Chapter 21: "Understanding Possession"

"What's wrong William?" asked Rose, " While I was fighting Lt Jack he rendered me unconscious but I was awoken by an intense power, I have never felt anything like it before, it was like my body was being taken over by this immense power, I tried to merge with it but I barely got a hold of it, with it I was able to defeat him but the power left me after a short time and I had control of myself again, what could it be?" asked William.

Zeph then said " it's called Spirit Possession, my dad use to tell me stories about it, I have used it a couple of times before, it's triggered by strong emotions or a near-death experience, but it has a time limit, I can go for one minute and thirty seconds with mine, I'm still trying to surpass that time," said Zeph

"It happened to me as well when I was fighting Lt Lynn, I didn't know what was happening but it felt familiar," said Rose, "so that time when you saved Rose and me from the Hunters you were using it?" asked William.

"Yes but I lost control of it that's why I passed out, these weapons are very powerful I have heard stories of them but I didn't really believe them until I experienced it for myself, it is also said that there are gods inside them, they are the source of the power," said Zeph," Is that so, well I would want to meet the god in mine," said William as he was looking at the sword.

"I remember when Joy took me to meet Beatrice the witch doctor and while I was there she told me that my Mace was very powerful and that a goddess was inside it, I was surprised, I asked her how did she know that she told me she could feel her energy," said Rose.

"That Beatrice is full of surprises, she knows a lot of things when it comes on to magic and mystical stuff," said William, "Hey Rose do you remember the time when you made that guy disappear, I think you were using possession without even knowing it," said William, "oh yeah I remember now, it felt very similar to that time but it didn't last long that time as it did with Lt Lynn," said Rose.

"Just be careful when using it, because if it takes full control of you your bodies, I think something really bad will happen," said Zeph "I Will," said Rose and William, "now I see why the others are searching for these weapons so badly," said William while he looked at his sword again, "we can't let them get their hands on them, no matter what, the things they could do with this power is unimaginable," said William.

"I'll never let anyone take this Mace from me," said Rose, "we have to get stronger to protect ourselves, these weapons, and everyone else," said William," It's a dangerous power but I think it can be mastered with training," said Zeph, "oh ok let's do some training after a decent amount of work has been done on the castle and its surroundings," said William, "oh okay," said Rose.

The person who William had asked to spy out the city for him before he had left his village came to give him a report, "My Prince," said Francis, "Francis what do you have for me?" said William, "when I had just arrived here I saw a girl clad in a black cloak with a symbol on it wandering around, so I tailed her until she left the city while outside of the city she met up with two other guys clad in the same cloak she had on, they were talking about something then she summoned a giant bird and they flew away," said Francis.

"What was she looking for?" asked Zeph "after they left I came back to the city and I went to all the places she had gone to and I inquired what she wanted, some were tight-lipped about it but it seems like she was just buying some supplies," said Francis,

"That's all, could you show me which direction they went in?" said Zeph, Francis then pointed in the direction that they flew off in, "we will catch up with them Zeph just be ready," said William "ok Francis thank you for that, you did a great job, I have one more task for you, could you go back the village and tell my mother that we are ok and that things are going good here, we will be back home soon," said William, "Yes my Prince," said Francis.

He then went on his way, Zeph said "I can't stay here, I have to find them, I have to find out where and who their leader is so I can avenge my family, he is the one who took them away from me."

"I understand Zeph but you can't just rush after them like that, it's reckless, it's best if we stick together," said William, "do you really understand what it's like to see your family slaughter before your eyes and you can't do anything to help them, I can't just sit around and do nothing," said Zeph.

"You can't take them on by yourself Zeph, let's do this together," said William. "yeah, I know but I have to try something it's better than just being here, just catch up to me when you're done here if you really want to help me," said Zeph as he was leaving, " Zeph, don't leave," said Rose.

Zeph grabbed his stuff and left the city.