Chapter 6

When we started getting close it seemed hayley and taylor finally came to a decision. They turned around and started running in a different direction. The cars must have radioed some back up because in a few seconds a bunch more cars came and started shooting missiles.

While this was happening I heard more thumping. The fighting must've caused a lot of sound because a dust cloud was forming far away. Hayley and Taylor must've noticed because they started running in the opposite direction. The cars kept shooting at us though.

A kaiju roar reverberated through our surroundings. Finally close enough I could see the kaiju. It was a bone spur. It looked like a human with clubs as hands and glowing blue. It got close enough to the cars and stomped on one of them. The other cars pulled away and drove away from us leaving us against the kaiju.

Hayley and Taylor for some reason decided to turn around and throw a punch at it. The bone spur tanked it and threw one back. Before it hit I jumped on its arm. Hayley and Taylor had fallen back while I ran up its arm. The bone spur noticed me and shook its arm trying to throw me off. I had only used this kaiju for a day and fell off. I hit the ground with a dud and looked back up.

The kaiju was about to step on me when the jaeger hayley and taylor were controlling tackled it. I got back up and climbed onto the jaeger. The jaeger intercom sounded and said "Hey blitz hop in my hand" I didn't know why but I did. The bone spur had got up by now and was running towards us.

(when hayley and taylor are in the jaeger I'll call it atlas.)

Atlas threw me towards it. I crossed my hands in front of me because that was the only way for me to protect myself. "ACT LIKE YOUR DIVING" yelled atlas. I pointed my hands in front of me while the bone spur was charging. It was close to hitting me but I was moving too fast. I hit it in its chest but didn't go all the way through. I was stuck inside.

I started punching its insides, ripping out anything I could get my hands on. When I got near the other side I saw a small orb. Grabbing the orb I heard the kaiju scream. I ripped it out and it stopped glowing.I jumped through the other side while still holding the orb.

Behind me I saw the bone spur fall over, dead. I looked towards the atlas who had fallen on its but and saw Hayley running towards me. When she got near me she started asking questions. "Are you okay, what did you do to it, Is your yeager fine"

It's crazy how she was asking me this after throwing me inside of a kaiju. I didn't answer and instead put the small orb inside blitz. I grabbed Hayley and climbed back up onto the atlas. Hayley went back to Atlas and started talking to her brother, (taylor).

I disconnected from blitzs and climbed into the jaegers torso. I grabbed the orb I had brought in and it started glowing. I let go of it in case it was acidic and while it was in the air, it stopped but when it touched the floor, it started glowing again. I went over to where it fell and saw it start to melt into the jaeger.

I tried to pick it up but it had already fused with it. All of a sudden the inside of blitz starts to change. I ran to the head to try to jump out but it was too late. The last thing I saw was Atlas's head turning toward me while the Boy was staring at me wide eyed. After that I could only see black.

Around me it felt like I was being fused with something. I felt stronger, faster, I also felt heavier?

(Taylor POV)

We had just fought a bone spur when me and hayley heard Boy knocking on the window. We turned around to see blitz's jaeger glowing blue and blitz trying to run out. We grabbed his jaeger and set him on the ground. We hopped out atlas and tried to pry it open but we couldn't. We decided to watch him until he came out.

After about an 1 hour he started changing. The jaeger started changing. It grew claws and a mouth its feet started to turn more like a kaiju than a jaeger. It also grew eyes somehow. I told my sister and Boy to go back to Atlas just in case.

2 hours later it started to move.