moment.

And she is much better than Kate 2.0, don't you think? I don't want her to turn into something she will regret later.

But her taking the teeth out of the target afterward was proof of her wanting to become a slayer.

Taking his teeth out? Didn't he return to human form?

After being killed the teeth can be forced out if you use a little Wolfsbane directly into the target's mouth.

He is an omega and his teeth aren't worth much, but it will be a trophy from her first hunt, everyone deserves a prize, right?

As I enter the town, Allison wakes up and looks at me, takes my hand, and says: "I promise that I will become a great hunter, one that will make the whole Winchester family proud in heaven!

I smile and can't help but tease her: "your serious expression is so cute!

She pouts and says, "you ruined my would-be mood!"

I am relieved that she is back to normal, I don't want this little hunt to affect her mind...there are very traumatic hunts in the future waiting for her.

When we arrive in front of her house, I see a blonde in front with Chris who is carrying bags.


I must confess that I was very sleepy when I did this, and it may contain some errors.

But now to talk about something with you, in the next days the updates may be smaller, I'll be busy with something.

and... I don't understand how a good fic has few numbers, while a fic that only has... "perverted" stuff gets a high number of hits...