Chapter 27: "Rose Meets The Goddess of Light"

As they made their way deeper into the forest Rose said, "okay this seems like a good place to start it's far enough away from the village, how do I access it Zeph?"

"Access what exactly?" Asked Evan, "I'll explain it to you in a minute Evan, close your eyes and concentrate on the first time you experienced possession, what triggered it, which feeling, focus on that feeling," said Zeph.

Rose with her eyes closed, her left hand over her heart and her right hand gripping the Mace, as she searched herself she found the drive she was looking for, she then saw a light ahead of her, she then started to make her way towards the light, as she got closer it got brighter and wider, it then engulf her.

"I have felt this Energy before but it's much more than the first time, it's so pure and powerful," said Rose she then started to lose consciousness as the power was overwhelming her, "no I can't pass out, not now, William needs my help and I'm the only one who can help him, I have to stay awake, I have too," said Rose.

A female voice then said, "do you think you are really worthy of this power? "who said that?" asked Rose, the voice then asked again "do you think you are worthy of this power?"

"Yes I am, with all my heart I know I am," said Rose.

The voice then said, "you speak from your heart, it's filled with love and your intentions are pure, you can use my power to save the one you love, by the way, my name is Theia, Mother of the Sun, goddess of Light, nice to meet you," said Theia.

Rose then regained consciousness and started to absorb the Light into her body she opened her eyes and they were glowing, she was even levitating, Rose thought to herself "she must be the goddess that lives in the Mace".

"Theia, Thank you for this power," said Rose in her heart.

"Zeph I think I did it," said Rose, Evan was astonished, such power, it's more amazing in person than how you were explaining it Zeph," said Evan, "yes you have merged with the energy, well done," said Zeph, "oh ok I have something I want to try out "Teleport," said Rose, she vanished from there sight, "where did she go?" asked Evan.

"Here I am," said Rose she had teleported behind them, she then teleported back to where she was and pointed the Mace out in front of her and said, "Light Blast," a beam of light shot from the Mace, and burned everything in its path, "it's much stronger than before," said Rose.

She then flew further up into the sky and said, "LightWave," a shockwave of light spread across the sky, she then teleported down to where they were standing, "I think you are getting a hang of it now, you are even close to surpassing my time limit, amazing!" said Zeph.

"I think I am reaching my limits now," said Rose, the power started to dissipate, "so your limit is one minute that's not bad for your first time," said Zeph. "the after- feeling isn't so pleasant on my body but I think I this can help, Recovery Light said Rose".

"I'm ready again this time I will try the Light Spell Beatrice showed me, "said Rose, Rose then had a flashback of her and Beatrice's conversation before she left for training, "this book of spells was given to me by my mother, it belonged to her mother and I'm handing it over to you, I know most of the spells in it but some of them I never got a chance to use and some I can't use but I believe a time is coming when you will need these spells to save yourself and many others," said Beatrice.

"Thank you, this is really a powerful book, I will learn as much as I can," said Rose.

"Good, there is a section here filled with Light Magic Spells, these light spells are ancient but are very powerful, this is the one that can help you break the curse on Prince William," said Beatrice.

Rose then gripped the Mace and tapped into possession again, "Zeph, Evan, this is going to be very bright so cover your eyes." said Rose as she levitates, she stretches out the Mace in front of her and said.

Back in William's sub-conscience, "why don't you just give up, give in let me consume you, if you don't let me take over you won't be able to leave this place, no one is coming to save you, you're all alone here," said the Puppet Spirit.

Breathing heavily William said, "I will never let you control me, my friends will find a way to save me and defeat you, I believe in them so until that time comes I will keep fighting," "foolish boy don't you see that you're efforts are futile, you can barely stand-up," said the Puppet Spirit.

William then took a defensive position and said, "I will fight until I'm no more, ill do everything I can just to keep you away from me."

"Pitiful human, die," said the Puppet Spirit as it attacks William.