Chapter 29: "Strength In Numbers"

"It's good to see you on your feet again William, I'm sorry I caused that to happen to you," said Zeph, "it's ok Zeph don't feel bad about it, I knew you would try and save me and you did, Rose you never cease to amaze me, that was a very powerful spell, Evan you have changed since we last saw each other, you've even gotten stronger," said William.

Rose blushes, "I'm just happy that you are ok, and that it is over and done with," said Rose, "yes I have been training a lot since you guys left, I want to be as strong as you, I'm relief that you are back with us, seeing you laying there unconscious wasn't a good sight at all bro," said Evan.

"That's good to know Evan, just keep pushing yourself you can get even stronger, by the way, how did we end up back home?" asked William, "that was my doing," said Rose, " you can do that, whoa! Rose you need to show me that," said William, " she as even gotten good at using possession," said Zeph.

"Now I need to catch up to you guys, I'm way behind," said William with a smile, "William, I noticed something about the spirit that tried to control you, it gave off the same ominous presence that I felt coming from King Naseem, the spirit also thanked Zeph and me for setting it free," said Rose.

"Is that so, the girl that placed the curse on me might have placed a curse on him as well, something really dark is going on here," said William.

"Anything is possible when it comes to those people if they can do things like that they shouldn't be taken lightly," said Zeph, "these people sound dangerous and evil," said Evan.

"We have to be extra careful when we encounter them, I still want to head over to the West Kingdom and get my sister and the other people they took from the Central Kingdom."

"So that's where Princess Deana is, I can't wait to see her again," said Joy, "yes I know, I can't wait to see what she looks like after we get back we should take King Naseem up on his offer by visit the East Kingdom and find out what's up with him," said William.

"Zeph, will you come with us?" asked Rose, "yeah," said Zeph, "so what about me, I want to come with you guys as well," said Evan.

"Who will protect the village when you are not here?" asked Joy, "let him go with them, we will be ok here just keep each other safe, there is strength in numbers," said Beatrice.

"Ok it's settled then Evan you're with us, we will leave in three days' time, there are a few things I want to take care of before we leave, Zeph can I talk to you outside for a bit I want your help with something," asked William, "yes, Finally!" said Evan.

While they were outside Francis had just arrived, "my Prince, I was worried I went in the direction that you and Rose went in after I saw a bright light but when I got there no one was there, so I went back to the city and you weren't there, I saw Thomas and he told me to check if you were here and here you are," said Francis.

"That's kind of you Francis, we ran into some difficulties but all is well now, how are things in the City?" asked William.

"The castle is almost complete, the people are working hard and Thomas is managing well," said Francis, "that's good to know when you get back to the castle tell Thomas that we are ok and everything is fine here, we will be back in about a weeks' time," said William, "oh ok my Prince I will," said Francis.

He then went his way, "who is that guy really?" asked Zeph.

"Oh that's Francis, Francis's father use to be a spy for the Central Kingdom and my Father but he was sent on a mission to the dark nation but he didn't return and when the kingdom was attacked Francis escaped as well but was sworn to secrecy about who I am, we grew up here in the village but after I found out that I was the Prince he asked if he could be my eyes and ears, a spy for the Central Kingdom like his dad," said William.

"He wants to follow in his father's footsteps I see, so what was it that you wanted me to help you with?" asked Zeph".

"Two things, my air attribute, and possession, I don't know many air-based attacks I have only used one so I want to learn some more, seeing that you are quite skilled with your air attribute and possession, I want to be able to use it at will," said William.

"Ok I can help you with that, when do you want to start?" asked Zeph, "first thing tomorrow morning," said William, " oh ok, we should get as much rest as possible today," said Zeph, "and Zeph?" said William" "yeah?" said Zeph.

"Don't worry you will catch the one who took your family away from you and I will definitely help you with that, we just need to get stronger so we can defeat him together," said William.

"Thank you," said Zeph.