Chapter 51: "Bellquin"

"He looks like his father when he was his age," thought John to himself," "my Prince, thank you for saving me," said John while bowing down, "John, it's nice to officially meet you, that's ok I'm glad we came upon you the time we did, how did you end up out there and where have you been all these years," asked William.

"Oh ok let me start from the beginning, ten years ago before our kingdom was invaded your father had his suspicions so he asked me to go and spy out the land of Bellquin otherwise known as the Dark Nation, by the time I got there, I heard the horrible things that happen here, I was saddened by your mother and father's passing.

They said you were missing, probably buried under the rubble, I thought your sister was killed until I learned later on that she was alive and well in the West Kingdom, I was unsure of where Francis was because his mother lives in a neighboring village so somethings she would come to the city, but it was good to see that he is alive and well,

I had earned a place in Bellquin ranks they think I am a foreigner from Collins, so I worked my way up until I got close to the king, King Darius, he was impressed with me, and not long after I became his spy, going on missions to other nations, I tried to learn as much as I could I never lost sight of my main objective for my king, for my home.

I made a lot of friends in Bellquin and that's how I gathered all the information I needed, it's really a lovely place the only problem there is the King, he and his family hold a grudge against our kingdom, against King Nesbeth, it was his great-great-grandfather who was defeated by King Nesbeth and his friends,

So King Darius inherited the grudge and acted on it, the other family doesn't care about war or conquests they just want peace and prosperity.

Their monarchy system works differently the country has two ruling families and the rulership rotates between them so for example if King Darius is ruling and then he dies the kingship would fall to another member of the second family and if that person dies it would fall upon one of King Darius's children and so on and so forth

But he changed all of that by killing off all the members of the other family, so the rulership would always be within his family, the entire country lives in fear of him," said John.

"What's up with that guy, he is a monster," said William," some say he wasn't always like that, so I asked around and I found out that one night the king had a dream, he was visited by a powerful being, a god, he said, who told him of some ancient magic that would give him great power,

The being gave him a spell, so he consulted all of the high mages in the country about the spell only one was able to decipher the spell, Agatha was her name," said John, "That's Beatrice's friend," said William.

"The King had her work on the spell, It took about three years to decipher the spell, and to get it to work, it was a dimensional spell.

The King didn't wait, he asked her to activate the spell, she was hesitant at first, explaining to him how dangerous it was but the King being eager to see what power was in store for him, Agatha went ahead and started to cast the signs to activate the spell then a portal appeared,

The King was excited but the portal started to become unstable, something came through and went inside the King's body and Agatha got sucked into the portal as it was closing, so from that day the King was different, he became bitter and his grudge was at the forefront of his mind.

Two years later he came to the Central Kingdom talking about opening a trading system between our country and his but it was a trick he had sent a few members of the Dark-Hunters on a secret mission to attack the Kings of the East and West convoys as they were making their way back home from the trade meetings that were held in the Central Kingdom,

Agatha had a young apprentice by the name of Hex, she sealed something dark inside of the Kings and a few months later they attacked the Central Kingdom looking for the magical items King Darius desires them," said John.

"John this is a lot of useful information, it's very good work, my father would be very proud of you for what you have uncovered I guess it's up to us to fix this problem but we have had our suspicions about the King of the East and West being possessed,

As for the magical items we have three in our possession," said William, "We have met the Dark-Hunters, two of them are no more but the others won't be a problem to us anymore," said Zeph.

"They were sent here to get the other magical items, they were the ones who attacked me and left me for dead, King Darius had his suspicions about them betraying him so he sent me to check on them but I guess he was right," said John.

"We will fix things here, I have to get the Kings of the East and West back to normal, I heard that King Darius has three of the other magical items," said William, "yes he does, he is building a team made up of his knights but they are yet to harness the power of the weapons, oh there is one more thing,

There is someone else who is eligible to be the next ruler of Bellquin she is a distant cousin of both families but she is in hiding from King Darius, even though he doesn't regard her as a threat, "just be safe over there and don't worry we will be there soon, keep a close eye on her she will be the hope that the people of Bellquin are going to need," said William.