Chapter 48: "The Will To Protect"

"What I do is for the ones I have lost because of someone else's selfish gains, defeating you and taking those weapons is my way of making that someone pay for what he did," said Shadow, "I will end that cycle of selfishness and hate right here," said William.

Shadow made his icemaker bigger than before and denser, "I don't know how you got out of your coffin but back in you go," said Shadow as he attacks William again," Iceberg: Ice Coffin," said Shadow as the ice was forming around William he then released a burst of energy that melted Shadow's attack.

William then speed stepped towards him and started attacking him as their swords clashed William's sword was breaking Shadow's IceMaker.

" This is heat, 'll just make it even stronger then," said Shadow as he poured more Dark Magic into his sword, "Ice Burn," said Shadow as he pushes William back," is William using a different power?" asked Evan.

"So it seems, he does seem different, upset," said Rose, Shadow then holds his sword horizontally before him, resting his left hand on the blade," the sooner I end this the better, King Darius is next," said Shadow.

His body started to resonate with Dark Energy, and snowflakes started to fall from the sky," snow?" asked Evan, over his left eye there appeared a black snowflake," Rising Glacier," said Shadow as he swings his sword upward in William's direction.

William points his sword out in front of him, and the fire then appeared on his blade, Evan, Rose, and Zeph were shocked," Flame Shot," said William, the fire clashed with Shadow's attack," so you have a third attribute, impressive," said Shadow," ill burn you from this place," said William.

"Earth Dome," said Blaine.

William then chopped his way out of it and speed stepped past Shadow and slashed Blaine across the torso, "Flame Slash."

"Blaine no!" shouted Shadow," another one of my friends," said Shadow as he attacks William intensely "Ice Burn," said Shadow, "Flame Slash," said William, both attacks canceling out each other," I need more power," said Shadow as he points his sword to the sky, dark clouds started to gather and the snow intensified.

A big white lion with a black snowflake in the middle of its forehead appeared and the black snowflake over Shadow's left eye increased in size.

The lion roared at William, and he was then frozen in ice, William then broke free and stabbed his sword into the ground," Eruption," said William, A fire erupted out of the earth and engulfed the lion but it was unharmed by William's attack, it shook of his flames."

You would have to do much better than that Prince," said Shadow, the lion then attacked William directly, he had to block it with his sword, both its huge paws were on the sword as William wrestled with it as it tried to bite William, "good boy, hold him steady Rising Glacier," Shadow froze his lion along with William in a huge glacier of ice.

"Let's go, Evan," said Rose." I'm coming William," said Zeph as he tried to stand up, finally, you have unlocked your flame attribute," said Yam," who said that?" asked William, "I'm Yam the god of the sea, that resides in your weapon, I have been waiting for you to get this strong, and now you are here," said Yam.

"So you have been here all this time!?" asked William, "yes now let me lend you some more of my power," said Yam, the glacier then lit up, "what is this bright light?" said Shadow, the entire glacier evaporated in an instant, William appeared with his eyes glowing and his sword on fire." he is using possession with his new attribute," said Zeph.

"What are you, why won't you just die?" asked Shadow as he was drawing more of his Dark Energy, another lion appeared an even larger one than before, it sprang at William," Flame Slash," said William, the beast was cut into two and it evaporated, as the attack made its way towards Shadow he tried to freeze it with his IceMaker.

"IceBerg: Ice Coffin," said Shadow but the fire was too intense for the ice to form," I won't lose here!, Chace, Malik, Blaine," shouted Shadow, the ice started to spread, trying to cover William's attack, William then stabbed his sword into the ground again." Your time here is done, Eruption," said William.